No Support for reading zip files store in Azure Datalake storage using abfss protocol url via python notebook.
Hi, This is so strange that microsoft have created the abfss protocol but have zero support to read zip files using abfss protocol via python notebook. For example I have this sample code that gives me hard time identifying a zip file as a zip…
Azure Databricks Workspace will not open and generates a blank webpage. Console says Error 429
Access to the workspace was fine last Friday, but today the webpage fails to load. I've cleared my cache, tried multiple browsers, restarted my computer and still face the same error. When I open the console in the browser I see a host of 429 errors (Too…
How to read zip file in Azure Synapse Notebook with extension of .zip.
Hi Team, Could you please advise the pyspark code, how to read zip files in synapse notebook. Example: File_Name - Note: In the we have multiple csv files, please let us know. The file Extension is only with .zip. …
How can I enable the 'SHAREPOINT' type connection in Azure Databricks?
I tried to connect SharePoint using Azure Databricks Lakehouse Federation. First, I select Connection type "Microsoft SharePoint" to create a Lakehouse Federation. Next, I input authentication info and sign in with Microsoft SharePoint. Then,…
Is there any way to export/download queries in order to move queries from one subscription to another??
I have been using Azure Databricks on one subscription and have queries in a workspace. Now I want to move them to another databricks workspace in a different subscription. Is there any way for me to export or download queries? My current solution is to…
How can I prohibit ordinary users to execute notebooks of shared folder in Azure Databricks?
Hello, How can I prohibit ordinary users to create, modify, and execute notebooks of shared folder in Azure Databricks? For security reasons, I want to prevent ordinary users from accidentally sharing the results of SELECT sensitive data in the Shared…
Creating an Azure Databricks service but get Admin error when I'm an Owner?
Hi Forum, I have an Azure account and I want to do some work with Azure Databricks using my personal email to set it up. I created a pay as you go Azure Databricks workspace in Azure and all is good until I click on Launch. I get a note saying I should…
Your Role: Global Administrator and 1 other roles does not work with Databricks
Hi, Your Role: Global Administrator and 1 other roles. This I can see In Roles and Administrators. But I cannot - from Databricks - get to Manage Account from email on top right, which means I am not Global Administrator. What is the problem? Seems…
Users in a specific region are experiencing connection issues to Databricks workspaces
We have users that are experiencing issues with connecting to both our production and development environments of databricks through our Azure subscription. Everything else in Azure is working fine for them, though. We have other users in different…
Query on connecting SQL server from Databricks
Hi all, We are studying on the methods to read/write data in SQL server from Databricks. I recognized that there are at least two different way to do it. One is the spark connector for SQL server…
How to allow Databricks to only read from one storage account and read/write from a different storage account?
RBAC setup: Under the same subscription I have resource group 1 and resource group 2. There is a Databricks instance created in resource group 1 in which a service principal was created. Within the resource group 1 storage account the service principal…
Azure SCIM Provisioning connector for databricks Not working
Team, I have successfully set up and synchronized users from our on-premises Active Directory to Azure AD. As part of the next step, I am working on syncing these users to Azure Databricks. SCIM provisioning has been configured, and a few users have been…
Need for volumes in Databricks
Why do we need Volumes when we can access the location using external locations? The doc says it is to add governance, but we can already govern using external locations. So, why add another layer of governance? I am guessing that instead of giving…
How to move a resource from subscription a to subscription b, and add to vnet subnet
Hi there, I want to move a databricks resource from subscription A to subsciption B , and add it to vnet subnet. How can I do it ? Thanks&Regards, zmsoft
Retrieving data from Azure storage account archive tier through Azure Databricks
Hi Community, Recently we are studying the practice to perform data retention in Azure. We are using Databricks and Storage Account as data lake. We are thinking of using Databricks to extract part of the data from delta table and write them to the…
Queries regarding Serverless compute in Azure Databricks
We have received a service health advisory from Microsoft with ID "PTC3-9V8" regarding the Serverless compute transition on Azure Databricks by 24 March 2025. After going through the advisory, we have few queries which we want to…
Azure databricks does not recognize HNS enabled storage account correctly
Hi, I am trying to create an external location in Azure Databricks, When i point it to a container in a storage account that has HNS enabled it still says that HNS is disabled. See image below. The storage credential being used has 'Storage Blob reader'…
how to disbale serverless for azure databricks notebook
I want to restrict the serverless in notebook in my dev workspace and i want to disable the feature . i am not getting option where to disable it .
How to connect On prem tableau server to Azure Databricks
Trying to establish a connection between on prem tableau server to Azure Databricks. Do we have to create App registration for the tableau server?
Error "Invalid configuration value detected for configuration value detected for" when listing files stored in an Azure Storage account using ""
Hi, I want to get a list of files stored in an Azure Storage account using "" command in Databricks. But, I get the following error. Failure to initialize configuration for storage account Invalid…