
Microsoft Monetize - Monitoring

Microsoft Monetize lets you monitor and troubleshoot your line items all in one place. You can create, edit, monitor, and troubleshoot line items from a single view.


The Microsoft Monetize Monitoring feature is in Open Beta and currently only supports deal line items, augmented line items (ALI), and guaranteed delivery augmented line items (GDALI). It is subject to change without notice and is only available to select clients.

The following topics provide more details about line item monitoring and troubleshooting:

  • Monitor Line Items - Learn how to access line item monitoring, understand line item metrics, search for related objects, apply filters, modify display columns, and download reports.
  • Troubleshoot Line Items - Learn how to access line item troubleshooting and use the Impression Funnel, Troubleshooting Reports, and Bid Request Sampler to troubleshoot line items.