
CopyPkgScn Command-Line Options (Standard 7 SP1)


CopyPkgScn.cmd is a command-line tool used for creating a folder and subdirectory structure containing all of the correct binaries required to run the Package Scanner tool. This folder and its contents can then be copied to an embedded device, a network share, or the Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) 3.0 disk, and Package Scanner can be executed from that location.

Where to Find CopyPkgScn

The default location for the 32-bit version of CopyPkgScn.cmd is [system drive]:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Studio\Tools\Image Configuration Editor\copypkgscn.cmd.

The default location for the 64-bit version of CopyPkgScn is [system drive]:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Studio\Tools\x64 Apps\Apps\copypkgscn.cmd.

CopyPkgScn Command-Line Options

CopyPkgScn.cmd uses the following command-line options:

Copypkgscn [ParentPath]


Once CopyPkgScn has been run, Package Scanner should be executed from the [ParentPath]\PkgScn\bin directory.



copypkgscn / help

Displays the list of available CopyPkgScn.cmd commands and parameters.


Creates the directory structure and copies to it all files required by Package Scanner.


The path to an existing directory where the subdirectory structure for Package Scanner will be created. If no path is specified, the current directory will be used.

See Also


Package Scanner Technical Reference