
How to Configure a Hibernate Once/Resume Many Run-Time Image (Standard 7 SP1)


You can use Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) to enable a Hibernate Once/Resume Many (HORM) environment. By using an EWF-protected hibernation file, you can save the state of a system. Applications and services are running when the system starts, and start time is quicker. By saving the state of a system to a hibernation file, you can continually start from that hibernation file. This enables you to preserve state across multiple restarts.

Because EWF starts after the hibernation file is loaded, you can successfully start from, and save to, a hibernation file.

To configure a HORM run-time image, follow these steps.



1. In Image Configuration Editor, enable Hibernation on your run-time image.

EWF Configuration in Image Configuration Editor

2. Configure EWF to use RAM mode or RAM Reg mode.

3. Build your run-time image

4. Deploy your run-time image.

5. Enable hibernation and verify that Hibernate Once/Resume Many (HORM) is enabled.

Manage Hibernate Once/Resume Many

See Also


Design Considerations for Using EWF with Hibernation

Other Resources

EWF Performance Considerations
Use an Unprotected Volume in a Hibernate Once/Resume Many Environment