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Cancel Method

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-13

Prepares and returns a CalendarMessage object for canceling a meeting. You can also remove specific attendees without canceling the entire meeting.

Applies To

IAppointment Interface

Type Library

Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Library

DLL Implemented In



Function Cancel(    [EmailList As String],
    [CleanupCalendar As Boolean],
    [UserName As String],
    [Password As String]) As ICalendarMessage
        BSTR EmailList,
        VARIANT_BOOL CleanupCalendar,
        BSTR UserName,
        BSTR Password,
        ICalendarMessage** pVal


  • EmailList
    The EmailList value is a single string of e-mail addresses of attendees, separated by commas. For example: ","
  • CleanupCalendar
    When TRUE, the meeting being canceled is deleted from the calendar folder. When FALSE, the meeting is marked canceled but is not actually deleted.
  • UserName
    The user name of the owner of the calendar.
  • Password
    The password of the owner of the calendar.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


You can only call this method if you have previously called the CreateRequest Method.

To cancel the appointment for all attendees, specify the EmailList value as an empty string (string = "").

The UserName and Password parameters are only required if you have not been authenticated as the calendar owner.

See Also

Other Resources

CalendarMessage CoClass