I have exactly the same problem. It worked until a few days ago.
Windows 10 Professional remote desktop error 0x4
I have been connecting to a computer at another location (Windows 10 Professional) using my Mac for quite some time now. Suddenly, last week the remote desktop program gave an error code "0x4". I tried connecting with the previous version of the RDP client to no avail. I also tried connecting with iPhone and another Windows 10 Professional – nothing seems to work.
The connection is over the public internet and I do know the correct IP for the device. No changes have been made to the network structure (e.g. port settings, or such). The environment in which the target computer resides is exactly the same as before.
How could I fix the problem? I'd like to note it is extremely hard for me to access this computer physically, so if it is possible by any means to fix this remotely I'd love to give it a try. I have not allowed other connection than RDP to the computer so I cannot SSH or use other measures to change the target computer.
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19 answers
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2018-07-16T20:34:51+00:00 -
2018-07-18T19:41:07+00:00 I was able to solve the problem by having someone restart the device physically at location. No reconfigurations or registry edits were required - the computer assumed its state previous to the error automatically.
I suggest creating a backdoor for restarting the computer using protocol other than RDP to solve the problem remotely should it arise again.
2018-08-20T14:14:01+00:00 I've been experiencing this problem routinely (at least daily) for about a week now. Fortunately the computers are in the same building but if they weren't this would be a big problem PDQ.
The remote computer is a Dell Latitude 7470 running Win10 Pro and I'm using a Macbook Pro to access it.
With the latest RD version 10 client, I've determined that there's no difference whether I leave a session logged in or not. The only fix is to physically log in to the remote computer.
I first suspected that it could be some timeout issue when leaving a session logged in but inactive, for example overnight, but after taking care to avoid this I soon discovered that RDP becomes unable to re-connect, giving the same generic sounding error and 0x4 code.
On the plus side, the remote computer does not need to be rebooted in my case. The only recent changes to either system have been:
- Upgrading to RDP 10 on the Mac
- A recently issued set of updates on the Dell
A second computer that I RDP to less regularly has not displayed this problem, despite being updated in parallel. That computer is an Intel NUC 6i3 running Win10 Pro
2018-08-24T06:00:27+00:00 I've been having exactly the same situation that JMHT1 describes and it occurs at least once a day. I have a Dell desktop running Windows 10 Pro and a MacBook Air with RDP 10. I have the Windows 10 machine setup to auto login when it reboots as it runs my media server but somehow it seems to be getting into a logged out state. Once I go to the desktop and physically log in I can connect using RDP 10 on my Mac again. Since this is a headless machine this is a significant problem. My sense is that this is a result of an update but I can't tie it to a specific one.
2018-08-25T19:59:54+00:00 I have the same problem when I'm connecting with Version 10.2.1
When I use the old version 8.0.44 I'm able to connect