
Running the CETK Tool on the Development Workstation (Windows CE 5.0)

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On the development workstation, you can run the CETK tool at any time. When you run the CETK tool, a window for the CETK opens. In the window for the CETK, a tree-view control displays the target devices with which you have established a connection. The tree-view control is empty if you have not established a connection with a target device.

For information about establishing a connection to a target device, see Connecting the CETK to a Target Device by Using Platform Manager.

To run the CETK tool on the development workstation

  1. Choose Start, and then choose All Programs.
  2. Choose Microsoft Windows CE 5.0, and then choose Windows CE 5.0 Test Kit.

See Also

CETK Setup | Manual Connection of the CETK to a Target Device

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