Azure Managed Grafana won't run
This morning me and my colleagues found out that we are unable to get into our Azure Managed Grafana instance. We tried several things in Azure: resetting the versions, (re)moving permissions and ran the troubleshooter. This all did not work. The…
Azure security later that connects Prometheus to the agents - need help with security configuration
Hello, We are trying to use azure hosted grafana for monitoring server statistics, such as out-of-disk space, historical memory usage, historical CPU usage, etc... They are all linux boxes, and some of these servers exist outside of Azure. We already…
How to fix Grafana dashboard showing no data for Prometheus?
Hello, I successfully configured logging from my AKS cluster using Log Analytics Workspace, Managed Prometheus and Manage Grafana using AMPLS. I was able to see the data in the Grafana dashboard for couple of days successfully. Now when i checked the…
Accelerating PDF output in azure managed grafana
We've been using azure managed grafana version 10 for a year now and despite overall satisfaction, we've had a big problem with the speed of PDF rendering during periodic email outputs. We found that version 11 is supposed to have a redesigned rendering…
unable to retrieve Log analytics logs from Azure Grafana
I am trying to retrieve Azure Virtual machine logs linked to Azure Log Analytics workspace from Azure Managed Grafana service. Used service principle and the authentication from Grafana is successful. But still i am unable to see the logs on Grafana…
How to connect to a on premise SQL Server from Azure Managed Grafana
I have a new Azure Managed Grafana instance, and I'd like to connect to a on-premise SQL Server. We have all of the VPN/Virtual networks setup, and from a vnet connected VM, I'm able to query data. I have a Private Endpoint (not managed) setup, and it's…
Azure managed grafana supports HAProxy data connector?
I have a problem with see a data connector named HAProxy who i can found in solutions as Grafana cloud or grafana on kubernetes. I need to connect a HAProxy load balancer to azure managed grafana for monitoring. I cant find documentation related to…
how to check plugin version for azure managed grafana under plugin management?
Hi, I'm trying to update a version of infinity plugin that I'm using as a datasource on Azure Managed Grafana. I can't see the version, when I click on the plugin I can't see any details about it I can just check the box, I had 2.2.1 version of the…
Grafana plugin updating - how does it work? Specifically the clock panel plugin
Hello - I have running an Azure Managed Grafana instance. My primary issue right now: my local development environment uses the 'clock' plugin v2.18 - the latest compatible version. The azure version uses 2.1.3, even though 2.1.8 is also compatible.…
Lifecycle / upgrades of Managed Grafana?
I haven't yet found this in the documentation, so I'm asking it here: What are the principles of upgrading Grafana versions in Azure Managed Grafana? Yes, I understand that this is a managed service, and constant upgrades in the sense of security…
Azure Managed Grafana: single data source (azure monitor) for many subscriptions
I'd like to deploy an azure managed grafana service to gather Azure monitor data from several azure subscriptions by using azure monitor data source. Azure subscription are grouped under a management group structure. I'd like to use a managed identity…
Where I can find Grafana Server log on Azure Managed Grafana?
I am trying to add sql server data source on Azure Managed Grafana but I am getting an error and it is asking me to check Grafana server log for details.(Attached Screenshot) Can you please guide me where I will be able to find Grafana server log on…
Azure Grafana 90 days query issue
Hello, I try to add a widget to show last 90 days data. I configure my query and put 90 days but when try to run the query it returns following errors. Status: 500. Message: 1. Current requested time range of 90.0416666666667 days exceeds limit of 90…
How can I have Grafana 11's features in Azure Managed Grafana?
Hi, I am using Azure managed Grafana.I like to have connectors configurable with metric states( or values), Like direction of the connector arrow changes with a metric. I am using Canvas as Visualizations and the version of Grafana is 10.4.11 pro. I…
Azure Managed Grafana - embedding a graph on a webapp using AAD authentication
I am trying to embed our grafana dashboard to our web application. I found a solution that need to enable allowing anonymous access. Is it possible to embed an Azure Managed Grafana dashboard in a web application so that only authenticated users can view…
I need to know the exact difference between container insights and Azure managed Promotheus and grafana in azure kubernates cluster
I am unable to figureout the exact difference between container insights, promotheus and grafana, and if i need to integrate azure managed promotheus, in my .net core app(POD), what changes i need to make in my application to get metrics. Can any help me…
Best Solution For HTTP Health Dashboard Using Grafana?
I am looking to implement a solution to display a dashboard which shows the health of our applications. The checks would make a simple HTTP call to determine whether a application is healthy or not. Some of the applications are public, some are only…
Azure Managed Grafana - Container Apps Dashboard Issue
We just set up Azure Managed Grafana, and are using it to monitor our Azure Container Apps (ACA) instances, of which we have many. When I viewed the ACA dashboard, the Container App drop down lists a lot of resources that are not Container Apps…

Getting I/o timeout error reading buckets
I'm getting i/o timeout error reading buckets when selecting influx DB as DataSource in managed Grafana. Also I read this doc(, and created Managed private…
Azure Grafana can't login. User account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft Services'
Hello, two weeks ago I created Azure Grafana monitoring and connect it to my AKS cluster. Everything was good. But today (in two weeks), I try to open Azure Grafana and get this error: Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft Services'…