
To send files using the command line

  1. Establish an infrared link by aligning your computers so that the infrared transceivers are within one meter of each other and the transceivers are pointing at each other.

  2. Open Command Prompt

  3. At the command prompt, type:

    irftp [Drive:] [[Path] FileName] [/h]




    Specifies the drive that contains the files that you want to send over an infrared link.

    [Path] FileName 

    Specifies the location and name of the file or set of files that you want to send over an infrared link.


    Specifies hidden mode. When hidden mode is used, the Wireless Link dialog box does not display when the files are sent.


  • To open command prompt, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt

  • If you do not specify a drive, a path, and a name for the file or set of files that you want to send, the Wireless Link dialog box opens, so that you can select the files without using the command line.