
UnconfirmedExportHologram Property of the MIIS_CSObject Class

The UnconfirmedExportHologram property gets an XML representation of the latest view of an object in the connected directory. The XML representation shows changes to an object that has been exported to the connected directory but that has not yet been reimported.


The format of the XML is described in the <hologram> topic.


The following example shows the XML representation of an object:

<entry dn="cn=Jeff, cn=A">
   <anchor encoding="base64">ZqXeAQI=</anchor>
     <dn-attr name="manager" multivalued="0">
            <dn>cn=Mary, cn=A</dn>
            <anchor encoding="base64">EsCCxQI=</anchor>
     <attr name="salaried" type="boolean" multivalued="0">
     <attr name="building" type="integer" multivalued="0">
     <attr name="certificate" type="binary" multivalued="0">
        <value encoding="base64">EsC<entity type="hellip"/>CxQI=</value>
     <attr name="telephone" type="string" multivalued="1">


Product ILM 2007 FP1
MOF Mmswmi.mof

See Also


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Build date: 2/16/2009