
hologram Element

The hologram contains information about an object in the connector space. You can get a hologram whenever you preview a connector space object and save the results, run the CsExport tool, or access an MIIS_CSObject through WMI. For information on saving an object through preview and the CsExport tool, see the Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Help.

Note  The <hologram> element is not an actual XML element but is instead a conceptual placeholder for several hologram-related elements, which are detailed in the Remarks section.





Child Elements

Element Description


Information about an object in a connected data source.

Parent Elements


Child Element Sequence

The tree shows the ordering and number of child elements. Child elements in a Sequence must appear in the order given and child elements in a Choice are mutually exclusive. Sequences and Choices can be nested. Element names are followed by the minimum and maximum occurrences.



The conceptual <hologram> element can be replaced by the following hologram elements:

  • <escrowed-export-hologram>
    An XML representation of the connector space object if all of the exports that are in progress are applied to the object.

  • <pending-import-hologram>
    An XML representation of the connector space object in the connected data source that has been imported into Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 from a full or delta import run profile, but it has not yet been synchronized with the metaverse and subjected to synchronization rules.

  • <synchronized-hologram>
    An XML representation of the connector space object that reflects all imports that have been successfully run through the synchronization process.

  • <unapplied-export-hologram>
    An XML representation of the properties of a connector space object if all the exports from the metaverse are successfully applied to the connector space object but have not yet been sent to the connected data source.

  • <unconfirmed-export-hologram>
    An XML representation of the latest view of an object that has been sent to the connected data source but has not yet been imported again.

Element Information

Can be empty No

See Also


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Build date: 2/16/2009