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Using the Microsoft Script Debugger

Using the Microsoft Script Debugger

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When you get unexpected results from a save or delete operation on the client, this usually means that your script caused a run-time exception. If you are using the Workflow Designer for Exchange 2000 Server, enable Just-In-Time (JIT) script debugging. JIT starts the Microsoft Script Debugger when the error occurs. The debugger starts on the server, so you need to have access to the server.

Developers creating their own tools can enable JIT using the Exchange store schema property. To enable JIT script debugging, set enabledebug equal to true for the OnSyncSave and OnSyncDelete event registration items in the workflow folder. The workflow engine uses the value of this property with the EnableDebug Method of the IProcessInstance Interface to configure the script host before running any script.

For JIT to work correctly, the server environment must be set up properly. The following three requirements must be met:

  • The workflow event sink COM+ identity must be set to "interactive user" in component services.
  • The registry key "HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows Script/Settings/JITDebug" must be set to REG_DWORD "1".
  • If the event sink is installed on the server, JIT must be enabled in Tools|Options|Debugger|General in Microsoft® Visual InterDev®.

Note   You might have to create the registry key.

By default, a workflow script aborts after 15 minutes (900 seconds). You can configure the maximum time a script executes using the following registry key:

  • "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Workflow\Maximum execution time for scripts in seconds"

Set this higher to allow more time to debug the script. Specify the maximum time, in seconds, that a script executes with a setting of type DWORD. You must set this key on any computer on which you want to configure the maximum time a script executes. You might be required to create the registry key.

Note   The minimum supported setting is 5 minutes (300 seconds).

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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