Dev center and Project placement in Landing Zone Hierarchy
Hi, My understanding it that Azure "Dev Center" and "Project" (in Dev Center) are conceptually an organization's Internal Development Platform. My questions is where should they be placed in Landing Zone Hierarchy. Should there be…

How to handle feedback for a bot built with Teams Toolkit and teams-ai library in Python
Hi, I'm building a Chatbot with Teams Toolkit SDK for Visual Studio Code and teams-ai library in Python. The Chatbot uses Azure AI Search to achieve the "Chat with your data" functionalities. I enabled the feedback_loop within the AI…
Application Gateway Unhealthy status
Issues with Application Gateway We ran diagnostic checks on your resource Axxxxxxx to help you troubleshoot the issue. Please see the result below and perform the steps suggested to resolve the issue. If no issues are found by the diagnostic checks, then…
Inquiry Regarding Unexpected Azure Invoices and Account Issues
Hello, I recently discovered unexpected invoices from Microsoft Azure for the year 2022, specifically in June, July, and August. However, I do not recall signing up for Azure or using any of its services. The invoices were sent to my email, but when I…
Issue: SubResults Not Displayed in Azure DevOps UI
I create a test run and specify properties such as time, state, and outcome. At the end, I add the pointIds, which automatically include the associated test cases in the run. Afterward, I update the results via a PATCH request, including additional…
Persistent 502 Bad Gateway Error on Azure-Hosted Website
Dear Azure Technical Support Team, I am reaching out to seek assistance with a recurring issue on our website hosted on Azure. We have been experiencing persistent 502 Bad Gateway errors, which is significantly impacting the availability of our…
How to get token from MS identity without passing a scope
I'm trying to secure Azure functions with easy authentication. .V1 version of MS identity gives us the ability to request token without providing the scope or resource but it sets the aud claim to GUID : 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 (which i…
How to add custom email address on Email Communication Services.
I have added my custom domain in Email Communication Services. It has already verified now, but I am unable to add a custom sender mail, the add button is currently disabled there, how I can enable this.
Unsupported server parameter after Azure flexible PostgreSQL server upgrade v11 to v13
We performed a PostgreSQL version upgrade (v11 -> v13) and cannot change any server parameter via the GUI nor via CLI anymore. The error is: (ParameterNotExists) The Parameter [azure.allow_hostname_in_username] is invalid or unsupported in current PG…

Azure information protection label policy download issue
I have a desktop & AVD : Using AIP 2.16.79 on both devies , issue is on AVD - Getting error in Word - sensitivity - help - Label policy download error. MS word version 2019. User is e5 licensed. Issue: Label policy downloaded error only in AVD win…
Help Generate the application by using Spring Initializr
the following command line on my terminald doesn t work "curl -d type=maven-project -d dependencies=web,data-jpa,mysql -d baseDir=azure-spring-workshop -d bootVersion=3.1.5.RELEASE -d javaVersion=17 | tar -xzvf…
How would TLS inspection work with WAF enabled App Gateway and Azure Firewall?
Hi, I have been struggling with this from a while now. Our design has WAF enabled App gateway for incoming HTTP / HTTPS traffic from internet and then have Azure Firewall behind it. Have couple of queries for which I need assistance: 1: Does WAF has…
Can't apply ACL to folder in mounted Azure file share
I've created a security group via my Azure portal, but when I mount my Azure Files share and right click and select Properties\Security\Edit permissions\Add on a folder in that share I cannot add that security group. The Enter Network Credentials dialog…
Unable to create Azure Search Service in Private network using ARM template API version 2023-11-01
We have tried deploying Azure AI Search resource using ARM templates with API version 2023-11-01, ARM configurations having private network enabled for Azure AI Search, but when deployed resource, it is getting deployed in the public network. Screenshot…
Purview data quality profiling - how to give access to SQL db?
In Purview I've added an Azure SQL database as a data source. And I've done a scan of the database and I have tables now as assets. Now I want to start doing data quality checks on these assets. So I've created a governance domain and a data product in…
I want to fully delete my Microsoft account
Hi, I've tried to delete my Microsoft account, when going through the process it says I need to remove my business name but when I do that it says as I am the main admin and I can't sort that out to delete the account. Really struggling with this, is…
ERROR: Number of sites in server farm 'WestEuropePlan' exceeds the maximum allowed for 'Dynamic' SKU.
I am trying to deploy a Azure HTTP Function using the azure cli but I am getting this cryptic error: ERROR: Number of sites in server farm 'WestEuropeLinuxDynamicPlan' exceeds the maximum allowed for 'Dynamic' SKU. This is the command I am using to…
Failure happened on 'Sink' side. ErrorCode=UserErrorKeyConflict,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Key Content-Type conflicts in AuthHeaders/AdditionalHeaders,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'
I am trying to post file using rest connector, but it is not allowing to add additional headers for Content-Type - as it is by default applying content-type as application/json, what if, i need to use different content-type. I believe it should be…
How to I sign BAA with Microsoft?
Hi guys I have an organisational account with Azure. I'm using Azure AI services as an AI engine for my medical transcription app. I need to sign a BAA with Microsoft in view of compliance. How do I do that? Thanks.
My Certificate is not available after passing SC-100 Exam
Dear Support I passed the SC 100 exam, but didn't get a certificate, even though I met the prerequisites and currently have active certifications. Please advise ans assist. Kind regards, Clayton