webapp vnet integrated and container registry with private endpoint
this is a duplicate for some reason this didnt work when i posted it here is the link for the updated question - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/2145143/unauthorized-webapp-vnet-integrated-and-container
unauthorized webapp vnet integrated and container registry with private endpoint
hello guys, This is a duplicate post with the same ID. For some reason, the original question I posted seems to have a bug that prevents me from viewing it. I have a Linux-based web app with VNet integration enabled, configured with an IP address space…
My Azure tenant has disappeared
Helllo, Without any changes to my account, I have lost access to my Azure tenant directory. Where before I had both a default directory and a directory for my business, the business directory is no longer visible. If I search for the business name in the…
App Service returns nothing but no changes done
I have Azure App Service (NET 8) running some APIs and few static pages. All worked well for months. Today I noticed that all APIs and pages stopped to work. At request (both to API and static pages) it returns 200 with empty response. Local debug works…
chmod isn’t working or unsure about permissions
I have an DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem (SSL Certificate) that's preventing my dynamic website from working because of the file permissions. I tried chmod 644 in bash to change the file permissions to no avail. Any idea how to go about doing this?
CAC reader not working to access Azure
Hi my CAC reader worked well when accessing Azure to remotely connect to work on my old personal (non work comptuer). However my new personal computer running window11 does not recognize my ID card! I get the message below. My work IT department said…
Azure claims provision to a Cloud App
Hello Experts, I don't understand how attributes/claims are provisioned from the Azure Enterprise Application to the Cloud App. For example, I have defined a claim in Azure: "name" = user.principalname. In the transformation, I entered the…
How to use Azure App Service Auth in web app to control blob access
Hi, hoping someone can help me with some gaps in my understanding of how to use the azure app service authentication component. I'm trying to write a simple web app (in this case python) that allows a user to login, chose a container and upload a blob.…
How to Fix error code 503 and 504 in Azure hosted applications.
Frontend application is deployed in StreamLit which has backend as FLASK framework container in Azure Environment. The Code is running perfectly fine in local, but not when deployed in Azure Environments. When ever the code is is executed it is…
How to fix code throwing exception : Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'. The server is not currently configured to accept this token.'
Hi All, I'm encountering an issue while trying to connect to an Azure SQL Database using Microsoft Entra Authentication (formerly Azure AD). I am using DefaultAzureCredential in my .NET application to authenticate and retrieve the access token, but…
Identity Protection-Risky Users error when attempting to dismiss user
Hello, I have a user in my Identity Protection>Risky Users that has been there for several months. This user was deleted a long time ago, and therefore I do not understand why this user is in the Risky user section? When I try to dismiss the user,…
Web App stopped due to Quota exceed, however, the quota page shows far from been maxed out
I have a few Web Apps located in a ASP, which is on Free tier, Windows. The Web Apps were stopped with Quota Exceeded. However, the Quota page of the ASP shows the quota are barely used, as attached. How shall I find what exactly exceeded the quota?
Understanding the WEBSITE_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTICS Application Setting
What is the purpose of the WEBSITE_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTICS application setting? What are the effects of turning it ON or OFF?
Setting Header Values for Authentication in App Service
Currently, we are implementing both the frontend and backend as containers on App Service. We are using App Service authentication with Microsoft Entra ID and Single Sign-On (SSO). After authentication, we intend to authorize users based on their email…
Azure App Service deploy version 4 not showing node 20 in runtime stack
I am upgrading my Node.js application to version 20 and have integrated an Azure pipeline for deployment. In the Azure portal, under Settings > Configuration > General Settings > Stack Settings, I updated the Node.js version to 20. However, in…
How to fix a Certificate Name Mismatch on a managed certificate for an Azure App Service
I have an Azure App Service with a custom domain. I have 2 managed certificates, one for www and one for non-www domain. Everything seems to be functioning as it should. However, when running the domain through SSL Labs, it comes back with a Certificate…
When creating devops pipeline to deploy to Linux webapp NODE:20-lts is unavialable
In Azure WebServices and with az webapp list-runtimes --os linux NODE:20-lts is available, however in an Azure DevOps pipeline task AzureRmWebAppDeployment@4 only offers up to NODE:18-lts which requires manual switch to 20-lts on the resource…
MSAL - Angular universal ERROR BrowserAuthError: crypto_nonexistent: The crypto object or function is not available. Detail:Browser crypto, msCrypto, or msrCrypto interfaces not available.
Hi I build the angular universal and MSAL B2C project and that has an error BrowserAuthError: crypto_nonexistent. Thank you. BrowserAuthError: crypto_nonexistent: The crypto object or function is not available. Detail:Browser crypto, msCrypto, or…
Implement request rate limiting for Application to restrict request count in given time
Implement request rate limiting for Application to restrict request count in given time. I want to send 5 Requests per Second from single IP address and throw an exception Too Many Requests with HTTP status Code 429 while using azure ad authentication
Configuring Outbound Access Restrictions for Azure AI Service
I have created an Azure AI service and need to restrict its outbound access. According to the documentation, the following Azure CLI command must be executed az rest -m patch -u /subscriptions/{subscription ID}/resourceGroups/{resource…