ReleaseUpdateDB60_Ledger Class [AX 2012]
The ReleaseUpdateDB60_Ledger class contains upgrade scripts for the general ledger module for the 6.0 version.
class ReleaseUpdateDB60_Ledger extends ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger
Run On
Method | Description | |
addCrossModuleDependency | Adds cross module, version dependency for an upgrade script. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addCrossVersionModuleDependency | Adds cross module, version dependency for an upgrade script. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addDependency | Adds a dependency of a method on another method in the same class. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addFinalJob | Adds an upgrade script as a final job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addSharedJob | Adds an upgrade script as a shared job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addStandardJob | Adds an upgrade script as a standard job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
addStartJob | Adds an upgrade script as a start job. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
allowDupAssetDepreciationZakat_SAAssetGr | ||
allowDupAssetParametersDeprRates_DEDateE | Updates the DateEffcIdx index in the AssetParametersDeprRates_DE table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupCFOPMatrix_BRCFOPMatrixIdx | Updates the index CFOPMatrixIdx in the table CFOPMatrix_BR to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupCFOPTable_BRCFOPIdx | Updates the index CFOPIdx in the table CFOPTable_BR to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupClaimPercentage_INRGRegisterDate | Updates the index RGRegisterDateIdx in the table ClaimPercentage_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupCustEinvoiceHeadereInvoiceIdx | Updates the eInvoiceIdx index in the CustEinvoiceHeader table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupCustEinvoiceIntegrationIntIdx | Updates the IntIdx index in the CustEinvoiceIntegration table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupCustEinvoiceIntegrationPaymModeC | Updates the TypeStatusFromIdx index in the CustEinvoiceIntegrationPaymModeChg table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupCustEinvoiceIntegrationTypeRefId | Updates the TypeRefIdx index in the CustEinvoiceIntegration table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupCustEinvoiceLineseInvoiceIdx | Updates the eInvoiceIdx index in the CustEinvoiceLines table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupCustomsComponentTaxCodes_INTaxCo | Updates the index TaxComponentTaxCodeIdx in the table CustomsComponentTaxCodes_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupCustomsInvRegJourTable_IN | Updates the index OrderIdInvoiceRegnIdx in the table CustomsInvoiceRegnJournalTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupDefermentSchedule_INTaxRegistrat | Updates the index TaxRegistrationNumberIdx in the table DefermentSchedule_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupDefermentScheduleTransLines_INEx | Updates the index ExtDueDatePeriodIdx in the table DefermentScheduleTransLines_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupDimensionAttributeSetHashIdx | Updates the index HashIdx in the table DimensionAttributeSet to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupDimensionAttributeVCHashIdx | Updates the index HashIdx in the table DimensionAttributeValueCombination to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupDimensionAttributeVGHashIdx | Updates the index HashIdx in the table DimensionAttributeValueGroup to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupDimensionAttributeVSHashIdx | Updates the index HashIdx in the table DimensionAttributeValueSet to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupDimensionFocusHierarchy | Updates the index FocusDimHierarchyIdx in the table DimensionFocusLedgerDimensionReference to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupDimFocusUnprocessedTrx | Updates the FocusDimensionHierarchyIdx index in the DimensionFocusUnprocessedTransactions table to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupDimMatrixLine_CNDimMtrxIdx | Updates the index DimensionMatrixTable_CNIdx in the table DimensionMatrixLine_CN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupExciseNumSequenceRef_INExciseNum | Updates the index ExciseNumRefIdx in the table ExciseNumSequenceRef_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximDBKValues_INTariffCodeIdx | Updates the index TariffCodeIdx in the table EximDBKValues_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximDEPBDetailsTable_INSchemesTa | Updates the index SchemesTableProductGroupIdx in the table EximDEPBDetailsTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximDEPBExportOrderTable_INSchem | Updates the index SchemeTableProductGroupIdx in the table EximDEPBExportOrderTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximDEPBScheduleTable_INProductG | Updates the index ProductGroupTableRecIdx in the table EximDEPBScheduleTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximEntitlementDetails_INSchemeL | Updates the index SchemeLineProductGroupIdx in the table EximEntitlementDetails_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximExportOrderTable_INAuthoriza | Updates the index AuthorizationShippingBillIdx in the table EximExportOrderTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximIncentiveSchemeData_INIncent | Updates the index IncentiveSchemeIdx in the table EximIncentiveSchemeData_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximSetOffRulesLine_INProductGro | Updates the index ProductGroupSetOffRulesIdx in the table EximSetOffRulesLine_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximSetOffRulesTable_INIncentive | Updates the index IncentiveSchemeDataIdx in the table EximSetOffRulesTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximSionTable_INProductGroupVali | Updates the index ProductGroupValidFromValidToIdx in the table EximSionTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupEximTaxTable_INIncentiveSchemeGr | Updates the index IncentiveSchemeTaxIdx in the table EximTaxTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupIncentiveSchemeData_IN | Updates the index IncentiveSchemeIdx in the table EximIncentiveSchemeData_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerAccountRestriction_CNAccou | Updates the index AccountRestrictionIdx in the table LedgerAccountRestriction_CN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerBadDebtAccounts_JPKey | Updates the index Key in the table HolidayCalendar_JP to not allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerBalanceControlMainAccountI | Updates the MainAccountIdx field in the LedgerBalanceControl table to enable for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerChartOfAccountsTreeLevel_C | Updates the index AccontTreeLevelIdx in the table LedgerChartOfAccountsTreeLevel_CN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerClosingTableShMnAcctIdx | Updates the ShMnAcctIdx index in the LedgerClosingTable table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerGDPdUFieldFieldNameIdx | Updates the FieldNameIdx value in the LedgerGDPdUField table to enable for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerGDPdUFieldLineNumIdx | Updates the LineNumIdx value in the LedgerGDPdUField table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerGDPdURelationRelationIdx | Updates the RelationIdx value in the LedgerGDPdURelation table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerGDPdUTableFileNameIdx | Updates the FileNameIdx value in the LedgerGDPdUTable table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerGDPdUTableSelectionDataSou | Updates the DataSourceIdx value in the LedgerGDPdUTableSelection table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerGDPdUTableTableIdx | Updates the TableIdx value in the LedgerGDPdUTable table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerLiquidityMainAccountIdx | Updates the MainAccountIdx record in the LedgerLiquidity table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerOpeningTable_ESShMnAcct | Updates the ShMnAcctIdx index in the LedgerOpeningTable_ES table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerPrintLayout_CNLayoutCodeGr | Updates the index LayoutCodeGroupIdx in the table LedgerPrintLayout_CN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerRelatedAccts_ESTypeACIdx | Updates the TypeACIdx index in the LedgerRelatedAccounts_ES table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerRRGAccountInterval_RU | Updates the index PrimatyIdx in the table LedgerRRGAccountInterval_RU to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgerTransSettlementTransRec | Updates the TransRecId index in the LedgerTransSettlement table to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupLedgrAllBasRuleSourBasisNumIdx | Updates the BasisNumIdx value in the LedgerAllocationBasisRuleSource table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupNumberPeriod_CNNumSeqPeriodIdx | Updates the index NumSeqPeriodIdx in the table NumberPeriod_CN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxBookSectionTaxBookIdx | Updates the TaxBookIdx value in the TaxBookSection table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxBookStatusTaxBookPeriodIdx | Updates the TaxBookPeriodIdx value in the TaxBookStatus table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxBookTaxCodesTaxBookCodesIdx | Updates the TaxBookCodesIdx value in the TaxBookTaxCodes table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxEdivatDetailDetailIdx | Updates the DetailIdx value in the TaxEdivatDetail table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxEdivatReturnedErrorsErrorIdx | Updates the ErrorIdx value in the TaxEdivatReturnedErrors table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxesMatrix_BRTaxesMatrixIdx | Updates the index TaxesMatrixIdx in the table TaxesMatrix_BR to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxExternalInvoiceExtern | Updates the index CustInvoiceJourIdx in the table TaxExternalInvoiceTable_CN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxIntervatDetailDetailIdx | Updates the DetailIdx value in the TaxIntervatDetail table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxIntraCommCorrection_NLKeyIdx | Updates the KeyIdx value in the TaxIntraCommCorrection_NL table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxIntraCommDelivery_NLKeyIdx | Updates the KeyIdx value in the TaxIntraCommDelivery_NL table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxLedgerAccounts_INLedgerAccoun | Updates the index GroupCodeNumTypeComponentIdx in the table TaxLedgerAccounts_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxLedgerAccountSetup_INLedgerAc | Updates the index GroupCodeNumIdx in the table TaxLedgerAccountSetup_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxPurchaseTaxValueDateEffcIdx | Updates the DateEffcIdx value in the TaxPurchaseTaxValue table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxRegistrationGroup_INTaxRegist | Updates the indexes TaxRegistrationGroupIdx in the table TaxRegistrationGroup_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxReport347AccountMainAccountId | Updates the MainAccountIdx index in the TaxReport347Account table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxReport347TenantsYrPropRefIdx | Updates the YrPropRefIdx value in the TaxReport347Tenants table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxReport347TransKeyIdx | Updates the KeyIdx index in the TaxReport347Trans table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxReportPeriod_INTaxReportPerio | Updates the indexes TaxReportPeriodIdx in the table TaxReportPeriod_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxSetOffRule_INCompanyTypeSetOf | Updates the indexes ComponentColumnIdx and ComponentTypeSetOffComponentTypeIdx in the table TaxSetOffRule_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxSetOffRule_INTaxComponentColu | Updates the indexes ComponentColumnIdx and ComponentTypeSetOffComponentTypeIdx in the table TaxSetOffRule_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxTurnOverLine_NLKeyIdx | Updates the KeyIdx value in the TaxTurnOverLine_NL table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdCertificate_IN | Updates the index CertificateNoIdx in the table TaxWithholdCertificate_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdCertificate_INCertifi | Updates the index CertificateNoIdx in the table TaxWithholdCertificate_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdCertificatesTable_IN | Updates the index ComponentGroupCertificateNumberIdx in the table TaxWithholdCertificatesTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdCertificatesTable_INC | Updates the index ComponentGroupCertificateNumberIdx in the table TaxWithholdCertificatesTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdComponentTable_IN | Updates the index TypeComponentGroupIdx in the table TaxWithholdComponentTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdComponentTable_INType | Updates the index TypeComponentGroupIdx in the table TaxWithholdComponentTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdFileHeader_INFileHead | Updates the index FileHeaderIdx in the table TaxWithholdFileHeader_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdOnItem_THTaxItemCodeI | Updates the TaxItemCodeIdx index in the TaxWithholdOnItem_TH table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdOnItem_THTaxItemGroup | Updates the TaxItemGroupIdx index in the TaxWithholdOnItem_TH table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdPeriods_IN | Updates the index TaxPeriodIdx in the table TaxWithholdPeriods_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdPeriods_INTaxPeriodId | Updates the index TaxPeriodIdx in the table TaxWithholdPeriods_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdReportingCodes_IN | Updates the index TypeComponentGroupIdx in the table TaxWithholdReportingCodes_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdReportingCodes_INType | Updates the index TypeComponentGroupIdx in the table TaxWithholdReportingCodes_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdReportPeriod_THTaxPer | Updates the TaxPeriodIdx index in the TaxWithholdReportPeriod_TH table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdReportSetup_THVendorT | Updates the VendorTypeItemGroupIdx index in the TaxWithholdReportSetup_TH table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdReportVoucher_THDateP | Updates the DatePeriodIdx index in the TaxWithholdReportVoucher_TH table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdSettledPeriods_INTaxP | Updates the index TaxPeriodIdx in the table TaxWithholdSettledPeriods_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxWithholdThresholdLimit_INTaxW | Updates the index TaxWithholdComponentTableIdx in the table TaxWithholdThresholdLimit_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowDupTaxYearlyComSetupExclude_ITExclu | Updates the ExcludeIdx index in the TaxYearlyComSetupExclude_IT table to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupAssetDepreciationZakat_SAAsset | ||
allowNoDupAssetParametersDeprRates_DEDat | Sets the DateEffcIdx index to a unique value. | |
allowNoDupCFOPMatrix_BRCFOPMatrixIdx | Updates the index CFOPMatrixIdx in the table CFOPMatrix_BR to not allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupCFOPTable_BRCFOPIdx | Updates the index CFOPIdx in the table CFOPTable_BR to not allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupClaimPercentage_INRGRegisterDa | Updates the index RGRegisterDateIdx in the table ClaimPercentage_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupCustEinvoiceHeadereInvoiceIdx | Updates the eInvoiceIdx index in the CustEinvoiceHeader table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupCustEinvoiceIntegrationIntIdx | Updates the IntIdx index in the CustEinvoiceIntegration table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupCustEinvoiceIntegrationPaymMod | Updates the TypeStatusFromIdx index in the CustEinvoiceIntegrationPaymModeChg table not to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupCustEinvoiceIntegrationTypeRef | Updates the TypeRefIdx index in the CustEinvoiceIntegration table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupCustEinvoiceLineseInvoiceIdx | Updates the eInvoiceIdx index in the CustEinvoiceLines table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupCustomsComponentTaxCodes_INTax | Updates the index TaxComponentTaxCodeIdx in the table CustomsComponentTaxCodes_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupCustomsInvRegJourTable_IN | Updates the index OrderIdInvoiceRegnIdx in the table CustomsInvoiceRegnJournalTable_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupDefermentSchedule_INTaxRegistr | Updates the index TaxRegistrationNumberIdx in the table DefermentSchedule_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupDefermentScheduleTransLines_IN | Updates the index ExtDueDatePeriodIdx in the table DefermentScheduleTransLines_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupDimensionAttributeSetHashIdx | Updates the index HashIdx in the table DimensionAttributeSet not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupDimensionAttributeVCHashIdx | Updates the index HashIdx in the table DimensionAttributeValueCombination not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupDimensionAttributeVGHashIdx | Updates the index HashIdx in the table DimensionAttributeValueGroup not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupDimensionAttributeVSHashIdx | Updates the index HashIdx in the table DimensionAttributeValueSet not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupDimensionFocusHierarchy | Updates the index FocusDimHierarchyIdx in the table DimensionFocusLedgerDimensionReference to not allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupDimFocusUnprocessedTrx | Updates the FocusDimensionHierarchyIdx index in the DimensionFocusUnprocessedTransactions table to not allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupDimMatrixLine_CNDimMtrxIdx | Updates the index DimensionMatrixTable_CNIdx in the table DimensionMatrixLine_CN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupExciseNumSequenceRef_INExciseN | Updates the index ExciseNumRefIdx in the table ExciseNumSequenceRef_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximDBKValues_INTariffCodeIdx | Updates the index TariffCodeIdx in the table EximDBKValues_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximDEPBDetailsTable_INSchemes | Updates the index SchemesTableProductGroupIdx in the table EximDEPBDetailsTable_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximDEPBExportOrderTable_INSch | Updates the index SchemeTableProductGroupIdx in the table EximDEPBExportOrderTable_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximDEPBScheduleTable_INProduc | Updates the index ProductGroupTableRecIdx in the table EximDEPBScheduleTable_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximEntitlementDetails_INSchem | Updates the index SchemeLineProductGroupIdx in the table EximEntitlementDetails_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximExportOrderTable_INAuthori | Updates the index AuthorizationShippingBillIdx in the table EximExportOrderTable_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximIncentiveSchemeData_INInce | Updates the index IncentiveSchemeIdx in the table EximIncentiveSchemeData_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximSetOffRulesLine_INProductG | Updates the index ProductGroupSetOffRulesIdx in the table EximSetOffRulesLine_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximSetOffRulesTable_INIncenti | Updates the index IncentiveSchemeDataIdx in the table EximSetOffRulesTable_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximSionTable_INProductGroupVa | Updates the index ProductGroupValidFromValidToIdx in the table EximSionTable_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupEximTaxTable_INIncentiveScheme | Updates the index IncentiveSchemeTaxIdx in the table EximTaxTable_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupIncentiveSchemeData_IN | Updates the index IncentiveSchemeIdx in the table EximIncentiveSchemeData_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerAccountRestriction_CNAcc | Updates the index AccountRestrictionIdx in the table LedgerAccountRestriction_CN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerBadDebtAccounts_JPKey | Updates the index Key in the table HolidayCalendar_JP to not allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerBalanceControlMainAccoun | Updates the MainAccountIdx field in the LedgerBalanceControl table to disallow any duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerChartOfAccountsTreeLevel | Updates the index AccontTreeLevelIdx in the table LedgerChartOfAccountsTreeLevel_CN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerClosingTableShMnAcctIdx | Updates the ShMnAcctIdx index in the LedgerClosingTable table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerGDPdUFieldFieldNameIdx | Updates the FieldNameIdx value in the LedgerGDPdUField table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerGDPdUFieldLineNumIdx | Updates the LineNumIdx value in the LedgerGDPdUField table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerGDPdURelationRelationIdx | Updates the RelationIdx value in the LedgerGDPdURelation table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerGDPdUTableFileNameIdx | Updates the FileNameIdx value in the LedgerGDPdUTable table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerGDPdUTableSelectionDataS | Updates the DataSourceIdx value in the LedgerGDPdUTableSelection table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerGDPdUTableTableIdx | Updates the TableIdx value in the LedgerGDPdUTable table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerLiquidityMainAccountIdx | Updates the MainAccountIdx record in the LedgerLiquidity table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerOpeningTable_ESShMnAc | Updates the ShMnAcctIdx index in the LedgerOpeningTable_ES table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerPrintLayout_CNLayoutCode | Updates the index LayoutCodeGroupIdx in the table LedgerPrintLayout_CN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerPrintLayoutGroup_CN | Updates the index GroupIdIdx in the table LedgerPrintLayoutGroup_CN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerRelatedAccts_ESTypeACIdx | Updates the TypeACIdx index in the LedgerRelatedAccounts_ES table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerRRGAccountInterval_RU | Updates the index PrimatyIdx in the table LedgerRRGAccountInterval_RU to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerTransSettlementTransRec | Updates the TransRecId index in the LedgerTransSettlement table to not allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgerVoucherType_CN | Updates the index VoucherTypeIdIdx in the table LedgerVoucherType_CN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupLedgrAllBasRuleSourBasisNumIdx | Updates the BasisNumIdx value in the LedgerAllocationBasisRuleSource table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupNumberPeriod_CNNumSeqPeriodIdx | Updates the index NumSeqPeriodIdx in the table NumberPeriod_CN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxBookSectionTaxBookIdx | Updates the TaxBookIdx value in the TaxBookSection table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxBookStatusTaxBookPeriodIdx | Updates the TaxBookPeriodIdx value in the TaxBookStatus table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxBookTaxCodesTaxBookCodesIdx | Updates the TaxBookCodesIdx value in the TaxBookTaxCodes table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxEdivatDetailDetailIdx | Updates the DetailIdx value in the TaxEdivatDetail table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxEdivatReturnedErrorsErrIdx | Updates the ErrorIdx value in the TaxEdivatReturnedErrors table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxExternalSalesInvoiceExtern | Updates the index ExternalCustInvoiceJourIdx in the table TaxExternalInvoiceTable_CN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxIntervatDetailDetailIdx | Updates the DetailIdx value in the TaxIntervatDetail table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxIntraCommCorrection_NLKeyId | Updates the KeyIdx value in the TaxIntraCommCorrection_NL table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxIntraCommDelivery_NLKeyIdx | Updates the KeyIdx value in the TaxIntraCommDelivery_NL table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxLedgerAccounts_INLedgerAcco | Updates the index GroupCodeNumTypeComponentIdx in the table TaxLedgerAccounts_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxLedgerAccountSetup_INLedger | Updates the index GroupCodeNumIdx in the table TaxLedgerAccountSetup_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxPurchaseTaxValueDateEffcIdx | This method will set the DateEffcIdx field to have unique values. Additionally, the date effective functionality will be enabled for this index. | |
allowNoDupTaxRegistrationGroup_INTaxRegi | Updates the indexes TaxRegistrationGroupIdx in the table TaxRegistrationGroup_IN to not allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxReport347AccountMainAccount | Updates the MainAccountIdx index in the TaxReport347Account table not to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxReport347TenantsYrPrRefIdx | Updates the YrPropRefIdx value in the TaxReport347Tenants table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxReport347TransKeyIdx | Updates the KeyIdx index in the TaxReport347Trans table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxReportPeriod_INTaxReport | Updates the indexes TaxReportPeriodIdx in the table TaxReportPeriod_IN to not allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxSetOffRuleCompColumnIdx_IN | Updates the indexes ComponentColumnIdx and ComponentTypeSetOffComponentTypeIdx in the table TaxSetOffRule_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxTurnOverLine_NLKeyIdx | Updates the KeyIdx value in the TaxTurnOverLine_NL table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdCertificate_IN | Updates the index CertificateNoIdx in the table TaxWithholdCertificate_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdCertificate_INCerti | Updates the index CertificateNoIdx in the table TaxWithholdCertificate_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdCertTable_IN | Updates the index ComponentGroupCertificateNumberIdx in the table TaxWithholdCertificatesTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdComponentTable_IN | Updates the index TypeComponentGroupIdx in the table TaxWithholdComponentTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdComponentTable_INTy | Updates the index TypeComponentGroupIdx in the table TaxWithholdComponentTable_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdFileHeader_INFileHe | Updates the index FileHeaderIdx in the table TaxWithholdFileHeader_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdOnItem_TH_TaxItemCo | Updates the TaxItemCodeIdx index in the TaxWithholdOnItem_TH table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdOnItem_TH_TaxItemGr | Updates the TaxItemGroupIdx index in the TaxWithholdOnItem_TH table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdPeriods_IN | Updates the index TaxPeriodIdx in the table TaxWithholdPeriods_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdPeriods_INTaxPeriod | Updates the index TaxPeriodIdx in the table TaxWithholdPeriods_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdReportingCodes_IN | Updates the index TypeComponentGroupIdx in the table TaxWithholdReportingCodes_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdReportingCodes_INTy | Updates the index TypeComponentGroupIdx in the table TaxWithholdReportingCodes_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdReportPeriod_THTaxP | Updates the TaxPeriodIdx index in the TaxWithholdReportPeriod_TH table not to allow for duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdReportSetup_THVendo | Updates the VendorTypeItemGroupIdx index in the TaxWithholdReportSetup_TH table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdReportVoucher_THDat | Updates the DatePeriodIdx index in the TaxWithholdReportVoucher_TH table to disallow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdSettledPeriods_INTa | Updates the index TaxPeriodIdx in the table TaxWithholdSettledPeriods_IN to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxWithholdThresholdLimit_INTa | Updates the index TaxWithholdComponentTableIdx in the table TaxWithholdThresholdLimit_IN not to allow duplicate records. | |
allowNoDupTaxYearlyComSetupExclude_ITExc | Updates the ExcludeIdx index in the TaxYearlyComSetupExclude_IT table not to allow for duplicate records. | |
callInsertUpdateRelatedSkipMethods | Calls the skip methods that are relevant when doing inserts or updates. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
cancelTimeOut | Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
createFTICFOPMatrix_BR | Creates user selected records as FTI in CFOPMatrix_BR | |
createGeneralJournalAccountEntry_W | Migrates country specific fields from GeneralJournalEntry table to GeneralJournalEntry_W table | |
createGeneralJournalEntry_W | Migrates country specific fields from GeneralJournalEntry table to GeneralJournalEntry_W table | |
createISOCurrencyCodes | Inserts default ISO Currency Codes into the ISOCurrencyCode table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
createLedgerGainLossAccountForLedger | Creates the LedgerGainLossAccount records for the ledger. | |
createLedgerJournalTable_W | Migrates country specific fields from LedgerJournalTable table to LedgerJournalTable_W table | |
createLedgerJournalTrans_Asset | Inserts records into the new LedgerJournalTrans_Asset table from the LedgerJournalTrans table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
createLedgerJournalTrans_Proj | Inserts records into the new LedgerJournalTrans_Project table from the LedgerJournalTrans table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
createLedgerJournalTrans_RAsset | Inserts records into the new LedgerJournalTrans_RAsset table from the LedgerJournalTrans table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
createLedgerJournalTrans_RCash | Inserts records into the new LedgerJournalTrans_RAsset table from the LedgerJournalTrans table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
createLedgerJournalTrans_RDeferrals | Inserts records into the new createLedgerJournalTrans_RDeferrals table from the LedgerJournalTrans table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
createLedgerJrnlTransVchrTempl | (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
createProdReceiptFinalizationBatchJob | Creates a batch job for periodic journalization for finalized product receipts. | |
createRTSLGeneralJournalEntry | Migrates country specific fields from GeneralJournalEntry table to RTSLGeneralJournalEntry table | |
createSubLedgerJournalTransferBatchJob | Creates a batch job for periodic transfer of subledger journal entries. | |
createSubLedgerJournalTransferRule | Creates company subledger journal transfer rules on upgrades. | |
createTaxExchRateForLedgerJournalTrans | Creates the SalesTaxTransactionExchangeRate record for LedgerJournalTrans. | |
createTaxExchRateFromTaxWorkRegulation | Creates the SalesTaxTransactionExchangeRate record. | |
createTaxJournalTransExchangeRateAmount | Creates the TaxJournalTransExchangeRateAmount record. | |
createTaxTrans_BR | Migrates Brazil country specific fields from TaxTrans table to TaxTrans_BR table | |
createTaxTrans_RU | Migrates Russia country specific fields from TaxTrans table to TaxTrans_RU table | |
createTaxTrans_W | Migrates country specific fields from TaxTrans table to TaxTrans_W table | |
deleteCustVendTransAging | Adds the CustVendTransAging table to the list of exceptions during upgrade bulk copy operation so it is not copied from the source system. | |
deleteDimFocusLedgerDimensionReference | Truncates the table DimensionFocusLedgerDimensionReference. | |
deleteDupDimFocusUnprocessedTrx | Deletes records with duplicate FocusDimensionHierarchy, State, GeneralJournalEntry field values from the DimensionFocusUnprocessedTransactions table. | |
deleteDuplicatesCFOPTable_BR | Removes the duplicated CFOP Id records. | |
deleteDupTaxRegistrationGroup_IN | Deletes potential duplicates violating the new unique index. | |
deleteLedgerAllocationTmpSource | Adds the LedgerAllocationTmpSource table to the list of exceptions during upgrade bulk copy operation so it is not copied from the source system. | |
deleteLedgerTransSettlementDuplicates | Deletes records with duplicate TransRecId field values from the LedgerTransSettlement table. | |
deleteProfitTaxDeferralsSeq_RU | Removes the sequences from RTax25StdSeq table with Proft tax module type and Deferrals channgel type. | |
disableLedgerCovAccountDateIdx | Disables the AccountDateIdx index in the LedgerCov table. | |
enableLedgerCovAccountDateIdx | Enables the AccountDateIdx index in the LedgerCov table. | |
equal | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from Object.) | |
fromVersion | Gets the version of the Microsoft Dynamics AX system that is being upgraded. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
fromVersionEx | Gets the version of the AX system that is being upgraded. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
getHashContainerFromInts | Returns a 160 bit hash in a container by merging five separate 32-bit integer fields. | |
getTimeOutTimerHandle | Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
handle | Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
initAdditionalJobs | Contains the initial setup for additional upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initAdditionalUpdateJobs | Contains the initial setup for additional upgrade scripts. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initDynamicTableDependencies | Creates table dependencies for scripts whose dependencies cannot be set by using upgrade attributes. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initJobs | Builds list upgrade script classes and creates dependencies that are based on their attributes. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initJobsUsingUpgradeAttributes | Creates upgrade jobs and sets up their dependencies based on the attributes of every upgrade script method in a class. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initOperationProgress | Creates a progress form that can be used to show the progress of an upgrade step. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
initPostSyncJobs | Contains the initial setup for the post synchronization upgrade scripts. (Overrides the initPostSyncJobs Method.) | |
initPostSyncUpdateJobs | Contains the initial setup for the PostSyncUpdate upgrade scripts. (Overrides the initPostSyncUpdateJobs Method.) | |
initPreSyncJobs | Contains the initial setup for the pre synchronization upgrade scripts. (Overrides the initPreSyncJobs Method.) | |
initPreSyncUpdateJobs | Contains the initial setup for PreSyncUpdate upgrade scripts. (Overrides the initPreSyncUpdateJobs Method.) | |
isConfKeyEnabledInPrevVersion | Determines whether the configuration key was enabled in the earlier version of the application. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
moduleName | Gets the module name of an upgrade class. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB401_Ledger.) | |
new | Initializes a new instance of the Object class. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notify | Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notifyAll | Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
objectOnServer | Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.) | |
owner | Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
parmCockpit | Gets or sets the Cockpit parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
parmCurrentBatch | Gets or sets the CurrentBatch parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
parmScriptStage | Gets or sets the ScriptStage parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
prefixCurrentClassId | Gets or sets the classId parameter. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
prefixCurrentVersion | Gets or sets the version of the current instance of an upgrade class. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
run | Runs the upgrade script. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
setImportfromVersion | Sets the version of the Microsoft Dynamics AX system that is being upgraded. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
setModuleConfigKey | Sets the configuration keys of the current module. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
setTimeOut | Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
tableProgress | Sets the progress of the upgrade process, depending on the number of tables processed. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
toString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
updateAdjustmentAmounts_IN | Updates the AdjustmentAmounts_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN and TaxComponentTable_IN are now stored in place of TaxRegistrationNumber and TaxComponent. | |
updateAdvanceAdjParametersDimensions_RU | Updates ledger dimension fields in the AdvanceAdjustmentParameters_W table with value convenrted from obsolete ledger account fields. | |
updateAmountDiffParametersDimensions_RU | Updates ledger dimension fields in the DEL_AmountDiffParameters_RU table with value convenrted from obsolete ledger account fields of this obsolete table. | |
updateAssetParametersDeprRates | Updates the AssetParametersDeprRates_DE table to have the correct key value of the LedgerParameters table. | |
updateAssetTransTypeJournal_IN | Update the value for AssetTransType field in InventJournalTrans table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateBaseEnumType | Updates the installation specified IDs in the DimensionAttributeSet table. | |
updateBudgetControlSQLStoredProcedures | Updates Budget Control SQL stored procedures. | |
updateBudgetGroupLedgerDimension | Updates the BudgetGroupLedgerDimension table by setting the PrimaryLedger value to the PrimaryLedger value from the BudgetControlConfiguration table. | |
updateBudgetParameters | Updates the BudgetParameters table by setting the CashFlowForecastPeriodAllocationKey value to be that of the removed BudgetSettle value from the LedgerParameters table. | |
updateCFOPMatrix_BR | Updates CFOPTable_BR and CFOPGroup_BR fields from CFOPMatrix_BR table. | |
updateCFOPTable_BR | Updates Direction and CustVendLocation fields of CFOPTable_BR. | |
updateCityElectronicFiscalDocument_BR | Creates records in EFDocumentCity_BR table | |
updateCityWhereServicePerformed_BR | Updates the LogisticsAddressCityCityServiceTax field of table FiscalDocument_BR based in information shown in table CustInvoiceJour | |
updateClaimPercentage_IN | Updates the ClaimPercentage_IN table.The RecIds of TaxComponent table are now stored in place of Component values Date effectivity done. | |
updateCompanyInfo | Updates the IsConsolidationCompany and IsEliminationCompanyfields of the CompanyInfo table. | |
updateComponentAdjustment_IN | Update the value for TaxComponentTable field in ComponentAdjustment_IN table. | |
updateComponentTransactions_IN | Update the value for TaxComponentTable field in ComponentTransactions_IN table. | |
updateCurrency | ||
updateCurrencyFactor_RU | Updates fields on the CurrencyFactor_RU tables with value convenrted from obsolete fields of Currency table. | |
updateCustomsComponentTaxCodes_IN | Updates the CustomsComponentTaxCodes_IN table.The Rec Id of Tax component table is now stored in place of Tax component value. | |
updateCustomsDirection | Updates customs direction. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateCustomsInquiryTable_IN | Update the value for IECTaxRegistrationNumberTable, FieldName field in CustomsInquiryTable_IN table. | |
updateCustomsInvRegJourTable_IN | Updates the CustomsInvoiceRegnJournalTable_IN table.The Rec Id of CustomsImportInvoiceNumberTable_IN is now stored in place of ImporterInvoiceNumber value. | |
updateCustomsShippingBillJour_IN | Update the value for CustomsShippingBillNumberTable field in CustomsShippingBillJour_IN table. | |
updateCustomsTotal_IN | Update the value for TaxComponentTable field in CustomsTotal_IN table. | |
updateCustomsVendBOEJour_IN | Update the value for CustomsBillOfEntryNumberTable, CustomsImportInvoiceNumberTable field in CustomsVendBOEJour_IN table. | |
updateCustVendEmplLedgerAccounts_RU | Updates the DimensionHierarchyfields of the CustLedgerAccounts, VendLedgerAccounts and EmplLedgerAccounts tables. | |
updateDateEffectivityFields | Creates the custom mapping for new date effective framework-based columns. | |
updateDateTimeFields | (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateDateTimeFields_BR | Updates date fields to the date and time format. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateDateTimeFields_IN | Updates the ClaimPercentage_IN table.The ValidFrom and ValidTo fields updated with del_FromDate and del_ToDate. | |
updateDateTimeFields_MX | Updates date fields to the date and time format. | |
updateDateTimeFields_RU | Updates date fields to the date and time format. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateDefermentSchedule_IN | Updates the DefermentSchedule_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN are now stored in place of RegistrationNumber. | |
updateDefermentScheduleTrans_IN | Updates the DefermentScheduleTrans_IN and DefermentScheduleTransLines_INtable. | |
updateDimAttrValueLedgerOverridePostSync | Minor version upgrade to migrate the DimensionAttrValueCOAOverride records to the DimensionAttrValueLedgerOverride table where necessary. | |
updateDimensionAttribute | Updates the DimensionAttribute records. | |
updateDimensionAttributeSet | Updates the DimensionAttributeSet records to migrate the five int32 based hash fields into a container field. | |
updateDimensionAttributeTranslation | The updateDimensionAttributeTranslation method is obsolete, use updateDimensionAttributeTranslationView method instead from ReleaseUpdateDB60_LedgerMinor class. | |
updateDimensionAttributeTranslationView | Updates the DimensionAttribute records by setting the translation field values. | |
updateDimensionAttributeValueCombination | Updates the DimensionAttributeValueCombination records to migrate the five 32-bit integers that are based on hash fields into a container field. | |
updateDimensionAttributeValueGroup | Updates the DimensionAttributeValueGroup records to migrate the five 32-bit integers that are based on hash fields into a container field. | |
updateDimensionAttributeValueSet | Updates the DimensionAttributeValueSet records to migrate the five 32-bit integers that are based on hash fields into a container field. | |
updateDimensionAttrValueCOAOverride | Creates DimensionAttrValueCOAOverride records for the DimensionAttrValueLedgerOverride records that have company-specific information. | |
updateDimensionAttrValueLedgerOverride | Creates DimensionAttrValueLedgerOverride records for DimensionAttributeValue records that have company-specific information. | |
updateDimensionMatrixLine_CN | Updates the DimensionValue fields of the DimensionMatrixLine_CN table. | |
updateEFDocCorrectionLetter_BR | Updates FiscalDocument_BR field of EFDocCorrectionLetter_BR table. | |
updateEFDocumentMessageType_BR | Updates MessageType field of EFDocument_BR table. | |
updateEnableReverseCharge_UK | Sets the new reverseChargeParameters_UK.RCEnabled field to true if reverse charge was previously configured. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateExciseDSARegister_IN | Updates the ExciseDSARegister_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN are now stored in place of ECCNumber. | |
updateExciseInquiryTable_IN | Updates the ExciseInquiryTable_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN is now now stored in place of TaxRegistrationNumber. | |
updateExciseNumberSeqReference_IN | Updates the ExciseNumSequenceRef_IN table.The Rec Ids of Tax registration number table and Number sequence table are now stored in place of Registration number and number sequence values. | |
updateExcisePayableRegister_IN | Updates the ExcisePayableRegister_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN,TaxComponentTable_IN, TaxLedgerAccountGroup_IN are now stored in place of ECCNumber, TaxComponent and TaxAccountGroup. | |
updateExcisePLARegister_IN | Updates the ExcisePLARegister_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN and TaxComponentTable_IN are now stored in place of ECCNumber and TaxComponent. | |
updateExciseRegisterBalanceInquiry_IN | Updates the ExciseRegisterBalanceInquiry_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN is now now stored in place of TaxRegistrationNumber. | |
updateExciseRegistersInquiryTable_IN | Updates the ExciseRegistersInquiryTable_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN table is now stored in place of ECCNumber. Also the field FieldId is replaced by new field -FieldName. | |
updateExciseRG23AIRegister_IN | Updates the ExciseRG23AIRegister_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN are now stored in place of ECCNumber. | |
updateExciseRG23ARegister_IN | Updates the ExciseRG23ARegister_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN and TaxComponentTable_IN are now stored in place of ECCNumber and TaxComponent. | |
updateExciseRG23CIRegister_IN | Updates the ExciseRG23CIRegister_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN are now stored in place of ECCNumber. | |
updateExciseRG23CRegister_IN | Updates the ExciseRG23CRegister_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN and TaxComponentTable_IN are now stored in place of ECCNumber and TaxComponent. | |
updateExciseRG23DRegister_IN | Updates the ExciseRG23DRegister_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN and TaxComponentTable_IN are now stored in place of ECCNumber and TaxComponent. | |
updateExciseTaxTotal_IN | Update the value for TaxComponentTable field in ExciseTaxTotal_IN table. | |
updateExciseType_IN | Updates the SalesLine table ExciseType_IN field.Updates the CustInvoiceLine table ExciseType_IN field.Updates the CustInvoiceTrans table ExciseType_IN field.Updates the SalesQuotationLine table ExciseType_IN field.Updates the CustQuotationTrans table ExciseType_IN field.Updates the PurchRfqLine table ExciseType_IN field.Updates the PurchReqLine table ExciseType_IN field.Updates the PurchLine table ExciseType_IN field. | |
updateEximAuthorizationSchemesLine_IN | Updates the EximAuthorizationSchemesLine_IN table.The Rec Id of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN and TaxLedgerAccountGroup_IN tables are now stored in place of IECNumber and TaxAccountGroup values. | |
updateEximAuthorizationSchemesTable_IN | Updates the EximAuthorizationSchemesTable_IN table.The Rec Id of EximProductGroupTable_IN and EximPorts_IN tables are now stored in place of ProductGroup and PortId values. | |
updateEximCustConfirmTrans_IN | Updates the EximCustConfirmTrans_IN table.The RecId of EximPorts_IN,EximProductGroupTable_IN are now stored in place of PortId, ProductGroup. | |
updateEximDBKSchemesLine_IN | Updates the EximDBKSchemesLine_IN table.The RecIds of DimensionAttributeValueSet is now stored in place of Dimension. | |
updateEximDBKSchemesTable_IN | Updates the EximDBKSchemesTable_IN table.The RecIds of DimensionAttributeValueCombination is now stored in place of ReceivableAccount.The RecIds of EximPorts_IN is now stored in place of PortId. | |
updateEximDEPBDetailsTable_IN | Updates the EximDEPBDetailsTable_IN table.The RecIds of EximProductGroup_IN table is now stored in place of ProductGroup value. | |
updateEximDEPBExportOrderTable_IN | Updates the EximDEPBExportOrderTable_IN table.The RecIds of EximProductGroup_IN table is now stored in place of ProductGroup value. | |
updateEximDEPBScheduleTable_IN | Updates the EximDEPBScheduleTable_IN table.The Date effectivity implemented. So ValidFrom and ValidTo fields with blank values are updated to MinValue and MaxValue. | |
updateEximDEPBSchemesLine_IN | Updates the EximDEPBSchemesLine_IN table.The Rec Ids of Tax registration number table and Tax ledger account group tables are now stored in place of Registration number and Tax ledgerAccountGroup values. | |
updateEximDEPBSchemesTable_IN | Updates the EximDEPBSchemesTable_IN table.The Rec Id of EximPorts_IN table is now stored in place of PortId values. | |
updateEximEntitlementDetails_IN | Updates the EximEntitlementDetails_IN table.The RecIds of EximProductGroup_IN table is now stored in place of ProductGroup value. | |
updateEximEPCGSchemeTable_IN | Updates the EximEPCGSchemeTable_IN table.The RecIds of EximPorts_IN table are now stored in place of EximPortId values. | |
updateEximExportOrderTable_IN | Updates the EximExportOrderTable_IN table.The RecId of CustomsShippingBillNumberTable_IN is now stored in place of ShippingBillNumber. | |
updateEximIncentiveSchemeData_IN | Updates the EximIncentiveSchemeData_IN table.The Rec Id of EximProductGroupTable_IN and EximIncentiveSchemeGroup_IN tables are now stored in place of ProductGroup and IncentiveSchemeGroup values. | |
updateEximIncentiveSchemeGroup_IN | Updates the EximIncentiveSchemeGroup_IN table.The Rec Id of EximPorts_IN table is now stored in place of PortId values. | |
updateEximParameters_IN | Updates the EximParameters_IN table.The RecIds of DimensionAttributeValueCombination table are now stored in place of accounts values. | |
updateEximSetOffRulesLine_IN | Updates the EximSetOffRulesLine_IN table.The RecId of EximProductGroupTable table is now stored in place of ProductGroup value. | |
updateEximSetOffRulesTable_IN | Updates the EximSetOffRulesTable_IN table.The RecId of EximDEPBSchemesTable_IN table is now stored in place of SchemeId value. | |
updateEximSionTable_IN | Updates the EximSionTable_IN table.The RecIds of EximProductGroup_IN table is now stored in place of ProductGroup values and also Date effectivity implemented. | |
updateEximTaxDetails_IN | Updates the EximTaxDetails_IN table.The RecId of TaxComponentTable_INis now stored in place of TaxComponent.AccountNum, OffsetAccountNumand Dimension are replaced by the RecId of DimensionAttributeValueCombination. | |
updateEximTaxTable_IN | Updates the EximTaxTable_IN table.The RecId of EximIncentiveSchemeGroup_IN, TaxComponentTable_IN is now stored in place of EximIncentiveSchemeGroup and TaxComponentTable. | |
updateEximVendBOETrans_IN | Updates the EximVendBOETrans_IN table.The RecId of EximIncentiveSchemeGroup_IN, EximPorts_IN,EximProductGroupTable_IN are now stored in place of IncentiveSchemeGroup, PortId, ProductGroup. | |
updateEximVendInvoiceTrans_IN | Updates the EximVendInvoiceTrans_IN table.The RecId of EximIncentiveSchemeGroup_IN, EximPorts_IN,EximProductGroupTable_IN are now stored in place of IncentiveSchemeGroup, PortId, ProductGroup. | |
updateFederalElectronicFiscalDocument_BR | Updates EFDocument_BR table records | |
updateFiscalCalendarPeriod_CN | The method is used to update field PeriodName in table FiscalCalendarPeriod for GDL China | |
updateFiscalDocFormat_BR | Updates FiscalDocument_BR table with FiscalDocumentFormat_BR table reference | |
updateFiscalDocumentTypeModel_BR | Updates FiscalDocumentModel field of FiscalDocumentType_BR table. | |
updateGDL_AssetDepZakat_SA_Records | ||
updateGDL_AssetMaximumRelation | Updates the MaxRelationRBFactor column with the DEL_MaxRelationRB_SL value of the AssetParametersDeprRates_DE table. | |
updateGDL_BE_EDT_Records | Updates the replacement key column in the foreign tables with the value from the RecId field of the primary table. | |
updateGDL_CN_AccountTreeStructure | The method is used to update table data for CN feature Account Tree Structure. | |
updateGDL_CN_CopyReverseVoucher | Updates the columns for Copy/Reverse voucher. | |
updateGDL_CN_EDT_Records | Updates the columns based on EDT relations with recId based columns. | |
updateGDL_CN_GBTMappingFields | This method will create custom mapping for GB/T sequence field base type change. | |
updateGDL_CN_GBTParameters | Updates the GBTParameters_CN table by setting the GBTDefaultPath to that of the removed GBTDefaultPath_CN value from the LedgerParameters table, setting the GBTSchemaPath to that of the removed GBTSchemaPath_CN value from the LedgerParameters table. | |
updateGDL_GJAccountEntryZak_SA_Records | ||
updateGDL_IT_EDT_Records | Updates the replacement key column in the foreign tables to the value from the RecId field of the primary table. | |
updateGDL_JP_MappingFields | Add special field mapping for Tax Reporting Tables. | |
updateGDL_LedgerGDPdU_EDTRecord | Updates the replacement key column in the foreign tables to the value from the RecId field of the primary table. | |
updateGDL_LedgerInfoZakat_SA_Records | ||
updateGDL_LedgParameters_SA_Records | ||
updateGDL_LJTransZakat_SA_Records | ||
updateGDL_NL_EDT_Records | Updates the replacement key column in the foreign tables with the value from the RecId field of the primary table. | |
updateGDL_NO_EDTRecords | Updates the surrogate key column in the foreign tables with the value from the RecId field of the primary table. | |
updateGDL_SP_EDT_Records | Updates the replacement key column in the foreign tables with the value from the RecId field of the primary table. | |
updateGDL_TaxRep347_EDT_Records | Updates the replacement key column in the foreign tables with the value from the RecId field of the primary table. | |
updateGDL_TaxRep347Trans_KeyIdx | Removes duplicate TaxReport347Trans records and aggregates Amount and AmountInCash values into one record. | |
updateGDL_TaxRepLines_BookType | Populates the TaxBookType field of the TaxReportLines table by using the TaxDirection field of the TaxTrans record. | |
updateGDL_TaxRepLinesTaxTrans | Populates the TaxReportLinesTaxTrans table. | |
updateGDL_TH_EDT_Records | Updates the Thai withholding EDT relations with record ID table based relations. | |
updateGDL_US_EDT_Records | Updates the surrogate key column in the foreign tables with the value from the RecId field of the primary table. | |
updateGDL_VendInfoZakat_SA_Records | ||
updateGeneralJournalEntry | Updates the FiscalCalendarPeriod field in the GeneralJournalEntry table. | |
updateGeneralJournalEntryLedgerAccount | Updates the LedgerAccount field in the GeneralJournalAccountEntry table. | |
updateGenJourEntrySubledgerVoucher | Updates the SubledgerVoucher field and SubledgerVoucherDataAreaId field in the GeneralJournalEntry table. | |
updateIndirectTaxInquiryTable_IN | Update the value for FieldName field in IndirectTaxInquiryTable_IN table. | |
updateIndirectTaxTotal_IN | Update the value for TaxComponentTable field in IndirectTaxTotal_IN table. | |
updateIntrastatArchiveGeneral | Updates the time and date information for the IntrastatArchiveGeneral table. | |
updateInventProfile_RU | ||
updateItemSalesTaxGroupHeading_IN | Updates the TaxItemGroupHeading table by setting the ServiceTaxBasis_IN value to be None for Non-service tax items. | |
updateLedgerAccountCov | ||
updateLedgerAccountRestriction_CN | Updates the DEL_VoucherTypeId field of the LedgerAccountRestriction_CN table with the corresponding value from the Id field of the LedgerVoucherType_CN table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB401_Ledger.) | |
updateLedgerAccrualTable | ||
updateLedgerAllocateTrans | ||
updateLedgerAllocation | Removes the LedgerAllocation records that are associated to ledger budget data. | |
updateLedgerAllocationBasisRuleSource | Updates the LedgerAllocationBasisRuleSource table. | |
updateLedgerAllocationRule | ||
updateLedgerAllocationRuleDestination | ||
updateLedgerAllocationRuleSource | ||
updateLedgerBalanceControl | ||
updateLedgerBalanceSheet_CZ | Updates the ledger balance sheet related tables. | |
updateLedgerBalHeaderDim | Updates the MainFocusHierarchy and SecondaryFocusHierarchyfields of the LedgerBalHeaderDim table. | |
updateLedgerChartOfAccountsStrucPostSync | Migrates the LedgerChartOfAccountsStructure records to the LedgerStructure table. | |
updateLedgerClosingTable | ||
updateLedgerClosingTrans | ||
updateLedgerColumnType_IN | Update the value for Type field in DEL_LedgerBalColumns table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateLedgerColumnTypeDim_IN | Update the value for Type field in LedgerBalColumnsDim table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateLedgerConsolidateHistRef | Removes the LedgerConsolidateHistRef records that are associated to ledger budget data. (Overrides the updateLedgerConsolidateHistRef Method.) | |
updateLedgerCov | Removes the LedgerCov records that are associated to ledger budget data. | |
updateLedgerCurrencyParameters_RU | Updates fields on the LedgerCurrencyParameters_RU tables with value convenrted from obsolete fields of Currency table. | |
updateLedgerEliminationRuleLine | ||
updateLedgerImportMode | ||
updateLedgerInterCompany | ||
updateLedgerJournalName | ||
updateLedgerJournalTable | Updates the NumberSequenceTable field of the LedgerJournalTable table. | |
updateLedgerJournalTrans_CN | Updates the Voucher_CN field of the LedgerJournalTrans table with the corresponding value from the Voucher field of the LedgerJournalTrans table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB401_Ledger.) | |
updateLedgerJournalTrans_RU | (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateLedgerJournalTransAccrualTrans | ||
updateLedgerJournalTransPayment_LV | Transfers LV Payment Order specific fields from table LedgerJournalTrans to LedgerJournalTransPayment_LV . | |
updateLedgerJournalTransPaymTransCodes | Updates the LedgerJournalTransPaymTransCode extension table for the payment transaction codes. | |
updateLedgerJournalTransSymbol | Updates the LedgerJournalTransSymbol table for the bank constant symbols. | |
updateLedgerLiquidity | ||
updateLedgerOpeningTable_ES | ||
updateLedgerOpeningTrans_ES | This script updates LedgerDimension and OffsetLedgerDimension and MainAccount fields in the LedgerOpeningTrans_ES table. | |
updateLedgerParameters | Enables PurchYearEndEnabled_PSN and LedgerYearEndClosingEnabled_PSN parameters of LedgerParameters table. | |
updateLedgerPeriodModuleAccessCtl | ||
updateLedgerPeriodModuleAccessCtlMajor | Updates the LedgerPeriodModuleAccessControl table with missing modules not included in inital installation | |
updateLedgerPeriodModuleAccessCtlMinor | Updates the LedgerPeriodModuleAccessControl table with missing modules not included in inital installation | |
updateLedgerPostingType_RU | Updates tables having filed LedgerPostingType types with the according new enum value of its elements. | |
updateLedgerRelatedAccounts_ES | Updates records of the LedgerRelatedAccounts_ES table. | |
updateLedgerRowDef | Updates the MainFocusHierarchy field of the LedgerRowDef table and removes the LedgerRowDef records that are set hierarchy definitions. | |
updateLedgerRowDefLine | Updates the DimensionAttribute and DimensionValueCriteriafields of the LedgerRowDefLine table. | |
updateLedgerRRGDimensions_RU | Updates ledger dimension fields in the LedgerRRGAccountInterval_RU, LedgerRRGOffsetAccountInterval_RU tables with value convenrted from obsolete ledger account fields.Updates main account fields in the LedgerRRGTax25ProfitInterval_RU, LedgerRRGTax25ProfitInterval_RU tables with value convenrted from obsolete ledger account fields.Updates dimension fields in the LedgerRRGDimensionInterval_RU table with obsolete dimension fields. | |
updateLedgerRRGEDSendRecvLog_W | Updates StatusDateTime field in the LedgerRRGEDSendRecvLog_W table. | |
updateLedgerRRGETxt2XML_RU | (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateLedgerStatement_CZ | Updates the ledger statement related tables. | |
updateLedgerSystemAccounts | ||
updateLedgerTableInterval | ||
updateLedgerTableMandatoryPaymRef_IS | Upgrade script for LedgerTable.MandatoryPaymReference field. | |
updateLedgerTableStatus_ES | Updates the Status field of the LedgerTable upgrade script for Spanish changes in COA. | |
updateLedgerTrans_CN | Updates the DEL_VoucherTypeId_CN field and DEL_Voucher_CN field of the LedgerTrans table with the corresponding value from the DEL_LedgerVoucherNumberReference_CN table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB401_Ledger.) | |
updateLedgerTransFurtherPosting | Updates the LedgerTransFurtherPosting table. | |
updateLedgerTransSettlement | Updates the LedgerTransSettlement table. | |
updateLedgerTransTaxTransSystemSequences | Updates the number sequences of the LedgerTrans and TaxTrans tables that are added in the source environment. | |
updateLedgerVoucherNumberReference_CN | Updates the LedgerVoucherNumberReference_CN table according to the table id. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateLedgerVoucherType_CN | Updates the LedgerVoucherType_CN table.The EmplId type field DefaultPreparedBy and DefaultApprovedBy are replaced by foreigh key to HcmWorker. | |
updateLvOtherClients | Updates the LvOtherClients table. | |
updateLvOtherClientsPaymTransCodes | Updates the LvOtherClients table for the payment transaction codes. | |
updateMainAccountSeparateBalance | Populates the MainAccountSeparateBalance table. | |
updateMainAcctControlCurCode | Populates the MainAccountControlCurrencyCode table. | |
updateMainAcctControlPosting | Populates the MainAccountControlPosting table. | |
updateMainAcctControlTaxCode | Populates the MainAccountControlTaxCode table. | |
updateMainAcctControlUser | Populates the MainAccountControlUser table. | |
updateMainAcctParent_BR | Updates ParentMainAccount_BR field of MainAccount table. | |
updateMappingCOA_ES | Update table mappings for case when the Spanish CoA hotfix was imported without IDs. | |
updateMappingCustomsDirection | Adds special mapping for the DEL_DirectionString_IN field of TaxData table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateMappingFields | Adds the mapping for the ledger related fields and tables. (Overrides the updateMappingFields Method.) | |
updateMappingGeneralJournalAccountEntry | Adds special mapping for CreatedTransactionId field of GeneralJournalAccountEntry table. | |
updateMappingGeneralJournalEntry | Adds special mapping for CreatedTransactionId field of GeneralJournalEntry table. | |
updateMappingLedgerTables | ||
updateMappingTaxLedgerAccountGroup | Adds special mappings for the TaxType and DEL_TaxType fields of the TaxLedgerAccountGroup_IN table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateMappingTaxReportPeriodAvailed | Adds special mapping for the Availed_IN field of TaxReportPeriod table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateMappingTaxReportPeriodTaxType | Adds special mappings for the TaxType and DEL_TaxRegistrationNumber fields of the TaxReportPeriod_IN table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateMinorGeneralJournalEntryTransferId | Updates the TransferId field in the GeneralJournalEntry table. | |
updateNGPCodes | Updates the NGPCodesTable_FR field in the Intrastat table with the record ID of the NGPCodesTable_FR table. | |
updateNumberPeriod_CN | Updates the Status field of the NumberPeriod_CN table with the corresponding value from the VoucherStatus_CN enum. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB401_Ledger.) | |
updateNumberSequenceTableReference | Updates references to NumberSequenceTable as a consequence of primary key being changed for that table. | |
updateOriginalTransferPolicy | Updates SubledgerJournalAccountEntry table. | |
updatePLAEnquiry_IN | Updates the UpdatePLAEnquiry_IN table.The RecIds of TaxComponentTable_IN and DimensionAttributeValueCombination tables are now stored in place of TaxComponent and PLAAccount fields. | |
updatePreFixIds_BKD | (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updatePreFixIds_Ledger | (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updatePreFixIds_Ledger_CN | Updates the table field name. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateRDeferralsDimensions_RU | Updates ledger dimension fields in the RDeferralsLedgerAccounts and RDeferralsParameters tables with value convenrted from obsolete ledger account fields. | |
updateRTax25LedgerDimensions_RU | Updates ledger dimension fields in the rTax25RegisterParameters table with value convenrted from obsolete ledger account fields. | |
updateRTax25RegisterDeferrals | Updates the value for RegisterValues field in RTax25RegisterTrans table. | |
updateRTSLDimensionRule | Updates the RTSLDimensionRule table.The RecIds of DimensionAttribute table are now stored in place of dimensions values. | |
updateRTSLLedgerTransRule | Updates the RTSLLedgerTransRule table.The RecIds of DimensionAttributeValueCombination table are now stored in place of accounts values. | |
updateRTSLRuleGroup | Updates the RTSLDimensionRule table.The RecIds of DimensionAttributeValueCombination table are now stored in place of accounts values. | |
updateSalesTaxExchangeRateDimensions | Updates ledger dimension fields in the TaxLedgerAccountGroup table with value converted from obsolete ledger account fields. | |
updateSalesTaxInquiryTable_IN | Updates the SalesTaxInquiryTable_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN is now now stored in place of TaxRegistrationNumber. | |
updateServiceTaxInquiryTable_IN | Updates the ServiceTaxInquiryTable_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN is now now stored in place of STCNumber.Also the field FieldId is replaced by new field - FieldName. | |
updateServiceTaxTotal_IN | Update the value for TaxComponentTable field in ServiceTaxTotal_IN table. | |
updateSourceDocTaxTransGenJourAccEntry | Updates the TransactionCurrency, TransactionCurrencyAmount, and AccountingCurrencyAmount fields on the TaxTransGeneralJournalAccountEntry table for source documents. | |
updateTaxAdjustments_IN | Update the value for taxComponentTable field in TaxAdjustments_IN table. | |
updateTaxAuthorityAddress | ||
updateTaxData_IN | Updates the TaxData table.The Rec Ids of CustomsTariffCodeTable_IN and ExciseTariffCodes_IN tables are now stored in place of CustomsTariffCode_IN and TariffCode_IN values. | |
updateTaxData_TaxSubstitutionMarkup_BR | Updates the field TaxSubstitutionMarkupValue from TaxData table with the same value of TaxReductionPct_BR when field TaxSubstitution_BR TaxTable is set to Markup. | |
updateTaxDimensions_RU | Updates ledger dimension fields in the TaxLedgerAccountGroup table with value convenrted from obsolete ledger account fields. | |
updateTaxEdivatGeneral | Updates the time and date information for TaxEdivatGeneral table. | |
updateTaxElectronicDeclarationTrans | Updates the time and date information for TaxElectronicDeclarationTrans table. | |
updateTaxesMatrix_BR | Updates CFOPGroup_BR field from TaxesMatrix_BR table. | |
updateTaxExternalSalesInvoice_CN | Updates the field CustInvoiceJour on table TaxExternalInvoiceTable_CN. | |
updateTaxFiscalDocument_BR | Updates the tables in used tax transfer fiscal document. | |
updateTaxGroups_BR | Update tax groups with the taxation code surrogate key. | |
updateTaxLedgerAccountGroup | ||
updateTaxLedgerAccounts_IN | Updates the TaxLedgerAccounts_IN table.The Rec Ids of TaxLedgerAccountSetup, TaxComponentTable and DimensionAttributeValueCombination tables are now stored in place of Tax account group, Account code, Registration number, Component and Ledger account values. | |
updateTaxLedgerAccountSetup_IN | Updates the TaxLedgerAccountSetup_IN table.The Rec Ids of TaxLedgerAccountGroup_IN and TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN tables are now stored in place of TaxAccountGroup and RegistrationNumber values. | |
updateTaxOnItemTable_IN | Updates the TaxOnItem table.The Load On Inventory Value is set Zero and its reminder after deducting with 100 is stored in the Newely introduced field "Charge as Expense Percent" | |
updateTaxParameters_IN | Updates the TaxParameters table by setting the ServiceTaxACBasis_IN Based on TaxItemGroupHeading values. | |
updateTaxParameters_JP | Updates the updateTaxParameters_JP table.The Rec Ids of TaxReportByCode_JP, TaxComponentTable and DimensionAttributeValueCombination tables are now stored in place of Tax account group, Account code, Registration number, Component and Ledger account values. | |
updateTaxPurchaseTaxTable | ||
updateTaxPurchaseTaxValue | Updates the TaxPurchaseTaxValue table to have the correct replacement key value of the TaxPurchaseTaxTable table. | |
updateTaxRegistrationGroupSetup_IN | Updates the TaxRegistrationNumberTable and TaxRegistrationGroupName fields of the TaxRegistrationGroupSetup_IN table with the corresponding value from the RecId field of the TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN and TaxRegistrationGroup_IN tables respectively. | |
updateTaxReport347Account | Updates the MainAccount field of the TaxReport347Account table with references to the MainAccount table. | |
updateTaxReport770Table_IT | Upgrades the TaxReport770Table_IT table by updating the ExceptionalEvent field to use the new enum value for exceptional events. | |
updateTaxReportDomesticTable_IT | Updates the WriterWorker field in the TaxReportDomesticTable_IT table. | |
updateTaxReportLedgerAccounts | ||
updateTaxReportPeriod_IN | Updates the TaxReportPeriod_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN is now now stored in place of TaxRegistrationNumber. | |
updateTaxReportVoucher_IN | Updates the TaxReportVoucher table.The Rec Id of Tax registration number table is now stored in place of Registration number value. | |
updateTaxServiceCodeDescription_BR | Updates Description field of TaxServiceCode_BR table. | |
updateTaxSetOffRule_IN | Updates the TaxSetOffRule_IN table.The Rec Ids of TaxComponent table are now stored in place of Component and SetOffComponent values. | |
updateTaxSetupTableData_CN | Updates value for saved table id of TaxProfileTableId in table TaxSetupTable_CN. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateTaxTable_IN | Updates the TaxTable table.The Rec Ids of Tax Component table and Tax Ledger Account Group table are now stored in place of TaxComponent_IN and TaxAccountGroup_IN values. | |
updateTaxTable_TaxSubstitution | Updates the field TaxSubstitution_BR on TaxTable to TaxSubstitutionEnum_BR::SimplifiedEstimatewhen the field DEL_TaxSimplifiedEstimation_BR is set to true | |
updateTaxTable_TaxSubstitution_BR | Updates the field TaxType_BR from TaxTable for Tax substitution and ICMS difference tax | |
updateTaxTrans | Updates the TaxTrans table. | |
updateTaxTrans_IN | Updates the TaxTrans table.The Rec Id of Tax component table and Tax registration number table are now stored in place of Taxcomponent_IN and TaxRegistrationNumber_IN values. | |
updateTaxTransGeneralJournalAccountEntry | Updates the LedgerDimension and GeneralJournalAccountEntry fields on the TaxTransGeneralJournalAccountEntry table added in the source environment. | |
updateTaxWithholdCertificate_IN | Update the value for LedgerDimension field in TaxWithholdCertificate_IN table. | |
updateTaxWithholdCertificatesTable_IN | Update the value for TaxWithholdComponentGroup field in TaxWithholdCertificatesTable_IN table. | |
updateTaxWithholdComponentTable_IN | Update the value for taxWithholdComponentGroup field in TaxWithholdComponentTable_IN table. | |
updateTaxWithholdHead_IN | Update the value for taxWithholdAuthorities field in TaxWithholdHead_IN table. | |
updateTaxWithholdInquiryTable_IN | Updates the TaxWithholdInquiryTable_IN table.The RecIds of table TaxWithholdRegNumbers_IN is now now stored in place of TaxRegistrationNumber. | |
updateTaxWithholdLedgerPostingDimension | Updates the Thai withholding ledger dimension columns. | |
updateTaxWithholdPeriods_IN | Update the value for TaxWithholdSettlementPeriod field in TaxWithholdPeriods_IN table. | |
updateTaxWithholdReportingCodes_IN | Update the value for taxWithholdComponent and taxWithholdComponentGroup field in TaxWithholdReportingCodes_IN table. | |
updateTaxWithholdReportVoucher_IN | Update the value for TaxWithholdSettlementPeriod, TaxWithholdRegNumber field in TaxWithholdReportVoucher_IN table. | |
updateTaxWithholdTable | ||
updateTaxWithholdTable_IN | Update the value for following fields in TaxWithholdTable table.TaxWithholdComponent_IN TaxWithholdSettlementPeriod_IN LedgerDimension_IN | |
updateTaxWithholdThresholdLimit_IN | Update the value for taxWithholdComponent and taxWithholdComponentGroup field in TaxWithholdThresholdLimit_IN table. | |
updateTaxWithholdTrans | (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateTaxYearlyComSetupExclude_IT | This script updates FromMainAccount and ToMainAccount field in the TaxYearlyComSetupExclude_IT table with reference of FromAccountNum and ToAccountNum fields respectively. | |
updateToConfigKey_ReversingEntries | (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateTransactionLogType_IN | Update the value for Type field in TransactionLog table. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateTransactionReversalTrans | Updates the TransactionReversalTrans table. | |
updateTransactTxt | (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger.) | |
updateUpdatePLA_IN | Update the value for TaxLedgerAccountGroup, ECCTaxRegistrationNumberTable field in UpdatePLA_IN table. | |
updateVATDefermentInquiry_IN | Updates the VATDefermentInquiry_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN is now now stored in place of TaxRegistrationNumber. | |
updateVATInquiryTable_IN | Updates the VATInquiryTable_IN table.The RecIds of TaxRegistrationNumberTable_IN is now now stored in place of TaxRegistrationNumber. | |
usageCount | Returns the current number of references, that is, the value of the reference counter, that the object has. (Inherited from Object.) | |
validatedModuleName | Validates that a module name is not too long. (Inherited from ReleaseUpdateDB.) | |
wait | Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.) | |
xml | Returns an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
In the upgrade scripts data from the AssetCalendar, AssetCalendarYear, AssetCalendarPeriod, and LedgerPeriod tables is transferred to new FiscalCalendar, FiscalCalendarYear, and FiscalCalendarPeriod tables.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Object Class
ReleaseUpdateDB Class
ReleaseUpdateDB401_Ledger Class
ReleaseUpdateDB41_Ledger Class
ReleaseUpdateDB60_Ledger Class