

USER_MODE_HEALTH_MONITOR_LIVEDUMP即時傾印的值為 0x000001C9。 它表示一或多個重要的使用者模式元件無法滿足健康情況檢查。


參數 描述
1 在設定的逾時內無法滿足健康情況檢查的程式。
2 健康情況監視逾時 (秒) 。
3 監視程式來源。 結合進程位址,有助於識別來源。 請參閱底下,取得可能的值。 這些值會與 USER_MODE_HEALTH_MONITOR共用。
4 保留的。

Watchdog 來源值

0  : WatchdogSourceDefault
     Source was not specified
1  : WatchdogSourceRhsCleanup
     Monitors that RHS process goes away when
     terminating on graceful exit
2  : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlockBugcheckNow
     RHS was asked to immediately bugcheck machine
      on resource deadlock
3  : WatchdogSourceRhsExceptionFromResource
      Resource has leaked unhandled exception from an entry point,
      RHS is terminating and this watchdog monitors that
      process will go away
4  : WatchdogSourceRhsUnhandledException
      Unhandled exception in RHS.
      RHS is terminating and this watchdog monitors that
      process will go away
5  : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlock
      Monitors that RHS process goes away when
      terminating on resource deadlock
6  : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlock
      Monitors that RHS process goes away when
      terminating on resource type deadlock
7  : WatchdogSourceClussvcUnhandledException
      Unhandled exception in clussvc.
      clussvc is terminating and this watchdog monitors that
      process will go away
8  : WatchdogSourceClussvcBugcheckMessageRecieved
      Another cluster node has sent message asking to bugcheck this node.
9  : WatchdogSourceClussvcWatchdogBugcheck
      User mode watchdog has expired and created netft watchdog
      to bugchecked the node.
       0xA : WatchdogSourceClussvcIsAlive
      Cluster service sends heartbeat to netft every 500 milliseconds.
      By default, netft expects at least 1 heartbeat per second.
      If this watchdog was triggered that means clussvc is not getting
      CPU to send heartbeats.
      0x65 : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlockPhysicalDisk
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlock.
      0x66 : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlockStoragePool
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlock.
      0x67 : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlockFileServer
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlock.
      0x68 : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlockSODAFileServer
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlock.
      0x69 : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlockStorageReplica
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlock.
      0x6A : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlockStorageQOS
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlock.
      0x6B : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlockStorageNFSV2
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceDeadlock.
      0xC9 : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlockPhysicalDisk
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlock.
      0xCA : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlockStoragePool
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlock.
      0xCB : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlockFileServer
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlock.
      0xCC : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlockSODAFileServer
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlock.
      0xCD : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlockStorageReplica
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlock.
      0xCE : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlockStorageQOS
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlock.
      0xCF : WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlockStorageNFSV2
       A subclass of WatchdogSourceRhsResourceTypeDeadlock.



監視程式計時器等硬體機制可以偵測到基本核心服務未執行。 不過,資源耗盡問題,包括記憶體流失、鎖定爭用和排程優先順序設定錯誤,可能會封鎖重要的使用者模式元件,而不會封鎖 DPC 或清空非分頁集區。

核心元件可以定期監視重要應用程式,將監視程式計時器功能延伸至使用者模式。 這個存留狀態檢查表示使用者模式健康情況檢查失敗,因此我們會嘗試終止此應用程式,並在終止完成時持續監視。 如果終止未及時完成,則電腦將會錯誤檢查它藉由重新開機和/或允許應用程式容錯移轉至其他伺服器來還原重要服務。



使用 Windows 錯誤報告針對容錯移轉叢集進行疑難排解



