
List Installed Packages Using Package Scanner (Standard 7 SP1)


Package Scanner is a tool that allows you to list all installed packages on a running installation of Windows Embedded Standard 7 or an offline Standard 7 image. This includes packages originally configured in Image Configuration Editor or Image Builder Wizard, as well as packages added later with Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) and any updates that have been applied.

This list can also be saved as an answer file to serve as a record of the image contents or can be opened in Image Configuration Editor to build more images with the same packages and updates as the scanned image.


Any settings that were configured in the original answer file, as well as any third-party files you added, will not be included in the list of installed packages or the answer file generated by Package Scanner.

Hardware and Software Assumptions

  • You have access either to the device currently running Standard 7 that you want to scan, or to a Windows Imaging WIM file containing a Standard 7 image you want to scan and have mounted that WIM file to access its contents.
  • You have installed Standard 7 Toolkit on a development computer.


If you need to access Package Scanner on a network share or on a device without network capability, the correct files and directory structure are required for Package Scanner to function. For more information, see CopyPkgScn Command-Line Options.

List Installed Packages by Using the /Get-Packages Command

  • If you are running Package Scanner on the device you want to scan, type the following to scan the currently operating system:

    pkgscn /Get-Packages


When running Package Scanner, it is assumed that your Windows root directory is \Windows, but this can be overridden by using the /image parameter. For more information, see Package Scanner Technical Reference.

  • If you are running Package Scanner from another system on a mounted offline Standard 7 image, type the following to scan the mounted image, replacing <image_drive> with the drive and directory of the mounted image:

    pkgscn /Get-Packages /Image: <image_drive>

Create an Answer File by Using the /Get-Packages Command

  • If you are running Package Scanner on the device you want to scan, type the following to scan the currently running operating system and create an answer file based on the installed packages, replacing <answer_file> with the full path of the answer file to create:

    pkgscn /Get-Packages /ConfigSetDir: <answer_file>
  • If you are running Package Scanner from another system on a mounted offline Standard 7 image, type the following to scan the mounted image, replacing <image_drive> with the drive and directory of the mounted image and <answer_file> with the full path of the answer file to create:

    pkgscn /Get-Packages /Image: <image_drive> /ConfigSetDir: <answer_file>

See Also


Package Scanner Technical Reference
CopyPkgScn Command-Line Options
Answer Files in Standard 7
Deployment Image Servicing and Management Command-Line Options

Other Resources

ImageX Technical Reference