Not been able to use the microsoft learn sandbox for az 900
I have been trying to utilize the sandbox for az-900, and it keeps telling me that my account is a personal account. I have opened multiple accounts to try and rectify the issue yet to no avail. More so, I consciously followed the account creation…
Azure Lab Services REST API Send Invitation Email
Hello, I'm trying to use a REST API to send an invitation to the users. From "Users" there is an "Invite All" link... I'm trying to automate this. Thank you, David

Azure labs slow since end of 2024
Hi, Some users are reporting a significant decrease in performance when using Azure labs. Opening an MMC takes ages and frequently hangs. Restarts sometimes take +10 minutes. Region is Northern Europe and we're using nested virtualisation (medium, 4…

Azure Lab stuck at Updating lab capacity
We have an Azure Lab set to sync users from an AD group. This has worked fine for months, but since Friday last week user sync has stopped and the manual sync button is greyed out. The status under Template VM and Settings show as 'Updating lab capacity'…
Azure Lab Services Portal Icons
Hello, I have multiple employees using a variety of browsers connecting to our Lab Services Portal. We all are experiencing the same issue, including myself. Icons are missing on the portal. Clearing cache and going into Private mode fails to fix this.…
What is the extended disks private preview feature of Azure Lab Services ?
Hello all, I got an email saying that the Extended disks private preview would be retired on 16 June 2025. I am a little bit confusion about it. I was wondering if it is the feature mentioned on the following …
Request for Clarification on Azure Lab Services Backend API Post-Retirement Availability
Hello Azure Community,, I recently reached out to Microsoft Support regarding the Azure Lab Services backend API and its usability post-retirement. The response I received stated: “Yes, the Azure Lab Services backend API can still be utilized for…
Message: AADSTS700016: Application with identifier
Message: AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '' was not found in the directory 'xxx'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any…
There are a lot less VMs in Labs
Previously labs had a lot of VMs for various languages, but now a lot of them are missing and I don't want to use VMs with a lot of suffixes after them, e.g. VSDrop...

I am unable to claim my azure free credit for my student subscription, it keeps on telling me I am not eligible with a student account
It says i am not eligible for student subscription.
How the Engineering Team Implemented VM Usage Tracking in Azure Lab Services
Hi all, With Azure Lab Services retiring in 2027, we plan to migrate to a new service for our school. Azure products like Virtual Machine Scale Sets or DevTest Lab look like good alternatives. However, we need to implement a key cost-saving feature:…
Cannot start machines in Azure Labservices
We can't start any machine in Azure Labservices. Is there an error?
Training remote students in Office 365 through azure lab services
my customer wants to train their employees in Office 365 some of who are remote and not in the same location so will be running the trainings online. The trainees will be required to access office apps in an environment that is not local so through VMs (…

Not able to delete Azure lab services
I am getting this while trying to delete my azure labs. Has anyone seen this? status": "Failed", "errorCode": "JobTimeout", "errorMessage": "The operation could not be completed within the allotted…
How to determine from which image a virtual machine was deployed?
I have a virtual machine running RedHat 7.3, I would like to see which image was used to deploy it.
Azure Lab Services Cost?
Hello Team, I am planning to use azure lab services for around 10 students and have question regarding the cost. I wont be using any advanced networking. As per documentation I will need to create LAB Account and then I select instance for example…
How to create a lab environment for students starting now
Hello, I am aware that lab services will be closed in the near future and it won't support new account sign up last month. So how do I set up a lab environment for my students? We are an accredited school and can pay for a better subscription instead of…
Azure Lab Services will be retired on June , 28, 2027
Azure Lab Services will be retired on June~~,~~ 28, 2027 because of the availability of other Microsoft VDI services such as Azure Virtual Desktop, Windows 365, Azure DevTest Labs, and Microsoft Dev Box, that can be used instead for your use cases. If…

Does the Data scientist Associate DP-100 exam contain lab sessions and many case studies?
I am preparing for the DP-100 exam and want to know the best way to prepare.