Microsoft.Testing.Platform extensibility

The testing platform consists of a testing framework and any number of extensions that can operate in-process or out-of-process.

As outlined in the architecture section, the testing platform is designed to accommodate a variety of scenarios and extensibility points. The primary and essential extension is undoubtedly the testing framework that your tests will utilize. Failing to register this results in startup error. The testing framework is the sole mandatory extension required to execute a testing session.

To support scenarios such as generating test reports, code coverage, retrying failed tests, and other potential features, you need to provide a mechanism that allows other extensions to work in conjunction with the testing framework to deliver these features not inherently provided by the testing framework itself.

In essence, the testing framework is the primary extension that supplies information about each test that makes up the test suite. It reports whether a specific test has succeeded, failed, skipped, and can provide additional information about each test, such as a human-readable name (referred to as the display name), the source file, and the line where our test begins, among other things.

The extensibility point enables the utilization of information provided by the testing framework to generate new artifacts or to enhance existing ones with additional features. A commonly used extension is the TRX report generator, which subscribes to the TestNodeUpdateMessage and generates an XML report file from it.

As discussed in the architecture, there are certain extension points that cannot operate within the same process as the testing framework. The reasons typically include:

  • The need to modify the environment variables of the test host. Acting within the test host process itself is too late.
  • The requirement to monitor the process from the outside because the test host, where tests and user code run, might have some user code bugs that render the process itself unstable, leading to potential hangs or crashes. In such cases, the extension would crash or hang along with the test host process.

Due to these reasons, the extension points are categorized into two types:

  1. In-process extensions: These extensions operate within the same process as the testing framework.

    You can register in-process extensions via the ITestApplicationBuilder.TestHost property:

    // ...
    var builder = await TestApplication.CreateBuilderAsync(args);
    // ...
  2. Out-of-process extensions: These extensions function in a separate process, allowing them to monitor the test host without being influenced by the test host itself.

    You can register out-of-process extensions via the ITestApplicationBuilder.TestHostControllers.

    var builder = await TestApplication.CreateBuilderAsync(args);

    Lastly, some extensions are designed to function in both scenarios. These common extensions behave identically in both hosts. You can register these extensions either through the TestHost and TestHostController interfaces or directly at the ITestApplicationBuilder level. An example of such an extension is the ICommandLineOptionsProvider.

The IExtension interface

The IExtension interface serves as the foundational interface for all extensibility points within the testing platform. It's primarily used to obtain descriptive information about the extension and, most importantly, to enable or disable the extension itself.

Consider the following IExtension interface:

public interface IExtension
    string Uid { get; }
    string Version { get; }
    string DisplayName { get; }
    string Description { get; }
    Task<bool> IsEnabledAsync();
  • Uid: Represents the unique identifier for the extension. It's crucial to choose a unique value for this string to avoid conflicts with other extensions.

  • Version: Represents the version of the interface. Requires semantic versioning.

  • DisplayName: A user-friendly name representation that will appear in logs and when you request information using the --info command line option.

  • Description: The description of the extension, that appears when you request information using the --info command line option.

  • IsEnabledAsync(): This method is invoked by the testing platform when the extension is being instantiated. If the method returns false, the extension will be excluded. This method typically makes decisions based on the configuration file or some custom command line options. Users often specify --customExtensionOption in the command line to opt into the extension itself.

Test framework extension

The test framework is the primary extension that provides the testing platform with the ability to discover and execute tests. The test framework is responsible for communicating the results of the tests back to the testing platform. The test framework is the only mandatory extension required to execute a testing session.

Register a testing framework

This section explains how to register the test framework with the testing platform. You register only one testing framework per test application builder using the TestApplication.RegisterTestFramework API as shown in the testing platform architecture documentation.

The registration API is defined as follows:

ITestApplicationBuilder RegisterTestFramework(
    Func<IServiceProvider, ITestFrameworkCapabilities> capabilitiesFactory,
    Func<ITestFrameworkCapabilities, IServiceProvider, ITestFramework> adapterFactory);

The RegisterTestFramework API expects two factories:

  1. Func<IServiceProvider, ITestFrameworkCapabilities>: This is a delegate that accepts an object implementing the IServiceProvider interface and returns an object implementing the ITestFrameworkCapabilities interface. The IServiceProvider provides access to platform services such as configurations, loggers, and command line arguments.

    The ITestFrameworkCapabilities interface is used to announce the capabilities supported by the testing framework to the platform and extensions. It allows the platform and extensions to interact correctly by implementing and supporting specific behaviors. For a better understanding of the concept of capabilities, refer to the respective section.

  2. Func<ITestFrameworkCapabilities, IServiceProvider, ITestFramework>: This is a delegate that takes in an ITestFrameworkCapabilities object, which is the instance returned by the Func<IServiceProvider, ITestFrameworkCapabilities>, and an IServiceProvider to provide access to platform services once more. The expected return object is one that implements the ITestFramework interface. The ITestFramework serves as the execution engine that discovers and runs tests, and then communicates the results back to the testing platform.

The need for the platform to separate the creation of the ITestFrameworkCapabilities and the creation of the ITestFramework is an optimization to avoid creating the test framework if the supported capabilities are not sufficient to execute the current testing session.

Consider the following user code example, which demonstrates a test framework registration that returns an empty capability set:

internal class TestingFrameworkCapabilities : ITestFrameworkCapabilities
    public IReadOnlyCollection<ITestFrameworkCapability> Capabilities => [];

internal class TestingFramework : ITestFramework
   public TestingFramework(ITestFrameworkCapabilities capabilities, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
       // ...
   // Omitted for brevity...

public static class TestingFrameworkExtensions
    public static void AddTestingFramework(this ITestApplicationBuilder builder)
            _ => new TestingFrameworkCapabilities(),
            (capabilities, serviceProvider) => new TestingFramework(capabilities, serviceProvider));

// ...

Now, consider the corresponding entry point of this example with the registration code:

var testApplicationBuilder = await TestApplication.CreateBuilderAsync(args);
// Register the testing framework
using var testApplication = await testApplicationBuilder.BuildAsync();
return await testApplication.RunAsync();


Returning empty ITestFrameworkCapabilities shouldn't prevent the execution of the test session. All test frameworks should be capable of discovering and running tests. The impact should be limited to extensions that may opt-out if the test framework lacks a certain feature.

Create a testing framework

The Microsoft.Testing.Platform.Extensions.TestFramework.ITestFramework is implemented by extensions that provide a test framework:

public interface ITestFramework : IExtension
    Task<CreateTestSessionResult> CreateTestSessionAsync(CreateTestSessionContext context);
    Task ExecuteRequestAsync(ExecuteRequestContext context);
    Task<CloseTestSessionResult> CloseTestSessionAsync(CloseTestSessionContext context);

The ITestFramework interface inherits from the IExtension interface, which is an interface that all extension points inherit from. IExtension is used to retrieve the name and description of the extension. The IExtension also provides a way to dynamically enable or disable the extension in setup, through Task<bool> IsEnabledAsync(). Please make sure that you return true from this method if you have no special needs.

The CreateTestSessionAsync method

The CreateTestSessionAsync method is called at the start of the test session and is used to initialize the test framework. The API accepts a CloseTestSessionContext object and returns a CloseTestSessionResult.

public sealed class CreateTestSessionContext : TestSessionContext
    public SessionUid SessionUid { get; }
    public ClientInfo Client { get; }
    public CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; }

public readonly struct SessionUid
    public string Value { get; }

public sealed class ClientInfo
    public string Id { get; }
    public string Version { get; }

The SessionUid serves as the unique identifier for the current test session, providing a logical connection to the session's results. The ClientInfo provides details about the entity invoking the test framework. This information can be utilized by the test framework to modify its behavior. For example, as of the time this document was written, a console execution would report a client name such as "testingplatform-console". The CancellationToken is used to halt the execution of CreateTestSessionAsync.

The return object is a CloseTestSessionResult:

public sealed class CreateTestSessionResult
    public string? WarningMessage { get; set; }
    public string? ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    public bool IsSuccess { get; set; }

The IsSuccess property is used to indicate whether the session creation was successful. When it returns false, the test execution is halted.

The CloseTestSessionAsync method

The CloseTestSessionAsync method is juxtaposed to the CreateTestSessionAsync in functionality, with the only difference being the object names. For more information, see the CreateTestSessionAsync section.

The ExecuteRequestAsync method

The ExecuteRequestAsync method accepts an object of type ExecuteRequestContext. This object, as suggested by its name, holds the specifics about the action that the test framework is expected to perform. The ExecuteRequestContext definition is:

public sealed class ExecuteRequestContext
    public IRequest Request { get; }
    public IMessageBus MessageBus { get; }
    public CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; }
    public void Complete();

IRequest: This is the base interface for any type of request. You should think about the test framework as an in-process stateful server where the lifecycle is:

A sequence diagram representing the lifecycle of the test framework.

The preceding diagram illustrates that the testing platform issues three requests after creating the test framework instance. The test framework processes these requests and utilizes the IMessageBus service, which is included in the request itself, to deliver the result for each specific request. Once a particular request has been handled, the test framework invokes the Complete() method on it, indicating to the testing platform that the request has been fulfilled. The testing platform monitors all dispatched requests. Once all requests have been fulfilled, it invokes CloseTestSessionAsync and disposes of the instance (if IDisposable/IAsyncDisposable is implemented). It's evident that the requests and their completions can overlap, enabling concurrent and asynchronous execution of requests.


Currently, the testing platform does not send overlapping requests and waits for the completion of a request >> before sending the next one. However, this behavior may change in the future. The support for concurrent requests will be determined through the capabilities system.

The IRequest implementation specifies the precise request that needs to be fulfilled. The test framework identifies the type of request and handles it accordingly. If the request type is unrecognized, an exception should be raised.

You can find details about the available requests in the IRequest section.

IMessageBus: This service, linked with the request, allows the test framework to asynchronously to publish information about the ongoing request to the testing platform. The message bus serves as the central hub for the platform, facilitating asynchronous communication among all platform components and extensions. For a comprehensive list of information that can be published to the testing platform, refer to the IMessageBus section.

CancellationToken: This token is utilized to interrupt the processing of a particular request.

Complete(): As depicted in the previous sequence, the Complete method notifies the platform that the request has been successfully processed and all relevant information has been transmitted to the IMessageBus.


Neglecting to invoke Complete() on the request will result in the test application becoming unresponsive.

To customize your test framework according to your requirements or those of your users, you can use a personalized section inside the configuration file or with custom command line options.

Handling requests

The subsequent section provides a detailed description of the various requests that a test framework may receive and process.

Before proceeding to the next section, it's crucial to thoroughly comprehend the concept of the IMessageBus, which is the essential service for conveying test execution information to the testing platform.


The TestSessionContext is a shared property across all requests, providing information about the ongoing test session:

public class TestSessionContext
    public SessionUid SessionUid { get; }
    public ClientInfo Client { get; }

public readonly struct SessionUid(string value)
    public string Value { get; }

public sealed class ClientInfo
    public string Id { get; }
    public string Version { get; }

The TestSessionContext consists of the SessionUid, a unique identifier for the ongoing test session that aids in logging and correlating test session data. It also includes the ClientInfo type, which provides details about the initiator of the test session. The test framework may choose different routes or publish varying information based on the identity of the test session's initiator.


public class DiscoverTestExecutionRequest
    // Detailed in the custom section below
    public TestSessionContext Session { get; }

    // This is experimental and intended for future use, please disregard for now.
    public ITestExecutionFilter Filter { get; }

The DiscoverTestExecutionRequest instructs the test framework to discover the tests and communicate this information thought to the IMessageBus.

As outlined in the previous section, the property for a discovered test is DiscoveredTestNodeStateProperty. Here is a generic code snippet for reference:

var testNode = new TestNode
    Uid = GenerateUniqueStableId(),
    DisplayName = GetDisplayName(),
    Properties = new PropertyBag(

await context.MessageBus.PublishAsync(
    new TestNodeUpdateMessage(

// ...


public class RunTestExecutionRequest
    // Detailed in the custom section below
    public TestSessionContext Session { get; }

    // This is experimental and intended for future use, please disregard for now.
    public ITestExecutionFilter Filter { get; }

The RunTestExecutionRequest instructs the test framework to execute the tests and communicate this information thought to the IMessageBus.

Here is a generic code snippet for reference:

var skippedTestNode = new TestNode()
    Uid = GenerateUniqueStableId(),
    DisplayName = GetDisplayName(),
    Properties = new PropertyBag(

await context.MessageBus.PublishAsync(
    new TestNodeUpdateMessage(

// ...

var successfulTestNode = new TestNode()
    Uid = GenerateUniqueStableId(),
    DisplayName = GetDisplayName(),
    Properties = new PropertyBag(

await context.MessageBus.PublishAsync(
    new TestNodeUpdateMessage(

// ...

var assertionFailedTestNode = new TestNode()
    Uid = GenerateUniqueStableId(),
    DisplayName = GetDisplayName(),
    Properties = new PropertyBag(
        new FailedTestNodeStateProperty(assertionException)),

await context.MessageBus.PublishAsync(
    new TestNodeUpdateMessage(

// ...

var failedTestNode = new TestNode()
    Uid = GenerateUniqueStableId(),
    DisplayName = GetDisplayName(),
    Properties = new PropertyBag(
        new ErrorTestNodeStateProperty(ex.InnerException!)),

await context.MessageBus.PublishAsync(
    new TestNodeUpdateMessage(

The TestNodeUpdateMessage data

As mentioned in the IMessageBus section, before utilizing the message bus, you must specify the type of data you intend to supply. The testing platform has defined a well-known type, TestNodeUpdateMessage, to represent the concept of a test update information.

This part of the document will explain how to utilize this payload data. Let's examine the surface:

public sealed class TestNodeUpdateMessage(
    SessionUid sessionUid,
    TestNode testNode,
    TestNodeUid? parentTestNodeUid = null)
    public TestNode TestNode { get; }
    public TestNodeUid? ParentTestNodeUid { get; }

public class TestNode
    public required TestNodeUid Uid { get; init; }
    public required string DisplayName { get; init; }
    public PropertyBag Properties { get; init; } = new();

public sealed class TestNodeUid(string value)

public sealed partial class PropertyBag
    public PropertyBag();
    public PropertyBag(params IProperty[] properties);
    public PropertyBag(IEnumerable<IProperty> properties);
    public int Count { get; }
    public void Add(IProperty property);
    public bool Any<TProperty>();
    public TProperty? SingleOrDefault<TProperty>();
    public TProperty Single<TProperty>();
    public TProperty[] OfType<TProperty>();
    public IEnumerable<IProperty> AsEnumerable();
    public IEnumerator<IProperty> GetEnumerator();

public interface IProperty
  • TestNodeUpdateMessage: The TestNodeUpdateMessage consists of two properties: a TestNode and a ParentTestNodeUid. The ParentTestNodeUid indicates that a test may have a parent test, introducing the concept of a test tree where TestNodes can be arranged in relation to each other. This structure allows for future enhancements and features based on the tree relationship between the nodes. If your test framework doesn't require a test tree structure, you can opt not to use it and simply set it to null, resulting in a straightforward flat list of TestNodes.

  • TestNode: The TestNode is composed of three properties, one of which is the Uid of type TestNodeUid. This Uid serves as the UNIQUE STABLE ID for the node. The term UNIQUE STABLE ID implies that the same TestNode should maintain an IDENTICAL Uid across different runs and operating systems. The TestNodeUid is an arbitrary opaque string that the testing platform accepts as is.


The stability and uniqueness of the ID are crucial in the testing domain. They enable the precise targeting of a single test for execution and allow the ID to serve as a persistent identifier for a test, facilitating powerful extensions and features.

The second property is DisplayName, which is the human-friendly name for the test. For example, this name is displayed when you execute the --list-tests command line.

The third attribute is Properties, which is a PropertyBag type. As demonstrated in the code, this is a specialized property bag that holds generic properties about the TestNodeUpdateMessage. This implies that you can append any property to the node that implements the placeholder interface IProperty.

The testing platform identifies specific properties added to a TestNode.Properties to determine whether a test has passed, failed, or been skipped.

You can find the current list of available properties with the relative description in the section TestNodeUpdateMessage.TestNode

The PropertyBag type is typically accessible in every IData and is utilized to store miscellaneous properties that can be queried by the platform and extensions. This mechanism allows us to enhance the platform with new information without introducing breaking changes. If a component recognizes the property, it can query it; otherwise, it will disregard it.

Finally this section makes clear that you test framework implementation needs to implement the IDataProducer that produces TestNodeUpdateMessages like in the sample below:

internal sealed class TestingFramework
    : ITestFramework, IDataProducer
   // ...

   public Type[] DataTypesProduced =>

   // ...

If your test adapter requires the publication of files during execution, you can find the recognized properties in this source file: As you can see, you can provide file assets in a general manner or associate them with a specific TestNode. Remember, if you intend to push a SessionFileArtifact, you must declare it to the platform in advance, as shown below:

internal sealed class TestingFramework
    : ITestFramework, IDataProducer
   // ...

   public Type[] DataTypesProduced =>

   // ...

Well-known properties

As detailed in the requests section, the testing platform identifies specific properties added to the TestNodeUpdateMessage to determine the status of a TestNode (e.g., successful, failed, skipped, etc.). This allows the runtime to accurately display a list of failed tests with their corresponding information in the console, and to set the appropriate exit code for the test process.

In this segment, we'll elucidate the various well-known IProperty options and their respective implications.

If you're looking for a comprehensive list of well-known properties, you can find it here. If you notice that a property description is missing, please don't hesitate to file an issue.

These properties can be divided in the following categories:

  1. Generic information: Properties that can be included in any kind of request.
  2. Discovery information: Properties that are supplied during a DiscoverTestExecutionRequest discovery request.
  3. Execution information: Properties that are supplied during a test execution request RunTestExecutionRequest.

Certain properties are required, while others are optional. The mandatory properties are required to provide basic testing functionality, such as reporting failed tests and indicating whether the entire test session was successful or not.

Optional properties, on the other hand, enhance the testing experience by providing additional information. They are particularly useful in IDE scenarios (like VS, VSCode, etc.), console runs, or when supporting specific extensions that require more detailed information to function correctly. However, these optional properties do not affect the execution of the tests.


Extensions are tasked with alerting and managing exceptions when they require specific information to operate correctly. If an extension lacks the necessary information, it should not cause the test execution to fail, but rather, it should simply opt-out.

Generic information
public record KeyValuePairStringProperty(
    string Key,
    string Value)
        : IProperty;

The KeyValuePairStringProperty stands for a general key/value pair data.

public record struct LinePosition(
    int Line,
    int Column);

public record struct LinePositionSpan(
    LinePosition Start,
    LinePosition End);

public abstract record FileLocationProperty(
    string FilePath,
    LinePositionSpan LineSpan)
        : IProperty;

public sealed record TestFileLocationProperty(
    string FilePath,
    LinePositionSpan LineSpan)
        : FileLocationProperty(FilePath, LineSpan);

TestFileLocationProperty is used to pinpoint the location of the test within the source file. This is particularly useful when the initiator is an IDE like Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.

public sealed record TestMethodIdentifierProperty(
    string AssemblyFullName,
    string Namespace,
    string TypeName,
    string MethodName,
    string[] ParameterTypeFullNames,
    string ReturnTypeFullName)

TestMethodIdentifierProperty is a unique identifier for a test method, adhering to the ECMA-335 standard.


The data needed to create this property can be conveniently obtained using the .NET reflection feature, using types from the System.Reflection namespace.

public sealed record TestMetadataProperty(
    string Key,
    string Value)

TestMetadataProperty is utilized to convey the characteristics or traits of a TestNode.

Discovery information
public sealed record DiscoveredTestNodeStateProperty(
    string? Explanation = null)
    public static DiscoveredTestNodeStateProperty CachedInstance { get; }

The DiscoveredTestNodeStateProperty indicates that this TestNode has been discovered. It is utilized when a DiscoverTestExecutionRequest is sent to the test framework. Take note of the handy cached value offered by the CachedInstance property. This property is required.

Execution information
public sealed record InProgressTestNodeStateProperty(
    string? Explanation = null)
    public static InProgressTestNodeStateProperty CachedInstance { get; }

The InProgressTestNodeStateProperty informs the testing platform that the TestNode has been scheduled for execution and is currently in progress. Take note of the handy cached value offered by the CachedInstance property.

public readonly record struct TimingInfo(
    DateTimeOffset StartTime,
    DateTimeOffset EndTime,
    TimeSpan Duration);

public sealed record StepTimingInfo(
    string Id,
    string Description,
    TimingInfo Timing);

public sealed record TimingProperty : IProperty
    public TimingProperty(TimingInfo globalTiming)
        : this(globalTiming, [])

    public TimingProperty(
        TimingInfo globalTiming,
        StepTimingInfo[] stepTimings)
        GlobalTiming = globalTiming;
        StepTimings = stepTimings;

    public TimingInfo GlobalTiming { get; }

    public StepTimingInfo[] StepTimings { get; }

The TimingProperty is utilized to relay timing details about the TestNode execution. It also allows for the timing of individual execution steps via StepTimingInfo. This is particularly useful when your test concept is divided into multiple phases such as initialization, execution, and cleanup.

One and only one of the following properties is required per TestNode and communicates the result of the TestNode to the testing platform.

public sealed record PassedTestNodeStateProperty(
    string? Explanation = null)
        : TestNodeStateProperty(Explanation)
    public static PassedTestNodeStateProperty CachedInstance
        { get; } = new PassedTestNodeStateProperty();

PassedTestNodeStateProperty informs the testing platform that this TestNode is passed. Take note of the handy cached value offered by the CachedInstance property.

public sealed record SkippedTestNodeStateProperty(
    string? Explanation = null)
        : TestNodeStateProperty(Explanation)
    public static SkippedTestNodeStateProperty CachedInstance
        { get; } =  new SkippedTestNodeStateProperty();

SkippedTestNodeStateProperty informs the testing platform that this TestNode was skipped. Take note of the handy cached value offered by the CachedInstance property.

public sealed record FailedTestNodeStateProperty : TestNodeStateProperty
    public FailedTestNodeStateProperty()
        : base(default(string))

    public FailedTestNodeStateProperty(string explanation)
        : base(explanation)

    public FailedTestNodeStateProperty(
        Exception exception,
        string? explanation = null)
        : base(explanation ?? exception.Message)
        Exception = exception;

    public Exception? Exception { get; }

FailedTestNodeStateProperty informs the testing platform that this TestNode is failed after an assertion.

public sealed record ErrorTestNodeStateProperty : TestNodeStateProperty
    public ErrorTestNodeStateProperty()
        : base(default(string))

    public ErrorTestNodeStateProperty(string explanation)
        : base(explanation)

    public ErrorTestNodeStateProperty(
        Exception exception,
        string? explanation = null)
            : base(explanation ?? exception.Message)
        Exception = exception;

    public Exception? Exception { get; }

ErrorTestNodeStateProperty informs the testing platform that this TestNode has failed. This type of failure is different from the FailedTestNodeStateProperty, which is used for assertion failures. For example, you can report issues like test initialization errors with ErrorTestNodeStateProperty.

public sealed record TimeoutTestNodeStateProperty : TestNodeStateProperty
    public TimeoutTestNodeStateProperty()
        : base(default(string))

    public TimeoutTestNodeStateProperty(string explanation)
        : base(explanation)

    public TimeoutTestNodeStateProperty(
        Exception exception,
        string? explanation = null)
            : base(explanation ?? exception.Message)
        Exception = exception;

    public Exception? Exception { get; }

    public TimeSpan? Timeout { get; init; }

TimeoutTestNodeStateProperty informs the testing platform that this TestNode is failed for a timeout reason. You can report the timeout using the Timeout property.

public sealed record CancelledTestNodeStateProperty : TestNodeStateProperty
    public CancelledTestNodeStateProperty()
        : base(default(string))

    public CancelledTestNodeStateProperty(string explanation)
        : base(explanation)

    public CancelledTestNodeStateProperty(
        Exception exception,
        string? explanation = null)
        : base(explanation ?? exception.Message)
        Exception = exception;

    public Exception? Exception { get; }

CancelledTestNodeStateProperty informs the testing platform that this TestNode has failed due to cancellation.

Other extensibility points

The testing platform provides additional extensibility points that allow you to customize the behavior of the platform and the test framework. These extensibility points are optional and can be used to enhance the testing experience.

The ICommandLineOptionsProvider extensions


When extending this API, the custom extension will exists both in and out of the test host process.

As discussed in the architecture section, the initial step involves creating the ITestApplicationBuilder to register the testing framework and extensions with it.

var builder = await TestApplication.CreateBuilderAsync(args);

The CreateBuilderAsync method accepts an array of strings (string[]) named args. These arguments can be used to pass command-line options to all components of the testing platform (including built-in components, testing frameworks, and extensions), allowing for customization of their behavior.

Typically, the arguments passed are those received in the standard Main(string[] args) method. However, if the hosting environment differs, any list of arguments can be supplied.

Arguments must be prefixed with a double dash --. For example, --filter.

If a component such as a testing framework or an extension point wishes to offer custom command-line options, it can do so by implementing the ICommandLineOptionsProvider interface. This implementation can then be registered with the ITestApplicationBuilder via the registration factory of the CommandLine property, as shown:

    static () => new CustomCommandLineOptions());

In the example provided, CustomCommandLineOptions is an implementation of the ICommandLineOptionsProvider interface, This interface comprises the following members and data types:

public interface ICommandLineOptionsProvider : IExtension
    IReadOnlyCollection<CommandLineOption> GetCommandLineOptions();

    Task<ValidationResult> ValidateOptionArgumentsAsync(
        CommandLineOption commandOption,
        string[] arguments);

    Task<ValidationResult> ValidateCommandLineOptionsAsync(
        ICommandLineOptions commandLineOptions);

public sealed class CommandLineOption
    public string Name { get; }
    public string Description { get; }
    public ArgumentArity Arity { get; }
    public bool IsHidden { get; }

    // ...

public interface ICommandLineOptions
    bool IsOptionSet(string optionName);

    bool TryGetOptionArgumentList(
        string optionName,
        out string[]? arguments);

As observed, the ICommandLineOptionsProvider extends the IExtension interface. Therefore, like any other extension, you can choose to enable or disable it using the IExtension.IsEnabledAsync API.

The order of execution of the ICommandLineOptionsProvider is:

A diagram representing the order of execution of the 'ICommandLineOptionsProvider' interface.

Let's examine the apis and their mean:

ICommandLineOptionsProvider.GetCommandLineOptions(): This method is utilized to retrieve all the options offered by the component. Each CommandLineOption requires the following properties to be specified:

string name: This is the option's name, presented without a dash. For example, filter would be used as --filter by users.

string description: This is a description of the option. It will be displayed when users pass --help as an argument to the application builder.

ArgumentArity arity: The arity of an option is the number of values that can be passed if that option or command is specified. Current available arities are:

  • Zero: Represents an argument arity of zero.
  • ZeroOrOne: Represents an argument arity of zero or one.
  • ZeroOrMore: Represents an argument arity of zero or more.
  • OneOrMore: Represents an argument arity of one or more.
  • ExactlyOne: Represents an argument arity of exactly one.

For examples, refer to the System.CommandLine arity table.

bool isHidden: This property signifies that the option is available for use but will not be displayed in the description when --help is invoked.

ICommandLineOptionsProvider.ValidateOptionArgumentsAsync: This method is employed to validate the argument provided by the user.

For instance, if you have a parameter named --dop that represents the degree of parallelism for our custom testing framework, a user might input --dop 0. In this scenario, the value 0 would be invalid because it is expected to have a degree of parallelism of 1 or more. By using ValidateOptionArgumentsAsync, you can perform upfront validation and return an error message if necessary.

A possible implementation for the sample above could be:

public Task<ValidationResult> ValidateOptionArgumentsAsync(
    CommandLineOption commandOption,
    string[] arguments)
    if (commandOption.Name == "dop")
        if (!int.TryParse(arguments[0], out int dopValue) || dopValue <= 0)
            return ValidationResult.InvalidTask("--dop must be a positive integer");

    return ValidationResult.ValidTask;

ICommandLineOptionsProvider.ValidateCommandLineOptionsAsync: This method is called as last one and allows to do global coherency check.

For example, let's say our testing framework has the capability to generate a test result report and save it to a file. This feature is accessed using the --generatereport option, and the filename is specified with --reportfilename myfile.rep. In this scenario, if a user only provides the --generatereport option without specifying a filename, the validation should fail because the report cannot be generated without a filename. A possible implementation for the sample above could be:

public Task<ValidationResult> ValidateCommandLineOptionsAsync(ICommandLineOptions commandLineOptions)
    bool generateReportEnabled = commandLineOptions.IsOptionSet(GenerateReportOption);
    bool reportFileName = commandLineOptions.TryGetOptionArgumentList(ReportFilenameOption, out string[]? _);

    return (generateReportEnabled || reportFileName) && !(generateReportEnabled && reportFileName)
        ? ValidationResult.InvalidTask("Both `--generatereport` and `--reportfilename` need to be provided simultaneously.")
        : ValidationResult.ValidTask;

Please note that the ValidateCommandLineOptionsAsync method provides the ICommandLineOptions service, which is used to fetch the argument information parsed by the platform itself.

The ITestSessionLifetimeHandler extensions

The ITestSessionLifeTimeHandler is an in-process extension that enables the execution of code before and after the test session.

To register a custom ITestSessionLifeTimeHandler, utilize the following API:

var builder = await TestApplication.CreateBuilderAsync(args);

// ...

    static serviceProvider => new CustomTestSessionLifeTimeHandler());

The factory utilizes the IServiceProvider to gain access to the suite of services offered by the testing platform.


The sequence of registration is significant, as the APIs are called in the order they were registered.

The ITestSessionLifeTimeHandler interface includes the following methods:

public interface ITestSessionLifetimeHandler : ITestHostExtension
    Task OnTestSessionStartingAsync(
        SessionUid sessionUid,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken);

    Task OnTestSessionFinishingAsync(
        SessionUid sessionUid,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken);

public readonly struct SessionUid(string value)
    public string Value { get; } = value;

public interface ITestHostExtension : IExtension

The ITestSessionLifetimeHandler is a type of ITestHostExtension, which serves as a base for all test host extensions. Like all other extension points, it also inherits from IExtension. Therefore, like any other extension, you can choose to enable or disable it using the IExtension.IsEnabledAsync API.

Consider the following details for this API:

OnTestSessionStartingAsync: This method is invoked prior to the commencement of the test session and receives the SessionUid object, which provides an opaque identifier for the current test session.

OnTestSessionFinishingAsync: This method is invoked after the completion of the test session, ensuring that the testing framework has finished executing all tests and has reported all relevant data to the platform. Typically, in this method, the extension employs the IMessageBus to transmit custom assets or data to the shared platform bus. This method can also signal to any custom out-of-process extension that the test session has concluded.

Finally, both APIs take a CancellationToken which the extension is expected to honor.

If your extension requires intensive initialization and you need to use the async/await pattern, you can refer to the Async extension initialization and cleanup. If you need to share state between extension points, you can refer to the CompositeExtensionFactory<T> section.

The ITestApplicationLifecycleCallbacks extensions

The ITestApplicationLifecycleCallbacks is an in-process extension that enables the execution of code before everything, it's like to have access to the first line of the hypothetical main of the test host.

To register a custom ITestApplicationLifecycleCallbacks, utilize the following api:

var builder = await TestApplication.CreateBuilderAsync(args);

// ...

    static serviceProvider
    => new CustomTestApplicationLifecycleCallbacks());

The factory utilizes the IServiceProvider to gain access to the suite of services offered by the testing platform.


The sequence of registration is significant, as the APIs are called in the order they were registered.

The ITestApplicationLifecycleCallbacks interface includes the following methods:

public interface ITestApplicationLifecycleCallbacks : ITestHostExtension
    Task BeforeRunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);

    Task AfterRunAsync(
        int exitCode,
        CancellationToken cancellation);

public interface ITestHostExtension : IExtension

The ITestApplicationLifecycleCallbacks is a type of ITestHostExtension, which serves as a base for all test host extensions. Like all other extension points, it also inherits from IExtension. Therefore, like any other extension, you can choose to enable or disable it using the IExtension.IsEnabledAsync API.

BeforeRunAsync: This method serves as the initial point of contact for the test host and is the first opportunity for an in-process extension to execute a feature. It's typically used to establish a connection with any corresponding out-of-process extensions if a feature is designed to operate across both environments.

For example, the built-in hang dump feature is composed of both in-process and out-of-process extensions, and this method is used to exchange information with the out-of-process component of the extension.

AfterRunAsync: This method is the final call before exiting the int ITestApplication.RunAsync() and it provides the exit code. It should be used solely for cleanup tasks and to notify any corresponding out-of-process extension that the test host is about to terminate.

Finally, both APIs take a CancellationToken which the extension is expected to honor.

The IDataConsumer extensions

The IDataConsumer is an in-process extension capable of subscribing to and receiving IData information that is pushed to the IMessageBus by the testing framework and its extensions.

This extension point is crucial as it enables developers to gather and process all the information generated during a test session.

To register a custom IDataConsumer, utilize the following api:

var builder = await TestApplication.CreateBuilderAsync(args);

// ...

    static serviceProvider => new CustomDataConsumer());

The factory utilizes the IServiceProvider to gain access to the suite of services offered by the testing platform.


The sequence of registration is significant, as the APIs are called in the order they were registered.

The IDataConsumer interface includes the following methods:

public interface IDataConsumer : ITestHostExtension
    Type[] DataTypesConsumed { get; }

    Task ConsumeAsync(
        IDataProducer dataProducer,
        IData value,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken);

public interface IData
    string DisplayName { get; }
    string? Description { get; }

The IDataConsumer is a type of ITestHostExtension, which serves as a base for all test host extensions. Like all other extension points, it also inherits from IExtension. Therefore, like any other extension, you can choose to enable or disable it using the IExtension.IsEnabledAsync API.

DataTypesConsumed: This property returns a list of Type that this extension plans to consume. It corresponds to IDataProducer.DataTypesProduced. Notably, an IDataConsumer can subscribe to multiple types originating from different IDataProducer instances without any issues.

ConsumeAsync: This method is triggered whenever data of a type to which the current consumer is subscribed is pushed onto the IMessageBus. It receives the IDataProducer to provide details about the data payload's producer, as well as the IData payload itself. As you can see, IData is a generic placeholder interface that contains general informative data. The ability to push different types of IData implies that the consumer needs to switch on the type itself to cast it to the correct type and access the specific information.

A sample implementation of a consumer that wants to elaborate the TestNodeUpdateMessage produced by a testing framework could be:

internal class CustomDataConsumer : IDataConsumer, IOutputDeviceDataProducer
    public Type[] DataTypesConsumed => new[] { typeof(TestNodeUpdateMessage) };
    public Task ConsumeAsync(
        IDataProducer dataProducer,
        IData value,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var testNodeUpdateMessage = (TestNodeUpdateMessage)value;

        switch (testNodeUpdateMessage.TestNode.Properties.Single<TestNodeStateProperty>())
            case InProgressTestNodeStateProperty _:
            case PassedTestNodeStateProperty _:
            case FailedTestNodeStateProperty failedTestNodeStateProperty:
            case SkippedTestNodeStateProperty _:

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Finally, the API takes a CancellationToken which the extension is expected to honor.


It's crucial to process the payload directly within the ConsumeAsync method. The IMessageBus can manage both synchronous and asynchronous processing, coordinating the execution with the testing framework. Although the consumption process is entirely asynchronous and doesn't block the IMessageBus.Push at the time of writing, this is an implementation detail that may change in the future due to future requirements. However, the platform ensures that this method is always called once, eliminating the need for complex synchronization, as well as managing the scalability of the consumers.


When using IDataConsumer in conjunction with ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler within a composite extension point, it's crucial to disregard any data received post the execution of ITestSessionLifetimeHandler.OnTestSessionFinishingAsync. The OnTestSessionFinishingAsync is the final opportunity to process accumulated data and transmit new information to the IMessageBus, hence, any data consumed beyond this point will not be utilizable by the extension.

If your extension requires intensive initialization and you need to use the async/await pattern, you can refer to the Async extension initialization and cleanup. If you need to share state between extension points, you can refer to the CompositeExtensionFactory<T> section.

The ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider extensions

The ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider is an out-of-process extension that enables you to establish custom environment variables for the test host. Utilizing this extension point ensures that the testing platform will initiate a new host with the appropriate environment variables, as detailed in the architecture section.

To register a custom ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider, utilize the following API:

var builder = await TestApplication.CreateBuilderAsync(args);

// ...

    static serviceProvider => new CustomEnvironmentVariableForTestHost());

The factory utilizes the IServiceProvider to gain access to the suite of services offered by the testing platform.


The sequence of registration is significant, as the APIs are called in the order they were registered.

The ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider interface includes the following methods and types:

public interface ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider : ITestHostControllersExtension, IExtension
    Task UpdateAsync(IEnvironmentVariables environmentVariables);

    Task<ValidationResult> ValidateTestHostEnvironmentVariablesAsync(
        IReadOnlyEnvironmentVariables environmentVariables);

public interface IEnvironmentVariables : IReadOnlyEnvironmentVariables
    void SetVariable(EnvironmentVariable environmentVariable);
    void RemoveVariable(string variable);

public interface IReadOnlyEnvironmentVariables
    bool TryGetVariable(
        string variable,
        [NotNullWhen(true)] out OwnedEnvironmentVariable? environmentVariable);

public sealed class OwnedEnvironmentVariable : EnvironmentVariable
    public IExtension Owner { get; }

    public OwnedEnvironmentVariable(
        IExtension owner,
        string variable,
        string? value,
        bool isSecret,
        bool isLocked);

public class EnvironmentVariable
    public string Variable { get; }
    public string? Value { get; }
    public bool IsSecret { get; }
    public bool IsLocked { get; }

The ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider is a type of ITestHostControllersExtension, which serves as a base for all test host controller extensions. Like all other extension points, it also inherits from IExtension. Therefore, like any other extension, you can choose to enable or disable it using the IExtension.IsEnabledAsync API.

Consider the details for this API:

UpdateAsync: This update API provides an instance of the IEnvironmentVariables object, from which you can call the SetVariable or RemoveVariable methods. When using SetVariable, you must pass an object of type EnvironmentVariable, which requires the following specifications:

  • Variable: The name of the environment variable.
  • Value: The value of the environment variable.
  • IsSecret: This indicates whether the environment variable contains sensitive information that should not be logged or accessible via the TryGetVariable.
  • IsLocked: This determines whether other ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider extensions can modify this value.

ValidateTestHostEnvironmentVariablesAsync: This method is invoked after all the UpdateAsync methods of the registered ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider instances have been called. It allows you to verify the correct setup of the environment variables. It takes an object that implements IReadOnlyEnvironmentVariables, which provides the TryGetVariable method to fetch specific environment variable information with the OwnedEnvironmentVariable object type. After validation, you return a ValidationResult containing any failure reasons.


The testing platform, by default, implements and registers the SystemEnvironmentVariableProvider. This provider loads all the current environment variables. As the first registered provider, it executes first, granting access to the default environment variables for all other ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider user extensions.

If your extension requires intensive initialization and you need to use the async/await pattern, you can refer to the Async extension initialization and cleanup. If you need to share state between extension points, you can refer to the CompositeExtensionFactory<T> section.

The ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler extensions

The ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler is an out-of-process extension that allows you to observe the test host process from an external standpoint. This ensures that your extension remains unaffected by potential crashes or hangs that could be induced by the code under test. Utilizing this extension point will prompt the testing platform to initiate a new host, as detailed in the architecture section.

To register a custom ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler, utilize the following API:

var builder = await TestApplication.CreateBuilderAsync(args);

// ...

    static serviceProvider => new CustomMonitorTestHost());

The factory utilizes the IServiceProvider to gain access to the suite of services offered by the testing platform.


The sequence of registration is significant, as the APIs are called in the order they were registered.

The ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler interface includes the following methods:

public interface ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler : ITestHostControllersExtension
    Task BeforeTestHostProcessStartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);

    Task OnTestHostProcessStartedAsync(
        ITestHostProcessInformation testHostProcessInformation,
        CancellationToken cancellation);

    Task OnTestHostProcessExitedAsync(
        ITestHostProcessInformation testHostProcessInformation,
        CancellationToken cancellation);

public interface ITestHostProcessInformation
    int PID { get; }
    int ExitCode { get; }
    bool HasExitedGracefully { get; }

The ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler is a type of ITestHostControllersExtension, which serves as a base for all test host controller extensions. Like all other extension points, it also inherits from IExtension. Therefore, like any other extension, you can choose to enable or disable it using the IExtension.IsEnabledAsync API.

Consider the following details for this API:

BeforeTestHostProcessStartAsync: This method is invoked prior to the testing platform initiating the test hosts.

OnTestHostProcessStartedAsync: This method is invoked immediately after the test host starts. This method offers an object that implements the ITestHostProcessInformation interface, which provides key details about the test host process result.


The invocation of this method does not halt the test host's execution. If you need to pause it, you should register an in-process extension such as ITestApplicationLifecycleCallbacks and synchronize it with the out-of-process extension.

OnTestHostProcessExitedAsync: This method is invoked when the test suite execution is complete. This method supplies an object that adheres to the ITestHostProcessInformation interface, which conveys crucial details about the outcome of the test host process.

The ITestHostProcessInformation interface provides the following details:

  • PID: The process ID of the test host.
  • ExitCode: The exit code of the process. This value is only available within the OnTestHostProcessExitedAsync method. Attempting to access it within the OnTestHostProcessStartedAsync method will result in an exception.
  • HasExitedGracefully: A boolean value indicating whether the test host has crashed. If true, it signifies that the test host did not exit gracefully.

Extensions execution order

The testing platform consists of a testing framework and any number of extensions that can operate in-process or out-of-process. This document outlines the sequence of calls to all potential extensibility points to provide clarity on when a feature is anticipated to be invoked:

  1. ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider.UpdateAsync : Out-of-process
  2. ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider.ValidateTestHostEnvironmentVariablesAsync : Out-of-process
  3. ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler.BeforeTestHostProcessStartAsync : Out-of-process
  4. Test host process start
  5. ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler.OnTestHostProcessStartedAsync : Out-of-process, this event can intertwine the actions of in-process extensions, depending on race conditions.
  6. ITestApplicationLifecycleCallbacks.BeforeRunAsync: In-process
  7. ITestSessionLifetimeHandler.OnTestSessionStartingAsync: In-process
  8. ITestFramework.CreateTestSessionAsync: In-process
  9. ITestFramework.ExecuteRequestAsync: In-process, this method can be called one or more times. At this point, the testing framework will transmit information to the IMessageBus that can be utilized by the IDataConsumer.
  10. ITestFramework.CloseTestSessionAsync: In-process
  11. ITestSessionLifetimeHandler.OnTestSessionFinishingAsync: In-process
  12. ITestApplicationLifecycleCallbacks.AfterRunAsync: In-process
  13. In-process cleanup, involves calling dispose and IAsyncCleanableExtension on all extension points.
  14. ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler.OnTestHostProcessExitedAsync : Out-of-process
  15. Out-of-process cleanup, involves calling dispose and IAsyncCleanableExtension on all extension points.

Extensions helpers

The testing platform provides a set of helper classes and interfaces to simplify the implementation of extensions. These helpers are designed to streamline the development process and ensure that the extension adheres to the platform's standards.

Asynchronous initialization and cleanup of extensions

The creation of the testing framework and extensions through factories adheres to the standard .NET object creation mechanism, which uses synchronous constructors. If an extension requires intensive initialization (such as accessing the file system or network), it cannot employ the async/await pattern in the constructor because constructors return void, not Task.

Therefore, the testing platform provides a method to initialize an extension using the async/await pattern through a simple interface. For symmetry, it also offers an async interface for cleanup that extensions can implement seamlessly.

public interface IAsyncInitializableExtension
    Task InitializeAsync();

public interface IAsyncCleanableExtension
    Task CleanupAsync();

IAsyncInitializableExtension.InitializeAsync: This method is assured to be invoked following the creation factory.

IAsyncCleanableExtension.CleanupAsync: This method is assured to be invoked at least one time during the termination of the testing session, prior to the default DisposeAsync or Dispose.


Similar to the standard Dispose method, CleanupAsync may be invoked multiple times. If an object's CleanupAsync method is called more than once, the object must ignore all calls after the first one. The object must not throw an exception if its CleanupAsync method is called multiple times.


By default, the testing platform will call DisposeAsync if it's available, or Dispose if it's implemented. It's important to note that the testing platform will not call both dispose methods but will prioritize the async one if implemented.

The CompositeExtensionFactory<T>

As outlined in the extensions section, the testing platform enables you to implement interfaces to incorporate custom extensions both in and out of process.

Each interface addresses a particular feature, and according to .NET design, you implement this interface in a specific object. You can register the extension itself using the specific registration API AddXXX from the TestHost or TestHostController object from the ITestApplicationBuilder as detailed in the corresponding sections.

However, if you need to share state between two extensions, the fact that you can implement and register different objects implementing different interfaces makes sharing a challenging task. Without any assistance, you would need a way to pass one extension to the other to share information, which complicates the design.

Hence, the testing platform provides a sophisticated method to implement multiple extension points using the same type, making data sharing a straightforward task. All you need to do is utilize the CompositeExtensionFactory<T>, which can then be registered using the same API as you would for a single interface implementation.

For instance, consider a type that implements both ITestSessionLifetimeHandler and IDataConsumer. This is a common scenario because you often want to gather information from the testing framework and then, when the testing session concludes, you'll dispatch your artifact using the IMessageBus within the ITestSessionLifetimeHandler.OnTestSessionFinishingAsync.

What you should do is to normally implement the interfaces:

internal class CustomExtension : ITestSessionLifetimeHandler, IDataConsumer, ...

Once you've created the CompositeExtensionFactory<CustomExtension> for your type, you can register it with both the IDataConsumer and ITestSessionLifetimeHandler APIs, which offer an overload for the CompositeExtensionFactory<T>:

var builder = await TestApplication.CreateBuilderAsync(args);

// ...

var factory = new CompositeExtensionFactory<CustomExtension>(serviceProvider => new CustomExtension());


The factory constructor employs the IServiceProvider to access the services provided by the testing platform.

The testing platform will be responsible for managing the lifecycle of the composite extension.

It's important to note that due to the testing platform's support for both in-process and out-of-process extensions, you can't combine any extension point arbitrarily. The creation and utilization of extensions are contingent on the host type, meaning you can only group in-process (TestHost) and out-of-process (TestHostController) extensions together.

The following combinations are possible:

  • For ITestApplicationBuilder.TestHost, you can combine IDataConsumer and ITestSessionLifetimeHandler.
  • For ITestApplicationBuilder.TestHostControllers, you can combine ITestHostEnvironmentVariableProvider and ITestHostProcessLifetimeHandler.