
Running the CETK Tool Without the CETK Client in the Run-Time Image (Windows CE 5.0)

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You can dynamically add support for the CETK to a target device that has a run-time image built without support for the CETK.

To run the CETK tool with a run-time image that does not already include the CETK client software

  1. Run the CETK tool on the development workstation.

    For more information, see Running the CETK Tool on the Development Workstation.

  2. Copy the Clientside.exe file to your Windows CE-based device.

    On the development workstation, the Clientside.exe file is located at %_WINCEROOT%\Others\Wcetk\<CPU>.

  3. On your Windows CE-based device, from the Start menu, choose Run, and then type the location of the Clientside.exe file followed by the name and port number of the development workstation running the CETK tool.

    For example, by typing clientside /n=machine1 /p=5555, you can run Clientside.exe and connect to machine1 using port number 5555. If you edit the command line for Clientside.exe in this fashion, you must specify at least a server name or address and a port number. For more information about command-line options for Clientside.exe, see Wcetk.txt and Clientside.exe Settings for the CETK.

    - or -

    Edit the Wcetk.txt file located in the directory in which the Clientside.exe file resides. Platform Builder creates a Wcetk.txt file in the release directory for your OS design if you add support for the CETK to the OS design prior to building the run-time image. For more information about settings in the Wcetk.txt file, see Wcetk.txt and Clientside.exe Settings for the CETK.

    - or -

    Create a HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CETT registry key on the target device, or modify this registry key, if it already exists. Clientside.exe reads settings from this registry key only if both command-line options and a Wcetk.txt file are not found.

    On the development workstation, you can modify the registry of the target device by editing the Common.reg file or Platform.reg file, or by editing the Project.reg file for your OS design. Because the settings in the Project.reg file are specific to the OS design, you can edit the Project.reg file without affecting the overall behavior of Platform Builder. The settings in the Common.reg and Platform.reg files affect all OS designs on the development workstation.

    When you build a run-time image, the information from the .reg file is built into the run-time image. Alternatively, you can use the Remote Registry Editor tool to modify the registry of a target device while the target device runs.

    For information about registry keys for Clientside.exe, see Wcetk.txt and Clientside.exe Settings for the CETK.

See Also

Manual Connection of the CETK to a Target Device | How to Use the CETK to Test a Driver | Adding Support for the CETK to an OS Design in Platform Builder

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