
ReplCheckpoint (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function marks the synchronization of a set of changes as complete. Synchronization clients use this function. This function frees the client to read a new set of changes.

BOOL ReplCheckpoint(HREPLhRepl,DWORDdwReserved);


  • hRepl
    [in] Handle to an open synchronization session, obtained from a call to the ReplOpenSync function.
  • dwReserved
    [in] Reserved for future use. Applications should set this value to zero.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if the checkpoint is successful. Returns FALSE if an error occurs. For extended error information, see the GetLastError function.


It is not necessary to call ReplCheckpoint immediately before closing a session or immediately after opening a new one. The state of the synchronization session will remain the same as saved in the buffer returned by the ReplGetSyncState function. Typically, use ReplCheckpoint to mark the completion of synchronization.

Performing the checkpoint resets the enumeration state used by the ReplFindNextChange function. Following a checkpoint, ReplFindNextChange returns the changes made by other threads and applications since the previous checkpoint. Calling ReplCheckpoint before all changes finish enumerating discards change-tracking information and could result in some unsynchronized data.

A client completes synchronization when it calls ReplCheckpoint and then ReplFindNextChange reports ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.

This API is part of the counter-based replication model and is not supported under the bit-based replication model.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Pwindbas.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

Counter-Based Replication | ReplGetSyncState | ReplFindNextChange | ReplOpenSync

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