dictation button problems
Hello I am getting a weird error, when I press the button again, to stop the recorder. I was following the Microsoft sample code. This is the error I am getting: The text associated with this error code could not be found This is the code that I…
How to get the info from a URI (ms-settings: xxxxxxx)
In Windows 10, you can see the Setting items when you open System Settings. I want to get the friendly name from a specified URI. For example: Get "Battery Saver" from the URI "ms-settings:batterysaver-settings" …
ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings and DateTimeOffset.MinValue
ApplicationDataContainer localSettings = ApplicationData.Current?.LocalSettings; localSettings.Values["foo"] = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; DateTimeOffset dto = (DateTimeOffset)localSettings.Values["foo"]; The last line of the…
How can i handle or find where is exactly crash in UI ?
How can i handle or find where is exactly crash in UI - Unhandled exception... I want to know crash log with proper line number or method name
Create App Service Managed Certificate with FrontDoor CNAME
I have a linux Web App backend attached to a FrontDoor instance with a custom domain, but I'm unable to create a managed certificate on the web app due to the error: "Hostname not eligible for App Service Managed Certificates creation." How…
Can I run two Windows Server operating systems inside Hyper-V?
I have Windows 10 Pro, 10Gb Ram, and 1TB Hard drive. Will I be able to run two Windows Server Operating Systems at the same time inside Hyper-V of Windows 10 Pro?
Custom PHP extensions no longer load
Recently, more precisely on Nov 19, 2019, I had a problem where when scaling my application the new instances that scaled no longer found the extensions I use on my system. Some of my users connected to a given instance could load the system correctly,…

why i can connect to only bing.com and fb google no ?
i have created vm azure for 1H but when i want to connet to google i got this message you can't reach this page i made secuirity level to low but the same probleme is there any solution guys thanks

Access Token Lifetimes
Hi, I want to increase the Access token lifetime to one day.I used the poilcy like below New-AzureADPolicy -Definition…
Can we use Windows Hello in .Net MVC, VS 2015
I have MVC Application, in which i need Windows Hello login Code, So that i can Implement the same way in my Application

Service Fabric -Stateless ASP.Net Core - Support for ASP.Net Core 3.0 gRPC
I had created a Service Fabric project called "Stateless ASP.Net Core" with ASP.Net Core 3.0 WebAPI. I replaced WebAPI code with ASP.Net Core 3.0 gRPC middlewear based on MSDN documentation. MSDN Documentation link : …
Pricing levels for Web App for Containers (Windows)
My current app service plan for a Web App for Container (Windows) only allows me to select Production plans (PC2-4). Is there a plan to allow Dev/Test plans? The PC2 pricing is higher than I'd like while in development. Thanks.

Accessing COM Object from WinRT Component
I would like to write a WinRT (C++) component that access my COM Object. in order to do that I need the COM Object Interface definitions, so I'm using #import with raw_interfaces_only e.g. #import…
[UWP] How to bring the blue pipe closer to the header text of pivot using XAML
[UWP] How to reduce the space between blue pipe and header text of pivot?
UWP how to blink in Taskbar?
UWP how to blink in Taskbar I am using C# / UWP to make an application. In that application, I want to blink the window if a particular event occurs so that the user of that application knows that something happened. How can I get this in my C# UWP…
Windows toast does not appear when machine wakes from modern standby
Hi All, I am working on modern standby machine to wake via voice from sleep. When I heard the sound then Intel drivers wakes the machine and i receive an callback in my app to show toast notification. It works for the first time but from second time…
Regex question
I am using Regex in a C# program. What I really want is an expression that will check for valid data input, letters, numbers, punctuation, space, etc. But, I am having problems getting even a simple alpha-num to work. I defined 2 strings const…
How can I retrieve details on an authenticated user?
I'm new to Azure. I recently started a new project using Web Template Studio using Node.js on the backend hosted on Azure App Service. I have figured out how to require authentication using OAuth with Azure App Service, but I'm not sure how exactly I can…

Mailbox access after domain deletion
We have acquired a company who will be deleting their email domain( XXX@Anonymous .ca) by Jan 2020. Is there any way to still access/forward emails that are sent to some of the company mailboxes after the domain is deleted?
[UWP] Splash Screen Anomaly/Problem
Hi Q&A, I'm trying to add a Splash Screen to my UWP app, develeoped using VS2019. The documentation states that I should: "Choose the 1240 x 600 pixel image (.png, .jpg, or .jpeg) you'd like to use for your splash screen image". …