Enable new AI-powered Copilot features for people who make apps. In addition, enable the AI prompts feature (preview).
When On, enables preview Copilot features that help create apps, tables apps, tables, edit apps, generate formulas, answering how-to questions and AI Builder GPT experiences. For more information, see AI Copilot overview .
Note: Generally available Copilot features are enabled by default and can't be turned off. To disable them, a tenant admin must contact support.
Allow users to analyze data using an AI-powered chat experience in canvas and model-driven apps. (preview)
Note: For model-driven apps, this environment needs to be set to the monthly release channel.
Allow canvas editors to insert the Copilot answer component, which allows users to receive an AI-powered answer to a predefined data query.
When On, lets makers add a Copilot answer control that allows users to receive an AI-powered answer to a predefined question set by a maker. More information: Use Copilot answer control for canvas apps (preview).
AI Builder
Default value
AI Builder preview models
If Off, the environment won't have access to AI Builder. Not all environments have this setting. For information about environments eligible for this feature and related details, see Administer AI Builder
AI form fill assistance
Users may need to clear the cache and refresh the browser twice for the setting change to take effect.
Note: If the Users as the feature becomes available (default) option is selected, the feature is turned on for users in Dynamics 365 model-driven apps, and the feature is kept off for users in Power Apps model-driven apps.
Enable smart paste (preview)
Smart paste (preview) is a capability that uses the text copied to your clipboard to suggest text that could be used to fill specific fields, and provides suggestions inline in the form. Learn more in Copilot assistance for form fill in model-driven apps.
AI suggestions for formula columns
Default value
Allow users to get AI suggestions when creating formula columns.
If On, app makers are able to describe what the formula should do and get AI generated results to help create or edit a Microsoft Dataverse formula column. Formula suggestions in formula columns accept natural language input to interpret and suggest a Power Fx formula using GPT-based AI model. Learn more in Get formula suggestions.
Natural language grid and view search (preview)
[This section is prerelease documentation and is subject to change.]
This is a preview feature.
Preview features aren’t meant for production use and might have restricted functionality. These features are subject to supplemental terms of use, and are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.
Default value
Enable this feature for:
When searching for data in a grid, you can ask questions with natural language. For example, requesting “cases with high priority with overdue follow-up by date” filters your view to display only those relevant cases. Learn more in Smart grid (preview).
To allow natural language search in an environment, it's required that users in that environment have a Dynamics 365 license. If the environment only has users with Power Apps licensing, additional Copilot licenses are required to use this feature in production.
Users as the feature becomes available (default)
Note: Starting with the December monthly channel, users with Dynamics 365 licenses will start seeing the feature in their apps. We expect this rollout to be gradual. While quality of the feature will be maintained for all users, it's possible that different users may see some UI variations in their experience.
AI suggestions for email content
Default value
Turn on generative AI in emails
If On, the Copilot icon is displayed in rich text editors for app users to draft and refine email content. More information: Use Copilot in the email rich text editor
AI insight cards (preview)
Default value
Displays a summary generated by Copilot on records in model-driven app main forms.
If On, Customer Engagement (on-premises) users need to enter a Bing Maps key. Users don't need to enter a key.
Prevent social data in Dynamics
If you don't want to receive social data in customer engagement apps (such as Dynamics 365 Sales and Customer Service), select Off. If you disable social engagement, your organization won't be able to receive social data in customer engagement apps (such as Dynamics 365 Sales and Customer Service). Users can continue to work with existing social data, however.
Default value
Country/region code prefixing for numbers
If On, customer engagement apps will prefix the country/region code to numbers that users are trying to call.
Enable storage of desktop flow files into v2 schema.
If On, Dataverse database consumption for paid license users is reduced. Also, it offloads components of your desktop flows into your Dataverse for Apps File Capacity. More information: Enable the v2 schema.
Opt-out of desktop flow schema v2 enabled by default.
In 2024, v2 schema will be turned On for all environments without the option to disable the feature. We recommend that you enable the feature in advance so users can benefit from the product enhancements that come with it. More information: Schema v2 enabled by default.
Grids and views
Default value
Enable the modern read-only grid experience.
If On, the Power Apps read-only grid control lets users view and open records from views and subgrids.
Show the Edit columns button on views
If On, users can create personal views by adding, removing, and reordering columns on a view accessible to them in a model-driven app. More information: Edit columns on a grid page. This setting only appears if you enabled 2022 Release Wave 1.
Show the Edit filters button on views
If On, users can create personal views by filtering data based on conditional expressions starting with a view accessible to them in a model-driven app. More information: Edit filters on a grid page. This setting only appears if you enabled 2022 Release Wave 1.
Focused view
If enabled, focused view allows sellers to view and manage their records and their associated activities on one page. This view makes it easier for users to stay focused on their tasks, saving time by eliminating the need to navigate through multiple screens. Focused view can be configured and set as default for required tables through system customizations. Turn off the Enable focused view for all records toggle to disable focused view across your entire organization. If you need focused view for certain tables, re-enable this option and configure as necessary. More information: Enable focused view for all records
Advanced find options
Default value
Modern advanced find in model-driven apps
If On, legacy advanced find is replaced with a modern experience that enhanced view management capabilities like searching on views and the ability to share, hide, and delete personal views. More information: Advanced find in model-driven apps. This setting only appears if you enabled 2022 Release Wave 1.
Allow users to hide system views
If On, users can hide system views in the view selector to manage their view list in model-driven apps. More information: Hide views on a grid page. This setting only appears if you enabled 2022 Release Wave 1.
Default value
Show only activities configured in the app when accessing New activity button in related activities of a record. Setting to Off shows all activities.
To limit the number of activities showing up in the New Activity dropdown list to activities that are relevant to the model-driven app, select On.
Asynchronous merge
Default value
Allow records to be merged asynchronously
If On, records merged through the Unified Client interface are merged asynchronously in the background.
Create new canvas apps and cloud flows in a Dataverse solution
Lets makers set which unmanaged solution maintains their created and edited components that occur anywhere in Power Apps. If not set, all components for all makers not already in the context of an unmanaged solution are maintained in the Common Data Services Default Solution. More information: Set the preferred solution
Block unmanaged customizations
Default value
Block unmanaged customizations
Prevents the creation of unmanaged customizations in Dataverse environments, which facilitates healthy application lifecycle management. More information: Block unmanaged customizations
Data validation
Default value
Enable email address validation in model-driven apps (preview).
When On, enables smart data validation for certain columns, such as text columns using the email format. More information: Address validation for email columns
Power Automate capacity
Default value
Allow process capacity overage
When On, enables machines and cloud flows to go into process capacity overage. New process capacity overage is only possible in an environment with at least one process / hosted process / unattended capacity assigned. More information: Process capacity overage
Allow auto-claim of process capacity
When On, enables auto-assignation of process capacity to the environment (if any is available in the admin center) when required by an assignation of process capacity to a cloud flow, or to a machine while there's no available capacity in the environment. More information: Process capacity
Default value
Dataverse search
If On, you can use Dataverse search to find records across multiple tables, sorted by relevance.
Share search analytics with Microsoft
To help Microsoft improve Dataverse search, you can share your environment's Dataverse search queries in Dynamics 365 and Power Platform applications with Microsoft. More information: Help improve Dataverse search
Single table search option
If On, users get another option to search on a single table on view pages of search-enabled tables in all model-driven apps.
Prevent slow keyword filter for quick find terms on view pages
If On, users are prevented from searching with keywords that begin with an asterisk (*) in grid search in all model-driven apps, and a message displays in the application. If Off, users can search with keywords that begin with an asterisk (*) in grid search in all model-driven apps, but an information tooltip displays indicating the search might be slow. More information: Grid search
Use quick find view of an entity for searching on grids and sub-grids
Select Yes to show the traditional Quick Find search in an entity grid. The traditional Quick Find search applies the Quick Find View filters and displays the Quick Find columns after searching.
Search for records in Microsoft 365 apps
You can quickly enable your users to access the records they most recently used in their application. The records are available in the Outlook Web client using a simple /mention gesture.
Map and address services
Default value
Select On to allow map display, latitude, and longitude pins, and shapes.
In addition to the Limited actions, allows map routing, address input control, and pins loaded from addresses.
Help features
Default value
Custom help for customizable tables
Select On to replace the default Help content with custom Help designed for your users. After you enable custom Help, you can enter a Global Custom Help URL.
Global custom help URL
To replace the default Help with a single URL for all customizable record types (tables), enter the URL here. You also have the option of entering override URLs for each record type (table) for customizable record types. More information: Create your own guided help
No default value
Append parameters to URL
Select On to append parameters to the URL, you can make your Help content more dynamic. For example, you can access parameters for User Language Code, Table Name, Entry Point, and Form ID. More information: Create your own guided help
Allow publishing of canvas apps with code components
Enables Power Apps component framework feature that allows the execution of code that might not be generated by Microsoft when a maker adds code components to an app. Make sure that the code component solution is from a trusted source. More information: Code components for canvas apps
Delete disabled users
Default value
Enable delete disabled users
Delete disabled users permanently from the environment. More information: Permanently delete users
When off, all environment users have access to the TDS endpoint. If on, users only have access when members of a security role that has the Allow user to access TDS endpoint privilege. More information: Control access of the TDS endpoint
Disable empty address record creation in Dataverse
When On, if the incoming payload doesn't have any address relevant data, an empty address data record aren't created. This feature is supported only for Account and Contact tables. More information: Disable empty record creation
Enable deletion of address records
Default value
Enable deletion of address records in Dataverse
When On, address records created in Dataverse for Account and Contact tables can be deleted through the user interface or through bulk deletion. More information: Delete embedded address records
Power Apps ideas for canvas apps
Default value
Share ideas query data to help improve ideas results.
To help Microsoft improve Power Apps Ideas, you can share your ideas query data with Microsoft. More information: Power Apps Ideas (preview).
Power BI components (preview)
Default value
Allow creation of Power BI components
If Off, the environment doesn't have access to Power BI. Environments with a Dataverse database have this setting. Creating a Power BI component generates a dedicated Power BI workspace for that environment. All the Power BI artifacts corresponding to the Power BI components created in an environment are generated in that dedicated Power BI environment workspace. More information: Permission sync between Power Apps environment and Power BI workspace
Automatically assign permission to Power BI workspaces
If On, synchronization takes place between predefined role privileges and the permissions of the dedicated Power BI environment workspace. The following roles are assigned with permissions:
System administrator: Power BI workspace admin > Power BI workspace admin permission.
System Customizer: Power BI workspace contributor > Power BI workspace contributor permission.
Power BI workspace viewer > Power BI workspace viewer permission.