
Microsoft Monetize - Buying video inventory

This page provides you with a suggested workflow to optimize the new enhancements around our buy-side video offering.

Step 1. Add VAST video creatives

You can either opt to have Microsoft Advertising host your VAST creatives, or add creatives hosted by a third-party provider. For more information, see Add a Creative and Add Creatives in Bulk.


A contract addendum must be signed prior to hosting with Microsoft Advertising. Contact your Microsoft Advertising representative for more information.

Step 2. Create your buy-side setup

Create your ad campaign by following the Basic Buy-side Setup Procedures.

Step 3a. Target inventory

Target your own managed video inventory or third-party inventory. (See Third-Party Inventory Targeting).

Step 3b. Target video (optional)

Set video targeting parameters to target specific types of inventory. For more information, see Video Targeting. For Deals targeting, see Video Player Targeting.


Setting any of the video targeting parameters will reduce targeting to the corresponding attributes and will significantly limit your delivery potential.

Step 4. Generate reports

Run reports to analyze video event metrics and further optimize your video buying approach. For more information, see Network Video Analytics Report.