VsDebugTargetInfo Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Contains information about a debug target.
The VsDebugTargetInfo type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Equals | Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. (Inherited from ValueType.) | |
Finalize | Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Returns the hash code for this instance. (Inherited from ValueType.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ToString | Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. (Inherited from ValueType.) |
Name | Description | |
bstrArg | BSTR containing command-line arguments to the executable. | |
bstrCurDir | BSTR containing the name of the current directory. | |
bstrEnv | BSTR containing the environment settings to pass to CreateProcess. | |
bstrExe | BSTR containing the name of the executable. | |
bstrMdmRegisteredName | BSTR containing the name of the application as it is registered with the MDM. | |
bstrOptions | BSTR containing custom options specific to each clsidCustom (nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is recommended). | |
bstrPortName | BSTR containing the name of port from the supplier specified in clsidPortSupplier (can be nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic)). | |
bstrRemoteMachine | BSTR containing the remote machine name. Set to nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) for local machines. | |
cbSize | DWORD specifying the size of the VsDebugTargetInfo struct. | |
clsidCustom | Specifies that the exe will be launched by some custom means. | |
clsidPortSupplier | Specifies the Port supplier GUID. | |
dlo | Specifies how this process should be launched or attached. Values are taken from the DEBUG_LAUNCH_OPERATION enumeration. | |
dwClsidCount | Number of GUIDs in the pClsidList member. | |
fSendStdoutToOutputWindow | Specifies that stdout and stderr should be routed to the debug-output window. | |
grfLaunch | Specifies launch flags. Values are taken from the __VSDBGLAUNCHFLAGS enumeration. Used in DebugLaunch calls. | |
hStdError | HANDLE to StdError. | |
hStdInput | HANDLE to StdInput. | |
hStdOutput | HANDLE to StdOut. | |
pClsidList | Holds an array of GUIDs for multiple engine launch. |