
Wrapper Playlist Object

The server creates a wrapper playlist object for every client connected to an on-demand or broadcast publishing point. The contents of the wrapper playlist object depend on the contents of the requested URL, the publishing point path, and the WrapperPath property on the IWMSPublishingPoint interface.

  • If the WrapperPath property is empty, the wrapper playlist object will contain a single media element, nested within an excl element, that refers to the media file or playlist requested by the client.

  • If the WrapperPath property contains a string identifying the path of a playlist file and the EnableWrapperPath property is set to true, the wrapper playlist object reflects the structure of the playlist file.

For example, if the client requests a media file by using the following URL,


and the WrapperPath property is empty, the server creates the following wrapper playlist object.

    <?wsx version='1.0'?>
            <media src = "file://C:\wmpub\wmroot\movie1.wmv" begin="0" />

Now assume that the client requests a playlist by using the following URL


and that the publishing point wrapper path references the wrapper playlist illustrated below. The value represents the playlist requested by the client.%RequestedURL%

    <?wsx version='1.0'?>
        <media src = "ad1.wmv" />
        <media src = "%RequestedURL%" />
        <media src = "ad2.wmv" />

The server resolves the value by replacing it with the path to the requested playlist.%RequestedURL%

    <?wsx version='1.0'?>
        <media src = "ad1.wmv" />
        <media src = "file://c:\wmpub\wmroot\playlist.wsx" />
        <media src = "ad2.wmv" />

See Also


IWMSPublishingPoint.EnableWrapperPath (C#)

IWMSPublishingPoint.EnableWrapperPath (Visual Basic .NET)

IWMSPublishingPoint.WrapperPath (C#)

IWMSPublishingPoint.WrapperPath (Visual Basic .NET)


Playlist Basics