Hello Carl,
Thanks for reaching out to Microsoft Q and A Forum ,
If VMSS is Managed by Azure (Example: AKS, Service Fabric, or Virtual Machine Scale Set Orchestration Mode) you will not have access to perform any operation on the same . So you will have to scale it down from the actual resources from which its associated to :
For AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service): You need to scale down the node pool instead of the VMSS directly:
az aks nodepool scale --resource-group <resource-group-name> --cluster-name <aks-cluster-name> --name <nodepool-name> --node-count 0
For Service Fabric: If the VMSS is part of an Azure Service Fabric Cluster, remove the node type:
az sf cluster node-type delete --resource-group <resource-group-name> --cluster-name <sf-cluster-name> --node-type <node-type-name>
For Other Azure-Managed VMSS: Check if the VMSS is tied to an Autoscale Policy:
az monitor autoscale show --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <autoscale-name>
If autoscaling is enabled, disable it before scaling:
az monitor autoscale delete --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <autoscale-name>
If you are still unable to find the VMSS , please create a support ticket for a deeper review of orphan services and to help provide next steps .
Finally , Don't forget to accept the answer if this was helpful .