Unable to delete azure virtual network from azure portal
I have created azure virtual network for poc purpose. I have finished the poc and now trying to delete the VNET but portal is unable to delete resource.
I am unable to delete the web app
I have created the web app and app services plant but was unable to delete i tried multiple ways but still same issue Operation returned an invalid status 'Conflict' Content: {"Code":"Conflict","Message":"This network…
As Microsoft is Migrating NSG Flow Logs to VNET Flow Logs, I'd like to know if Azure China will also have it migrated and if so, the deadline to that, Thanks.
As Microsoft is Migrating NSG Flow Logs to VNET Flow Logs, I'd like to know if Azure China will also have it migrated and if so, the deadline to that. So far, the service is not even available under Virtual Network > Monitoring Blade as well as under…
Trying to determine what caused a VM to lose internet connectivity with no config changes
We had a VM randomly lose internet connectivity overnight. There were no configuration changes on our end, and no obvious issues looking through settings in the Azure portal. We got it resolved, but could use some help determining what happened. This VM…
Service Endpoint impact on a service
I am doing VNet integration for my azure resources. For ADLS storage: on one side, we have on-premise machine to write data to the storage through default public endpoint on the other side, we have VNet injected Databricks to talk with the ADLS…
I am getting below error while removing DDOS Plan from a Vnet while trying from terraform , portal or powershell.
Failed to update the virtual network 'vnet-name’. Error: Property id '' at path 'properties.ddosProtectionPlan.id' is invalid. Expect fully qualified resource Id that start with '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}' or…
Integrate storage, database, webapp, and databricks into one VNET
We are hardening our ML platform in Azure. Basically, we want to put all the Azure services ( ADLS, PostgreSQL DB, Web App, and Databricks cluster) in one virtural network so all the traffic will be inside the Azure network whenever possible (except the…
Support for Lets Encrypt cert auto generation on AKS API Servers with private IP Addresses
Is Cert Manager/Let's Encrypt certificate auto-generation supported on Application Gateway Ingress for AKS clusters whose API servers don’t have public IP addresses (e.g. API Server Vnet integration)? I haven’t been able to make it work. It works fine…
P2S Azure VPN
Hello, I cannto configute the P2S VPN to azure on MAC. I have it working on Windows. I have installed both certificates Root and Client on MAC, create the Native VPN as descriver on the documentation and i dont get a…
Why would my inbound port rules re-prioritize themselves automatically?
I have a server running on Azure and the Inbound Port Rules will automatically change their order in priority causing connection issues on the end-user. Is there anyway to avoid from having to rearrange priorities on these rules?
Need Clarification on a Service Endpoint limit
I found the following point in service endpoint limitations: A virtual network can be associated with up to 200 different subscriptions and regions by each supported service with active VNet rules configured. Can you please explain what does it…
Azure Network Connectivity Issue between vWAN and VPN Gateway
Good day, Azure community I’m facing network connectivity issue with my current setup, I can’t ping between two Azure VMs (native vm) the network setup as following: 2x VMs each VM on different vNet, (vNet1= & (vNet2= …
Private Endpoint NSG rule between independent virtual networks.
Hello I have 2 independent virtual networks in my environment, with NSGs to control traffic flow. NET A: Workload Subnet(houses the Management and other VMs) Private endpoint subnet (connects above vms to storage account) Bastion subnet NET B has…
VPN Client fails to connect
Installed VPN Client on Template, thus clients fails to connect, I saw in previous posts where you can submit a support ticket to Azure to fix on the back end but that requires paid support plan now. Anyone know how to fix without paying for a support…
Issue with my Azure Site to Site VPN
Hello I have deployed a VNet in azure which contains VPN gateway and Local network gateway. Made a connection between VPN and Local network gateway and I think I have made a proper configuration from my On-prem environment side, but the connection status…
Need suggestions on traffic flow from hub and spoke model and Azure Site to Site VPN.
Hi, Could you please suggest me a best Azure resource which can forward the traffic from hub virtual network to spoke virtual network which has my application running and I have one more query regarding Azure Site to Site. I have a Vnet with vpn gateway…
Action required: Upgrade from Basic to Standard SKU public IP addresses in Azure by 30 September 2025
You're receiving this notice because you've used Basic SKU public IP addresses within the last 30 days. On 30 September 2025, Basic SKU public IP addresses will be retired in Azure. You can continue to use your existing Basic SKU public IP addresses…
VPN lentidão
Bom dia. Tenho uma VM, com 16GB RAM, Standard E2bds v5, SSD 1TB. Acesso o servidor por um Gateway VPN. E arquivos compartilhado do SSD, mas a lentidão no acesso aos arquivos. Meu link de internet é de 200MBs dedicado! como posso solucionar isso?
How to create public IP as zone redundant resource? How is charged?
According to the doc, https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates?id=Azure-Public-Ips-are-zone-redundant-by-default Azure Public IPs are zone redundant by default. But I notices not all Azure regions with availability zone support created public IP as zone…
Azure Firewall DNS Proxy Failing to Resolve SCM Records in Private DNS Zones
I have a hub-and-spoke architecture in Azure where I'm using Azure Firewall in the hub as a DNS proxy. I have multiple private DNS zones configured in the hub and have established VNet links to my spoke networks. I've also added A records for my function…