ms-azuretools-vscode ZipDeploy of production distribution causes Oryx errors
I am trying to deploy a frontend app to azure app service. When I try to push a zip deploy output of a dist build(using rpm run build) from vscode to nodes runtime azure app service, I get an error below and the app service container stopping in the…
Bicep: Private DNS zones, Private Endpoints, and DNS Records done right
I am deploying PEs in my Vnet (dedicated Snet) that are linked to Web App resources deployed with Vnet integration. My understanding is that I need to add A records in the Private DNS Zone. This is turning out to be a lot harder than I would have…
How do I updated my Azure Web App from Node 14 to Node 20?
I am needing to update my Azure Web App to run on Node 20. It is currently running on Node 14. I am having issues doing this. Locally I am running Node 20 (which works) and on Azure my Azure Web App server has is using Node 14. I need to update node in…
How to redirect www.<staticsite>.com to https://<staticsite>.com
Hi Everyone, I have successfully deployed an Azure Static Website and configured a custom domain. After setting it up, I'm able to access the site using https://.com, but when I try [www], I receive a 404 Not Found error. I’ve already made the…
Create Web App fails without any error message
Hi guys, I'm new to this, and I'm struggling with the very first attempt to set up a Web App. When I reach the "Review + create" tab, I can see some dots on top of the mask doing something, but that's about it. No error message, no nothing, and…
My Static Web App was taken down as well as its resource.
I deployed my first Static Web App a few months ago but it has been taken down. I am not entirely sure why. I went with the Static Web App route because I had a simple website with a basic API call, and since there was no hosting fee, I thought it the…
I've been trying to deploy my FastAPI application on Azure DevOps for the past two days. It was working perfectly before, but now it's not working even though I haven't made any changes to the pipeline.
My Pipeline is : trigger: - main variables: azureServiceConnectionId: service_connectionID webAppName: appname vmImageName: 'image' environmentName: 'env' projectRoot: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) pythonVersion: '3.11' stages: - stage:…
How do I deploy (release) a static web app from a pipeline artifact?
I have a build pipeline that creates a pipeline artifact that contains two zip files. I'd like to use AzureStaticWebApp@0 to deploy the static web app in a release pipeline. I've filled out the fields, but the 'working directory' points at the zip…
How to find the application log for Next.js when running Static web Apps?
Hi We've successfully deployed Next.js to Azure Static Web Apps but how can we find the console logs/stout? I suspect they are out of reach which makes running complex applications risky since you can't debug error that are either node related or…
Managed functions not registering when deployed
SWA was working fine last year. Stepped away from development for a while. Came back to it and pushed some changes out. Deployment succeeded with no errors but SWA says I have no functions now. Pipeline is DevOps... No errors in the pipeline, but the…
I've been trying to deploy my FastAPI application on Azure DevOps for the past two days. It was working perfectly before, but now it's not working even though I haven't made any changes to the pipeline.
my pipeline is this: trigger: - main variables: azureServiceConnectionId: 'subscription' webAppName: 'app-name' vmImageName: 'image' environmentName: 'env' projectRoot: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) pythonVersion: '3.11' stages: -…
Create new Web App resource template throwing errors
I am walking a group of college CS students through creation of web app resource on Azure platform. when any of our accounts tries to create the resource through the portal and using different settings, we are getting ErrorLoadingControl errors, which…
Azure CDN-hosted and PII Regulation
We would like to ask about Azure CDN-hosted web application's data protection concerns. We heard that German's personal identifiable information (PII) regulation is one of the highest levels, and therefore we deployed the service on German West Central…
Custom domains won't get validate and returns an unknown error.
Hey everyone, I am trying to set my domains on a Static Web App, but it's been around 3 weeks that I'm trying to set my CNAME and TXT, but it fails, and I get "Validation failed" Status following this error: "An unknown error has…
Custom Domain for my static web app is in "validating" state for over 20 hours
I have hosted web application on Azure static web app service. Since by default, it creates a random domain name for the application, I created a DNS Zone for a custom domain name. I added this to my Static web application and it has been stuck in the…
Azure Static Web Apps Environment Variable Not Working
I'm deploying a React app with Azure Static Web Apps and have configured environment variables in the Azure Portal under Configuration > Environment variables. However, these variables are not being injected into the app during deployment. In the…
Managed API Function not recognized when building manually
Because of the permission issue when using the API build in the AzureStaticWebApp@0 task, I am skipping the API build and build it in an earlier task. Here is my task: - task: AzureStaticWebApp@0 inputs: app_location: "/dist" …
Php Webapp slow down and dropping connection to database
I have web app using php and also mysql flexible server, my application was working fine until it decided to slow down and hit or miss drop database connection. I thought my queries were not written well at first until i started experiencing problems…
Azure Web App - Admin Disabled Status
Good day, I am unable to create a support request on my Free (F1) tier subscription. My Azure Web App was disabled over the December 2024 holidays. Status: Admin disabled I have sent an email to the email to the AZ Community distribution list but I…
images & icons not loading randomly and sometimes 404 page loading in SWA
whenever I loads my website some of the images does not loads, and if I refreshes then other images may crash and some time even the page crashes and lands me to 404 page. I've already deployed many website on azure but didn't got this issue before