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This structure contains function pointers to the GDI functions for display drivers. It is passed from GDI through DrvEnableDriver to GPEEnableDriver.

typedef struct _ENGCALLBACKS {  PVOID (* BRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush)(    BRUSHOBJ* pbo,    ULONG cj  );  PVOID (* BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush)(    BRUSHOBJ* pbo  );  ULONG (* CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart)(    CLIPOBJ* pco,    BOOL bAll,    ULONG iType,    ULONG iDirection,    ULONG cLimit  );  BOOL (* CLIPOBJ_bEnum)(    CLIPOBJ* pco,    ULONG cj,    ULONG* pul  );  ULONG (* PALOBJ_cGetColors)(    PALOBJ* ppalo,    ULONG iStart,    ULONG cColors,    ULONG* pulColors  );  VOID (* PATHOBJ_vEnumStart)(    PATHOBJ* ppo  );  BOOL (* PATHOBJ_bEnum)(    PATHOBJ* ppo,    PATHDATA* ppd  );  VOID (* PATHOBJ_vGetBounds)(    PATHOBJ* ppo,    PRECTFX prectfx  );  ULONG (* XLATEOBJ_cGetPalette)(    XLATEOBJ* pxlo,    ULONG iPal,    ULONG cPal,    ULONG* pPal  );  HSURF (* EngCreateDeviceSurface)(    DHSURF dhsurf,    SIZEL sizl,    ULONG iFormatCompat  );  BOOL (* EngDeleteSurface)(    HSURF hsurf  );  HBITMAP (* EngCreateDeviceBitmap)(    DHSURF dhsurf,    SIZEL sizl,    ULONG iFormatCompat  );  HPALETTE (* EngCreatePalette)(    ULONG iMode,    ULONG cColors,    PULONG pulColors,    FLONG flRed,    FLONG flGreen,    FLONG flBlue  );} ENGCALLBACKS,* PENGCALLBACKS;


  • BRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush
    Pointer to a function that allocates memory for a brush. For more information, see BRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush.
  • BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush
    Pointer to a function that retrieves a pointer to the specified brush. For more information, see BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush.
  • CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart
    Pointer to a function that sets parameters for enumerating the rectangles in a clipping region. For more information, see CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart.
  • CLIPOBJ_bEnum
    Pointer to a function that enumerates clipping rectangles from a clipping region. For more information, see CLIPOBJ_bEnum.
  • PALOBJ_cGetColors
    Pointer to a function that copies colors into a palette. For more information, see PALOBJ_cGetColors.
  • PATHOBJ_vEnumStart
    Pointer to a function that readies a drawing path to have its component line segments enumerated. For more information, see PATHOBJ_vEnumStart.
  • PATHOBJ_bEnum
    Pointer to a function that enumerates PATHDATA records from a drawing path. For more information, see PATHOBJ_bEnum.
  • PATHOBJ_vGetBounds
    Pointer to a function that returns the bounding rectangle for a drawing path. For more information, see PATHOBJ_vGetBounds.
  • XLATEOBJ_cGetPalette
    Pointer to a function that retrieves colors from an indexed palette. For more information, see XLATEOBJ_cGetPalette.
  • EngCreateDeviceSurface
    Pointer to a function that causes the GDI to create a device surface that the display driver manages. For more information, see EngCreateDeviceSurface.
  • EngDeleteSurface
    Pointer to a function that informs the GDI that a device surface no longer is needed by the display driver. For more information, see EngDeleteSurface.
  • EngCreateDeviceBitmap
    Pointer to a function that causes the GDI to create a handle for a device bitmap. For more information, see EngCreateDeviceBitmap.
  • EngCreatePalette
    Pointer to a function that causes the GDI to create a handle to a default palette. For more information, see EngCreatePalette.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Winddi.h.

See Also

Display Drivers | GDI Support Services | DrvEnableDriver | GPEEnableDriver

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