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Using an Audit Trail

Using an Audit Trail

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The workflow components include a built-in audit trail provider. The AuditTrailEventLog provider writes messages to the application log in the Microsoft® Windows® server operating systems Event Viewer.

CDO for Workflow (CDOWF) defines an IAuditTrail Interface that you can use to develop your own auditing tool. You can use any component that supports this interface as an audit trail logging tool. Specify the programmatic identifier (PROGID) of your component in the AuditTrailProvider property of the ProcessDefinition object when you design the workflow application.

You can use the audit trail to gather information about where your process succeeded or failed. For example, it tells you whether the source of the audit event was the event sink or the workflow engine. It also records the nature of the transition, so that you can tell where the workflow item was in the process.

Sometimes you might get run-time errors that the audit trail cannot help you determine the cause of. In those cases, you might need to debug the script code. For more information about how the Script Debugger works with workflow, see Using the Microsoft Script Debugger.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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