CH CharanKanalaCreated on November 13, 2020 Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault Deprecated ? Unable to use Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secret package with .NET Framework based applications
Hi, Below site says that Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault package has been deprecated and use package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets instead. I have developed an Azure Function with .NET Framework…

Server 2019 Installation ends in Command Prompt
I just installed Server 2019 Standard on a new machine via USB and it just ended at the command prompt and asking for a new admin password. I was never asked if I wanted the GUI version or Core version it seemed to just install the Core version, where do…
Would like to create folders in azure blob storage using python SDK
Hi All, I would like to create folders dynamically in azure blob storage using python SDK, is this something possible?

SSH private key
Azure did not provide me with my private access key after creating my virtual machine
Server Manager crashes on startup, faulting module ntdll.dll
Getting this error on all domain-connected servers when using a domain administrator account. Log Name: Application Source: Application Error Date: 10/20/2020 12:04:37 AM Event ID: 1000 Task Category: (100) Level: …
How to Increase vCPU limit to 6 in Azure Student Subscription.
I currently have an Azure for Student Subscription, and I am currently using 4 vCPU on the VM. It shows that I have a limit of using 6 vCPU. But when I resize my VM it is not showing me the options for 6 cores machines . It just says you have used 4 out…
Deep learning training on Azure steps and tutorial
Hi MSFT Community, I followed this guide to set up a GPU: VM: Standard NC12_Promo, 12 vCPUs, 112 Gib RAM Operating System: Linux …
Convert .html pages to .aspx
We recently migrated from SharePoint On-Premises to SharePoint Online, most of the files in a Library are .html none of them works in browser after the migration when I click on a files it download automatically instead of opening them in browser, is…
Microsoft Graph API error
Regarding our domain , I can't get the teams channel using the Microsoft Graph API. We send out API requests every minute. Was it restricted from Microsoft?
Windows CAL
Hi Microsoft Team, I'm planning to purchase a Windows CALS for my Windows server 20212 R2 but, I don't have an idea and still confuse about RDS user CALS and User CALS. It will be helpful for me if you can elaborate more and explained the things that…
Azure pipeline release using azureblob copy task
I have created an azure deviceops release pipeline with three tasks. The release pipeline tasks consist of installing Azure SignTool, Signing the package (artifact from another pipeline) using PowerShell and uploading to azure storage using AzureBlob…
what is your email address?
i would like to explain some of my concerns with microsoft teams with your manager and i need somewhere to talk to them meaning the email. give me the info pls.

Linux unable to login to teams
I have installed the teams software onto my ubuntu system. It takes me to the login screen and when I type the password, it does not accept it. I checked the password on the online login and it allows me to log on there. I tried the insider route, but it…
Smooth Bezier Segment for UWP
If we look WPF implementation of Bezier cure you will find 3 functions (WPF mini-language) C for cubic Bezier (3 arguments) Q for QuadraticBezierSegment (2 arguments) and S for Smooth Bezier Segment (2 arguments). So, this path works fine which contains…
Windows Shell Extension for context menu not working in explorer but working in desktop
I am trying to create a dll for shell extension context menu. I followed example given in Link Build the project in Visual Studio 2019, windows 8.1. Registered the Dll using steps given in here Following the registration steps in current window 8.1…
What is the relation between all those MS Azure Terms and Structures?
Currently i am trying to dig deeper into the organizational/entity structure of ms azure. All I find online in discussions and official ms documentation only shows parts of the bigger picture but never the underlying relationships between them. I try…
How to update report URL in subscribed reports to use FQDN
I was just asked yesterday if there was a way to have the report URL for ConfigMgr subscribed reports to use the FQDN of the server instead of the NetBIOS name of the server. I've searched around and see general SSRS questions on this, but nothing that…
Azure CDN endpoint returns 400 invalid hostname
Hello, First time using an Azure service, not the first time configuring a CDN. About 18 hours ago, I have configured a CDN endpoint for https, a custom domain, configured my DNS and created a SSL cert in Azure. Unfortunately…
Replacement for _spawnl()
I have migrated from VS2010 to VS2017, and find that _spawnl is no longer supported. I use _spawnl to launch additional instances of my code, and I save the handle that it returns so I can test if the process has finished or to kill it if necessary. …
how to pass performance counters to SCOM Retrieve Performance Data Rest API?
Hi, I'm trying SCOM Retrieve Performance Data Rest API but I'm unable to pass performance counters as it's unclear in their official documentation. …