Currently i am trying to dig deeper into the organizational/entity structure of ms azure. All I find online in discussions and official ms documentation only shows parts of the bigger picture but never the underlying relationships between them.
I try to formulate statements which I ask you to correct in case they are wrong:
I log in to the azure portal using an email adress witch is called account
In the azure portal I am acting in the context of a directory
The account i use to log in is associated with an identity in the directory
A directory belongs to a tenant
Signing up for MS Azure using my Microsoft Account will create a Tenant
A Subscription I create is assoiciated with but not created/stored within a directory (not with a tenant)
A Subscription I create is associated with the Account I am currently logged in, called Azure Account
A Management Group will be created within the directory per default, called Root Management Group
When no other Management Group is created, all Subscriptions I create are associated with this Root Management Group