
Run Jobs with the HPC Basic Profile Web Service

Applies To: Windows HPC Server 2008

Windows HPC Server 2008 supports a Web-service-based standard, the High Performance Computing Basic Profile from the Open Grid Forum. This standard provides access over a Web service protocol to the HPC Job Scheduler Service running on the head node of an HPC cluster. This capability can be accessed through any client that uses the appropriate Web service communication protocols.

To access the HPC Job Scheduler Service through the HPC Basic Profile Web Service, you need:

  • A username and password with permissions to run a job on the Windows HPC Server 2008 cluster.

  • A certification authority certificate. This certificate is used by clients to verify the identity of the head node running the HPC Basic Profile Web Service.

  • If you are using the File Staging capability within the HPC Basic Profile Web Service, you need a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server that uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. For more information about how to set up an FTP server on Internet Information Services (IIS) that is able to use the SSL protocol, see Using FTP Over SSL (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=122652).

  • If you are using the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) functionality through the HPC Basic Profile Web Service, you must have configured a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) broker node as part of your compute cluster and must be able to run an SOA session. For more information, see Configuring WCF Broker Nodes.

For more information about configuring, activating, and starting the HPC Basic Profile Web Service, see the HPC Server Basic Profile Web Service Operations Guide (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=122648).

For more information about SOA, see the Managing SOA Sessions in Windows HPC Server 2008 Step-by-Step Guide (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=122647).

Additional references