
ReplGetOidStatus (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is used by synchronization clients to determine the status of an object in the object store or database volume.

BOOL ReplGetOidStatus(HREPLhRepl,CEOIDoid,REPLCHANGEINFO* lpChangeInfo);


  • hRepl
    [in] Handle to an open synchronization session, obtained from a call to the ReplOpenSync function.
  • oid
    [in] Identifier of the object to examine.
  • lpChangeInfo
    [out] Pointer to a REPLCHANGEINFO structure that will receive information about one changed object inside the volume.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if information about the object returns successfully. Returns FALSE if an error occurs. For extended error information, see the GetLastError function.


With the exception of deletions, ReplGetOidStatus does not return changes made by the present client to the present client. Due to the incomplete information that is stored about deleted items, ReplGetOidStatus may report some deletions to the thread that performed them. In addition, a client may receive duplicate reports of some deletions, if an application deletes and does not reuse an OID. You should write clients so that extra deletion reports do not cause problems.

ReplGetOidStatus only returns items that have been created, modified, or deleted before the last checkpoint. Items that were changed since the last checkpoint will not be reported until after the next checkpoint.

This API is part of the counter-based replication model and is not supported under the bit-based replication model.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Pwindbas.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

Counter-Based Replication | ReplCheckpoint | ReplFindNextChange | ReplOpenSync | REPLCHANGEINFO

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