
GDI Support Services (Windows CE 5.0)

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The GDI provides some services to support display drivers as predefined structures. The structures interact both with associated functions and with a few stand-alone C functions.

Predefined structures support brushes, palettes, translations, clipping regions, and stroke and fill paths.

Stand-alone C functions support device bitmaps and surfaces.

The following table shows the structures and functions.

Structure or function Description
BRUSHOBJ Represents a brush that is used for solid or patterned stroke and fill operations.
BRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush Allocates memory for a brush.
BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush Retrieves a pointer to the specified brush.
CLIPOBJ Represents a clipping region.
CLIPOBJ_bEnum Enumerates clipping rectangles from a clipping region.
CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart Sets parameters for enumerating the rectangles in a clipping region.
EngCreateDeviceBitmap Causes the GDI to create a handle for a device bitmap file.
EngCreateDeviceSurface Causes the GDI to create a device surface that the display driver manages.
EngDeleteSurface Informs the GDI that the display driver no longer needs a device surface.
PALOBJ_cGetColors Copies colors to a palette.
PATHDATA Stores portions of a drawing path.
PATHOBJ_bEnum Enumerates PATHDATA records from a drawing path.
PATHOBJ_vEnumStart Prepares a drawing path to have its component line segments enumerated.
PATHOBJ_vGetBounds Returns the bounding rectangle for a drawing path.
XLATEOBJ Translates colors from one palette to another.
XLATEOBJ_cGetPalette Retrieves colors from an indexed palette.

See Also

Display Drivers | Display Driver Extensions | Display Driver Samples | Primary Display Drivers | Secondary Display Drivers | DDI Functions | BitBlT Emulation Library Functions | GPE Base Classes | Display Buffer Formats | Line Drawing | Display Driver Escape Codes | Display Drivers and the Run-Time Image

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