

Flow element

(Flows element) (WorkflowInfo element) (Action4)

Applies to: SharePoint Server 2013

Represents the activity underlying the Go to a stage action in the visual workflow designer.


            <RuleDesigner />
            <Paramters />

Element information

Element type


Schema file



    <xs:element name="Flow" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
             <xs:element name="RuleDesigner" type="ruleDesignerType" minOccurs="1"  maxOccurs="1">
             <xs:element name="Parameters" type="parametersType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
          <xs:attribute name="Name" type="s:string" use="required" />
          <xs:attribute name="Category" type="s:string" use="required" />

Elements and attributes

If the schema defines specific requirements, such as sequence, minOccurs, maxOccurs, and choice, see the definition section.

Parent elements

Element Type Description
Flows Container element for individual Flow element (Flows element) (WorkflowInfo element) (Action4) elements.

Child elements

Element Type Description
Parameters parametersType Serves as a container for Parameter elements, and contains no definable attributes. Includes the descriptions of the parameters in an action method signature.
RuleDesigner ruleDesignerType Contains information that allows the rendering of a declarative sentence in the visual workflow editor in SharePoint Designer or Visual Studio.


Attribute Type Required Description Possible Values
Category s:string required Specifies the ribbon category in the visual designer user interface (in this case, Common Flows) that contains the Go to a stage action. Values of the s:string type.
Name s:string required Specifies the string that identifies the action in the visual designer user interface. In this case, the name is Go to a stage. Values of the s:string type.