
Update floor rules


This feature is not available by default. If you are interested in gaining access or discussing potential use cases that may apply to your business, reach out to your Microsoft Advertising representative.

The Floor Rule screen lists all floor rules for a publisher, allows you to view and edit rule details, and offers bulk editing options.

Getting to the floor rules screen

Publisher-only clients: Select Partners > Yield Management > Floor rules in the menu bar, and then select a publisher if you are prompted.

All other clients: Select Publishers > Floor Rules in the menu bar, and then select a publisher if you are prompted.

Viewing floor rule details

The grid at the top shows basic information about a floor rule, such as its name and ID. To see more details about a rule, clicking anywhere in the row except the checkbox. The Rule Details section at the bottom of the window shows you the following:

  • Name: The name that you provided for the rule.

  • Priority: The rule's priority. Rules are checked against every impression in priority order.

  • Description: Text description of the rule (optional).

  • Hard floor: The hard floor set within the rule. This is the lowest price you will accept for this inventory.

  • Soft floor: The soft floor set within the rule. This is the lowest price to which the winning bid will be reduced. (Not applicable if Floor Optimization is turned on.)

  • Floor Optimization: Whether Floor Optimization is turned on or off. Floor Optimization programmatically sets a new floor for each impression. See Floor Optimization for more information.

  • Floor Price Applies To: The type of impressions, managed, third-party, or both, that the floor rule applies to.

    For conditional floor rules, the targeting rules are also displayed.

Editing a floor rule

To edit a floor rule, select the the rule's row and click the edit button.


For instructions on editing floor rules, see Create a Floor Rule.

Delete a floor rule

Click the Actions button to delete or one or more floor rules. Check the checkbox for each rule that you want to edit and click Actions > Delete.

A confirmation dialog lists the rule(s) to be edited or deleted. Click OK to complete the action.


You can also enable or disable Floor Optimization for one or more rules from the Floor Rules screen. Check the checkbox for each rule that you want to edit and click Actions > Enable Floor Optimization or Actions > Disable Floor Optimization.