.gif) |
AlphaBlendEnable |
Gets or sets a value to enable alpha-blended transparency. The default value is false. |
.gif) |
AlphaBlendOperation |
Gets or sets the arithmetic operation applied to separate alpha blending. The default is BlendFunction.Add. |
.gif) |
AlphaDestinationBlend |
Gets or sets the separate alpha channel blending factor. This factor represents a destination value by which to multiply the alpha channel only. The default is Blend.One. |
.gif) |
AlphaFunction |
Gets or sets the comparison function for the alpha test. The default is CompareFunction.Always. |
.gif) |
AlphaSourceBlend |
Gets or sets the separate alpha channel blending factor. This factor represents a value by which to multiply the alpha channel only. The default is Blend.One. |
.gif) |
AlphaTestEnable |
Gets or sets a render state that enables a per-pixel alpha test. The default value is false. |
.gif) |
BlendFactor |
Gets or sets the color used for a constant-blend factor during alpha blending. The default is Color.White. |
.gif) |
BlendFunction |
Gets or sets a value to select the arithmetic operation to apply to the source and destination pixel components when AlphaBlendEnable is set to true. The default is BlendFunction.Add. |
.gif) |
ColorWriteChannels |
Gets or sets a value that enables a per-channel write for the render target color buffer. The default value is ColorWriteChannels.None. |
.gif) |
ColorWriteChannels1 |
Gets or sets a value that enables a per-channel write for the render target color buffer. The default value is ColorWriteChannels.None. |
.gif) |
ColorWriteChannels2 |
Gets or sets a value that enables a per-channel write for the render target color buffer. The default value is ColorWriteChannels.None. |
.gif) |
ColorWriteChannels3 |
Gets or sets a value that enables a per-channel write for the render target color buffer. The default value is ColorWriteChannels.None. |
.gif) |
CounterClockwiseStencilDepthBufferFail |
Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes and the depth-buffer test fails for a counterclockwise triangle. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. |
.gif) |
CounterClockwiseStencilFail |
Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test fails for a counterclockwise triangle. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. |
.gif) |
CounterClockwiseStencilFunction |
Gets or sets the comparison function to use for counterclockwise stencil tests. The default is CompareFunction.Always. |
.gif) |
CounterClockwiseStencilPass |
Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil and z-tests pass for a counterclockwise triangle. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. |
.gif) |
CullMode |
Specifies how back-facing triangles are culled, if at all. The default value is CullMode.CounterClockwise. |
.gif) |
DepthBias |
Sets or retrieves the depth bias for polygons. The default value is 0. |
.gif) |
DepthBufferEnable |
Enables or disables depth buffering. The default is true. |
.gif) |
DepthBufferFunction |
Gets or sets the comparison function for the depth-buffer test. The default is CompareFunction.LessEqual |
.gif) |
DepthBufferWriteEnable |
Enables or disables writing to the depth buffer. The default is true. |
.gif) |
DestinationBlend |
Gets or sets the color blending factor. This factor represents a value by which to multiply the destination pixel color before adding it to the source pixel to produce a color that is a blend of the two. The default is Blend.Zero. |
.gif) |
FillMode |
Represents the fill mode. The default is FillMode.Solid. |
.gif) |
FogColor |
Gets or sets the fog color. The default value is Color.TransparentBlack. |
.gif) |
FogDensity |
Gets or sets the fog density for pixel or vertex fog used in exponential fog modes. The default value is 1.0f. |
.gif) |
FogEnable |
Enables or disables fog blending. The default is false. |
.gif) |
FogEnd |
Gets or sets the depth at which pixel or vertex fog effects end for linear fog mode. The default value is 1.0f. |
.gif) |
FogStart |
Gets or sets the depth at which pixel or vertex fog effects begin for linear fog mode. The default value is 0.0f. |
.gif) |
FogTableMode |
Gets or sets the fog formula to use for pixel fog. The default is None. |
.gif) |
FogVertexMode |
Gets or sets the fog formula to use for vertex fog. The default is FogMode.None. |
.gif) |
MultiSampleAntiAlias |
Enables or disables multisample antialiasing. The default is true. |
.gif) |
MultiSampleMask |
Gets or sets a bitmask controlling modification of the samples in a multisample render target. The default is 0xffffffff. |
.gif) |
PointSize |
Gets or sets the size to use for point size computation in cases where point size is not specified for each vertex. The default value is the value a driver returns. If a driver returns 0 or 1, the default value is 64, which allows software point size emulation. |
.gif) |
PointSizeMax |
Gets or sets the maximum size of point primitives. The default is 64.0f. |
.gif) |
PointSizeMin |
Gets or sets the minimum size of point primitives. The default is 1.0f. |
.gif) |
PointSpriteEnable |
Enables or disables full texture mapping on each point. The default is false. |
.gif) |
RangeFogEnable |
Gets or sets enabling of range-based vertex fog. The default value is false. |
.gif) |
ReferenceAlpha |
Specifies a reference alpha value against which pixels are tested when alpha testing is enabled. The default value is 0. |
.gif) |
ReferenceStencil |
Specifies a reference value to use for the stencil test. The default is 0. |
.gif) |
ScissorTestEnable |
Enables or disables scissor testing. The default is false. |
.gif) |
SeparateAlphaBlendEnabled |
Enables or disables the separate blend mode for the alpha channel. The default is false. |
.gif) |
SlopeScaleDepthBias |
Gets or sets a value used to determine how much bias can be applied to coplanar primitives to reduce flimmering z-fighting. The default is 0. |
.gif) |
SourceBlend |
Gets or sets the color blending factor. This factor represents a value by which to multiply the source pixel color before adding it to the destination pixel to produce a color that is a blend of the two. The default is Blend.One. |
.gif) |
StencilDepthBufferFail |
Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes and the depth-test fails. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. |
.gif) |
StencilEnable |
Gets or sets stencil enabling. The default is false. |
.gif) |
StencilFail |
Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test fails. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. |
.gif) |
StencilFunction |
Gets or sets the comparison function for the stencil test. The default is CompareFunction.Always. |
.gif) |
StencilMask |
Gets or sets the mask applied to the reference value and each stencil buffer entry to determine the significant bits for the stencil test. The default mask is Int32.MaxValue. |
.gif) |
StencilPass |
Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. |
.gif) |
StencilWriteMask |
Gets or sets the write mask applied to values written into the stencil buffer. The default mask is Int32.MaxValue. |
.gif) |
TwoSidedStencilMode |
Enables or disables two-sided stenciling. The default is false. |
.gif) |
Wrap0 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap1 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap10 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap11 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap12 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap13 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap14 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap15 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap2 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap3 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap4 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap5 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap6 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap7 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap8 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |
.gif) |
Wrap9 |
Gets or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. The default value for this render state is TextureWrapCoordinates.Zero (wrapping disabled in all directions). |