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IAuditTrail Interface

IAuditTrail Interface

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. Supports methods for writing entries in an audit trail.





Type Library

Microsoft CDO Workflow Objects for Microsoft Exchange

DLL Implemented In


Member Summary

The following table lists the methods of the IAuditTrail interface.

Name Description
AddEntry Add entry to audit trail.
Bind Bind audit trail to a process instance.


The workflow engine uses the object implementing the IAuditTrail interface in case of errors during a state transition. Similarly, the engine uses the implementation when it gets an unhandled exception during an asynchronous event.

This interface needs to be implemented by any audit trail provider used by workflow. The IProcessDefinition Interface has an AuditTrailProvider Property that contains the ProgID of your audit trail provider. You can use the audit trail provider that comes with CDO for Exchange 2000 Server (CDOEX)--AuditTrailEventLog CoClass. You can also write your own audit trail provider by implementing the IAuditTrail interface.

Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server setup automatically installs the CDO for Workflow (CDOWF) Audit Trail component category (CATID). If you want your custom audit trail provider to be visible in the Workflow Designer for Exchange 2000 Server, your audit trail provider must implement this CATID.


AddAuditEntry Method

IWorkflowSession Interface

See Also

AuditTrailEventLog CoClass

IProcessDefinition Interface

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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