
Playlist Object Creation for On-Demand Publishing Points

The server always creates a Wrapper Playlist Object for an on-demand publishing point, but the way you configure the publishing point determines whether the server also creates a Requested Playlist Object. The configuration also determines how the server populates the playlist objects.

The following table identifies the playlist objects that are created for a variety of on-demand publishing point configurations. Parentheses indicate examples.


    A URL used by a client to connect to the server can contain the * wildcard character followed by a file name extension. To process these, you must enable the WMS Directory Playlist Parser. The list of file name extensions in the following table is not comprehensive. For example, if an MPG video parser plug-in is added to the server, the server can process *.mpg, but this is not indicated in the table.

Requested URL identifies

Publishing point path points to

Publishing point wrapper path points to

Requested playlist object contains

Wrapper playlist object contains

A media file


A directory


Not set

Not created

An excl element containing a media element that references the physical path of the requested media file.

A playlist file


A directory


Not set

The path to the requested playlist file.

An excl element containing a media element that references the physical path of the requested playlist file.

Playlist or media files requested with the * wildcard character

(*.mp3, *.asf, *.wmv, *.wma, *.wsx, *.*)



A directory


Not set

The paths to all files requested by the wildcard characters.

An excl element containing a media element that references the physical path of the requested content.


A media file


A directory


A wrapper playlist


Not created

The playlist referenced by the wrapper path with all values resolved to the physical path of the requested media file.%RequestedURL%

A playlist file


A directory


A wrapper playlist


The path to the requested playlist file.

The playlist referenced by the wrapper path with all values resolved to the physical path of the requested playlist file.%RequestedURL%

A publishing point


A media file


Not set

Not created

An excl element containing a media element that references the physical path of the media file that the publishing point points to.

A publishing point


A playlist file


Not set

The path to the playlist referenced by the publishing point Path property.

An excl element containing a media element that references the physical path of the media file that the publishing point points to.

A publishing point


A media file


A wrapper playlist


Not created

An excl element containing a media element that references the physical path of the wrapper playlist that the publishing point points to.

See Also


Playlist Basics