How to change from VM with ADE to VM to Encryption at host?
Hi everyone, I would like to know the proper steps to change from VM with ADE to Encryption at host. Thank you
How to install Microsoft Visio and Project in App Attach for AVD
As is known there is no MSI or MSIX for this two office application and while using the Office Deployment tool does just bring a bunch of cab files down and is not clear the organization of the files I wonder is there a way to deploy these to AVD as App…

Resolve intermittent disconnections in Azure Virtual Machine
When I connect to my Windows Virtual Machine Standard_D8ads_v6 via RDP connection that keep disconnecting me randomly 4 or 6 times a day and I reconnect without issues. The error I get is "Because of an error in data encryption, this session will…
VM is in "Unknown"
My VM crashed suddenly and then stopped. After restarting the VM, Azure portal shows its status is "Unknown". Both the Start and Stop buttons are enabled. Although it is running now but things are not looking normal.
Apagado de maquina por Licenciamiento
Buen dia solicito reabrir el caso Support request ID 2410310040007113 ya que la VM sigue presentando problemas de apagado por licenciamiento adjunto logs de primera mano PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='System';…
Azure Virtual machine still not working
Reaching out again, can someone please walk me step by step on what to do with virtual machine. I go log in to remote desk top and i try to use microsoft edge and it immediately disconnects
I enabled Diagnostic startup on my VM and now cannot RDP to the machine
The VM was extremely slow, so I wanted to see what would happen if I booted up without loading Visual Studio. I used msconfig to enable diagnostic startup but now I cannot RDP to the machine. Incredibly, the system did not even warn me that this would…
Why am I getting a permission error for AgentService.exe after Azure agent installation from Agent Pool?
I've currently trying to install an agent from Azure Devops > Project Settings > Agent Pools > Agents. I've set up the machines, and am able to get the agent itself onto the machine, and run them manually. However, I cannot run them as a service…
RDP not connecting to VM
Virtual Server will not allow me to connect. I have tried most of the solution (i.e. redeploy, port changes, I am getting 2 different 1) when I try from 1 of computers I get - You have been disconnected because another connection was made to the remote…
I don't get a redirection after typing in 'az login'
I think the problem is in the first line of the error message. The redirection link is login.microsoftonline.DE instead of Does anyone have an idea how to fix that? I'm glad for anything that could help! PS H:\> az login The…

Can't access specific websites inside the virtual machine
Hi! There are a few websites that we can't access inside the VM, but they are accessible outside the VM. Since our VM and VNET were located in Southeast Asia (Singapore), while the websites we tried to access are in the Philippines We're already…
Unable to delete resource group
I am unable to delete my resource group. I am trying documentation but it's not worked for me. I have 3 resources in that resource group. Network Interface Virtual Network Disk I am trying to delete this 3 resource individual but failed. NIC…
How to fix the issue of " Agent status is not ready "
My virtual machine was running successfully and the very next day it didn't connect neither with RDP nor with public ip through remote desktop. I tried to connect it on different devices but no success. I troubleshoot the issue according to provided…

Azure VMs Displaying Incorrect CPU Count in Task Manager
Three Azure VMs running Windows Server 2016 Datacenter are showing an incorrect CPU count in the operating system. The Azure portal indicates that there are 4 CPUs, but Task Manager only recognizes 2 CPUs. Device Manager displays the correct number of…
Azure VM not showing correct amount of CPU
Hi, we have resized an Azure VM to D16s_v5. Now the Task Manager on the VM does only show 8 virtual processors instead of 16. Azure Portal is displaying it correctly. Does someone know why? thanks
Update fails windows 2025 Azure VM Install error - 0x800736b3
My Azure VM Server2025 is failing on this update (the previous incarnations of the patch 2025-01 and 2024-12 also failed but have been superseded) "2025-02 Cumulative Update for Microsoft server operating system Version 24H2 for x64-based Systems…
Azure VM O/S Disk Size ?
Hello I am deploying windows VM from the marketplace and the default size of the disk is 128GB. Is it possible I can change this disk size to say 40GB? What are the steps ?

can i close Azure VM's disk to save cost?
my azure VM and it's status is Stopped (deallocated). but when i check resource cost list, i found the data disk(P30) of that VM on cost list. so, any way to save cost for the data disk?
Ubuntu VM 22.04 simple CLI command "freeze"
Recently (I think about a month), all our Ubuntu VMs having strange behaviour. The simple command like cat, ls, nano etc often 'frozen'. When I run apt update, it usually ended up with "scanning ... " and this would also "frozen" (not…
Having trouble with starting OpenSSH Server service on windows VM. Not able to do SSH from Linux Server to Windows server but SSH from Windows to Linux Server is successful, SSH port are open on both server.
I have 2 VMs, one having Linux and another Windows. While doing SSH from windows server to Linux server, I am able to connect the Linux VM but when I try to do SSH from Linux to Windows, connection fails. SSH is allowed in Inbound NSG rules of both VMs. …