![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IActiveDesigner |
Manages an ActiveX designer used as an editor. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IBuilderWizardManager |
Retrieves and manages builders for specific properties and components. A builder generates code for an item. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ICategorizeProperties |
Provides category names and maps categories to properties for display in the Properties window. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ICodeNavigate |
Provides a method to display the default event handler code for a given displayed object. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ICodeNavigate2 |
Displays the event handler code of a given displayed object. This interface extends ICodeNavigate by providing an additional method to display code for specific events of a displayed object. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDirAutoCompleteList |
Marks a directory list as supporting auto completion. Auto completion displays matching subdirectories as you enter characters. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDirList |
Manages the appearance and actions of a displayed directory list. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDirListEvents |
Specifies the event handler for a displayed directory list. This is the outgoing interface for the directory list's implementation of IConnectionPoint. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDirListSite |
Maintains the interface pointer to the parent object managing the directory list. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDiscoverUrlCallBack |
Specifies the interface to use when a Web service discovery finishes. Typically used to notify the shell after an asynchronous search. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDiscoveryClientResult |
A single result from a Web service discovery search. Member of a IDiscoveryClientResultCollection. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDiscoveryClientResultCollection |
A collection of results, IDiscoveryClientResult interfaces, from a Web service discovery search. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDiscoveryResult |
Downloads the results of an XML Web service discovery session. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDiscoveryResult2 |
Downloads the results of an XML Web service discovery session. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDiscoverySession |
Called by IVsAddWebReferenceDlg2 to discover XML Web services. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDocumentSite |
Maintains information and supplies methods for the parent object of the document. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDocumentSite2 |
Maintains information and supplies methods for the parent object of the document. This interface extends and inherits from IDocumentSite. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IDropSource |
Infrastructure. Provides visual feedback and information about the source used in a drag drop operation. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnlistingInProject |
Infrastructure. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumComponents |
Enumerates the components in a component picker. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumComReferences |
Enumerator for COM references. Used in the Add Reference dialog of the IDE. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumHierarchies |
Enumerator for projects in the solution. You can get an instance of the interface using the GetProjectEnum method of the IVsSolution and IVsSolution2 interfaces. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumHierarchyItems |
Implemented by the environment to numerate hierarchy items. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumPackages |
Enumerator for the currently loaded VSPackages. You can get an instance of the interface through the GetPackageEnum method of the IVsShell interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumProjectStartupServices |
Enumerates the services needed by a project on startup. You can get an instance of the interface using the GetStartupServiceEnum method of the IVsProjectStartupServices interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumRunningDocuments |
Represents a list of Running Document Table (RDT) cookies that in turn each represent an open document. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumSystemAssemblies |
Enumerator for system assemblies. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumTargetFrameworks |
Enumerator for supported versions of the framework. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumToolboxItems |
Enumerator for items in the Toolbox. You can get an instance of the interface through the EnumItems methods of the IVsToolbox and IVsToolbox2 interfaces. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumToolboxTabs |
Enumerator for the tabs in the Toolbox. You can get an instance of the interface using the EnumTabs method of the IVsToolbox and IVsToolbox2 interfaces. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumVsENCRebuildableProjectCfgs |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumWebServices |
Enumerator for the Web services offered by a Web site or a project. You can get an instance of the interface using the WebServices method of the IVsWebServiceProvider interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IEnumWindowFrames |
Enumerator for a collection of windows such as the open document windows. You can get an instance of the interface using the GetDocumentWindowEnum and GetToolWindowEnum methods of the IVsUIShell interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IErrorInfo |
Communicates detailed contextual error information. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IExtendedObject |
Gives access to the inner object of an extended object. An example of an extended object is an object inside a container where the container provides additional properties for the object, such as Top or Left for position on a form. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IExtendedTypeLib |
Creates and manages a type library for an extended object. An example of an extended object is an object inside a container where the container provides additional properties for the object, such as Top or Left for position on a form. The compound object can be treated as a single, extended object with the extended type library. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IHelp |
Manages the retrieval and display of online help information. You can get an instance of the interface from the SHelp (SID_SHelp) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ILicensedClassManager |
Tells Visual Studio which classes a package needs through a list of license keys. You can get an instance of the interface through the SLicensedClassManager (SID_SLicensedClassManager) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ILocalRegistry |
Establishes a locally-registered COM object relative to the local Visual Studio registry hive. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ILocalRegistry2 |
Establishes a locally-registered COM object relative to the local Visual Studio registry hive. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ILocalRegistry3 |
Establishes a local registry relative to the Visual Studio registry hive. This interface extends ILocalRegistry2. You can get an instance of the interface through the SLocalRegistry (SID_SLocalRegistry) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ILocalRegistry4 |
Establishes a local registry relative to the Visual Studio registry hive. You can get an instance of the interface through the SLocalRegistry (SID_SLocalRegistry) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ILocalRegistry5 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IOleComponent2 |
Enables components to participate in message processing while they are waiting for handles. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IOleComponentUIManager |
The IOleComponentUIManager interface gives in-place VSPackage objects access to a variety of user interface functionality supplied by the environment such as message display, context menus, and the status bar. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IOleInPlaceComponent |
Allows in-place VSPackage objects to operate as a fully integrated component of the environment by using the SOleComponentUIManager service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IOleInPlaceComponentSite |
The IOleInPlaceComponentSite interface is currently not supported. When supported, it will be implemented by the container of an in-place VSPackage object to control the UI mode of the object. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IOleInPlaceComponentUIManager |
Enables the menus, toolbars, and commands of existing VSPackage objects to be integrated into and managed by the environment's SOleComponentUIManager service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IPerPropertyBrowsing2 |
Maps properties to their builders and executes the builders. A builder returns a value or values for a given property. An example of a builder is the style builder for a cascading stylesheet. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IPersistFileFormat |
Obtains file format information about items that require saving, and enables the programmatic loading or saving of an object in a format specified by the user. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IPersistXMLFragment |
Used to persist non-build related data in free-form XML. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IPreferPropertyPagesWithTreeControl |
Causes the Property Page to display a tree control instead of tabs. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IProfferService |
Enables a VSPackage to offer new services through the Visual Studio environment that are not implemented natively by the environment. In effect, it provides the mechanism through which VSPackages can contribute to the environment. The IProfferService interface is part of SProfferService. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IProfferTypeLib |
Enables an ActiveX designer to provide a type library to its host. The designer provides the type library through the SProfferTypeLib (SID_SProfferTypeLib) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IPropertyPageUndoString |
Used by controls to provide an undo string for their property page settings. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IProvideAltHTML |
Used by a Web control to provide Alt property text and to indicate whether or not the text is editable. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IProvideDynamicClassInfo |
Used by ActiveX designers to provide dynamic type information through an ITypeInfo interface. A container can use the interface to get type information in response to type change events. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IProvidePropertyBuilder |
Managers a builder, code that constructs the value for a property. This often takes the form of a dialog displayed by clicking an ellipsis button on the property page. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IProvideRuntimeHTML |
Used by an ActiveX control to provide an HTML string to its container at runtime. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IReferenceInfo |
Provides information about a result from an XML Web service discovery session. Use the GetReferenceInfo method of the IDiscoveryResult interface to get an instance of this interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IRequireClasses |
Provides a list of class identifiers for use with the ILicensedClassManager interface. The identifiers tell Visual Studio which classes a package requires. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ISccManagerLoaded |
Defines when the SccManager is loaded. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ISchemaReferenceInfo |
Returns the target namespace of an XML schema found as the result of a Web service discovery search. You can find the type of document with the IReferenceInfo interface and then use ISchemaReferenceInfo if appropriate. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ISelectionContainer |
Provides access to objects used to update the Properties window. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
ITrackSelection |
Notifies the environment of a change in the current selection container. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IUIElement |
Shows or hides a user interface element. Implemented by the element and used by the container. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IUIHostLocale |
Provides access to the host's UI locale services to manage dialog box string localization. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IUIHostLocale2 |
Provides access to the host's UI locale services to manage dialog box string localization. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsActivityLog |
Adds events to the IDE Activity Log. Use the SVsActivityLog (SID_SVsActivityLog) service to get an instance of the interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAddNewWebProjectItemDlg |
Displays the AddItem dialog with a listview control and specific Web-related controls. Use in Web project implementations. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsAddProjectItemDlg (SID_SVsAddProjectItemDlg) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAddProjectItemDlg |
Provides access to the environment's Add Project Item dialog box for the purpose of adding new items to the project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAddProjectItemDlg2 |
Provides access to the environment's Add Project Item dialog box for the purpose of adding new items to the project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAddToolboxItems |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAddWebReferenceDlg |
Allows a VSPackage to include a web services dialog box. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAddWebReferenceDlg2 |
Allows a VSPackage to include a web services dialog box. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAggregatableProject |
Implemented by a project that supports adding project subtypes through aggregation. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAggregatableProjectFactory |
Creates a project type that supports aggregation. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAppCommandLine |
This interface is used by a package to read command-line switches entered by the user. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAssemblyNameUnification |
Returns the name of the unified assembly based on the simple and full names the loader uses, and the .NET framework assemblies list (FrameworkList.xml). Use the SVsAssemblyNameUnification (SID_SvsAssemblyNameUnification) service to get an instance of the interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAsyncEnum |
Implemented by enumerators supporting asynchronous behavior. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAsyncEnumCallback |
Interface describing the callback method for an asynchronous enumerator uses to indicate the next item is available. You set the callback using the AdviseAsyncEnumCallback method of the IVsAsyncEnum interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAsynchOpenFromScc |
This interface supports asynchronous loading of projects from source control. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsAsynchOpenFromSccProjectEvents |
Provides progress information during asynchronous loading of a project or solution from source control. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBackForwardNavigation |
Rarely used. Enables the window to navigate back and forward to saved navigation points. Use the AddNewBFNavigationItem method of the IVsUIShell interface to add a navigation point. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBatchUpdate |
Initiates the incorporation of all pending data updates in a text buffer or view. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBroadcastMessageEvents |
Broadcasts messages to clients that registered to be notified of events within the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBrowseComponentSet |
Provides the data contained in the browse component set. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBrowseContainersList |
Provides information about a container in a list of containers or finds the container of a component. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBrowseObject |
Allows the retrieval of the IVsHierarchy object or the VSITEMID given the project configuration browse object. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBrowseProjectLocation |
Displays a dialog to find the location for a new project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBuildableProjectCfg |
Manages a project configuration's build operation. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBuildableProjectCfg2 |
Provides information about a project's build configuration and executes the build. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBuildDependency |
Allows a project to describe build dependencies. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBuildMacroInfo |
Enables macro evaluation by retrieving, from the project, the string associated with a macro name. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBuildManagerAccessor |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBuildPropertyStorage |
Gets and sets MSBuild properties in the project file. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBuildPropertyStorage2 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsBuildStatusCallback |
Enables the environment to receive notifications about the status of a build operation. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCallBrowser |
Manipulates the Call Browser for debugging. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsCallBrowser (SID_SVsCallBrowser) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCfg |
Provides information about a project's configuration. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCfgBrowseObject |
Returns the IVsCfg object given the project configuration browse object. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCfgProvider |
Allows projects to manage configuration information. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCfgProvider2 |
Allows projects to manage configuration information. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCfgProviderEvents |
Provides notifications of configuration events. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCfgProviderEventsHelper |
Implemented by the environment, called by projects to use as a helper implementing IVsCfgProvider2. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsClassView |
Allows navigation to an object in Class View. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCmdNameMapping |
Maps command names and GUIDs. Enables you to determine all commands and names. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsCmdNameMapping (SID_SVsCmdNameMapping) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCodeDefView |
Manipulates the Code Definition View window. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsCodeDefView (SID_SVsCodeDefView) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCodeDefViewContext |
Sets the context for displaying the Code Definition tool window. The context includes things such as file name, and line and column numbers. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCodeShareHandler |
Infrastructure. Internal interface. Do not use. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCombinedBrowseComponentSet |
Combines multiple component sets. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCommandArgInfo |
Enables a QueryStatus implementation to query whether a command argument has been supplied. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCommandWindow |
Enables the package to use the Command Window. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsCommandWindow (SID_SVsCommandWindow) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCommandWindow2 |
Sets the mode of the Command Window. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsCommandWindow (SID_SVsCommandWindow) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCommandWindowsCollection |
Manipulates windows in the commandwindows list that Visual Studio maintains. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsCommandWindowsCollection (SID_SVsCommandWindowsCollection) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCommentTaskInfo |
Provides information about the comment task tokens used by the task list. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCommentTaskToken |
Represents one comment task token. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCommonMessagePump |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCommonMessagePumpClientEvents |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCommonMessagePumpFactory |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentEnumeratorFactory |
Provides an enumerator for components, assembly paths, or a list of directories containing references. You can get an instance of the interface from the SCompEnumService (SID_SCompEnumService) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentEnumeratorFactory2 |
Provides an enumerator for components, assembly paths, or a list of directories containing references. You can get an instance of the interface from the SCompEnumService (SID_SCompEnumService) service. This interface extends IVsComponentEnumeratorFactory by taking a semicolon-delimited list of paths. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentEnumeratorFactory3 |
Provides an enumerator for components, assembly paths, or a list of directories containing references. You can get an instance of the interface from the SCompEnumService (SID_SCompEnumService) service. This interface extends the functionality of IVsComponentEnumeratorFactory2 by creating an enumerator that also returns runtime information. It does not, however, inherit from IVsComponentEnumeratorFactory2. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentEnumeratorFactory4 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentModelHost |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentSelectorData |
Returns data about a component. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentSelectorDlg |
Adds components to a project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentSelectorDlg2 |
Manages references to components of various types within the project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentSelectorDlg3 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentSelectorDlg4 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentSelectorProvider |
Implemented by VSPackages that provide pages to a component picker, such as the Add Reference dialog. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsComponentUser |
Adds components to a specified project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsConfigurationManagerDlg |
Displays the Configuration Manager dialog box. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsConfigurationManagerDlg (SID_SVsConfigurationManagerDlg) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsConfigureToolboxItem |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsContextualIntellisenseFilter |
Filters Intellisense items to control whether or not Intellisense help appears. You can get an instance of the interface from the GetFilter method of the IVsContextualIntellisenseFilterProvider interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsContextualIntellisenseFilterProvider |
Provides a filter for Intellisense items based on project hierarchy information. You can get in instance of the interface from the Device Configuration (DevCfg). |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCoTaskMemFreeMyStrings |
Used in association with certain other interfaces to indicate that strings returned from those interfaces should be freed by the caller. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsCreateAggregateProject |
Called by a project type that supports aggregation. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDataEnvironment |
Provides an interface to data services, such as database connections. You can use the interface to support Web services browsing. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDataObjectStringMapEvents |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDataObjectStringMapManager |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDataSourceFactory |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDebuggableProjectCfg |
Enables a built configuration to be started and run by the debugger. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDebuggableProjectCfg2 |
Supports Debug Launch (F5 command). Extends IVsDebuggableProjectCfg to provide a method call (OnBeforeDebugLaunch) before launching the debugger. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDebuggableProtocol |
Allows clients to add to the debuggable protocol list. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDebugger |
Provides access to the current debugger so that the package can listen for debugger events. You can get an instance of this interface from the GetIVsDebugger method of the LanguageService service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDebugger2 |
Provides additional access to the debugger. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsShellDebugger (SID_SVsShellDebugger) service. This interface extends IVsDebugger. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDebugger3 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDebuggerEvents |
Provides notification when the debugger changes mode. The debugger operates in one of three modes: run, break, or design. The interface is an argument of the AdviseDebuggerEvents method of the IVsDebugger interface. The interface is an event sink, a recipient of events, implemented by components wanting notification of changes in the debugger. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDebugLaunch |
Launches the debugger. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsDebugLaunch (SID_SVsDebugLaunch) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDebugLaunchHook |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDebugProcessNotify |
Provides notice that the debugger is about to stop. Used as the VsDebugTargetInfo2 argument in the LaunchDebugTargets2 method of the IVsDebugger2 interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDefaultToolboxTabState |
Determines the default state, expanded or unexpanded, of a tab in the Toolbox. An optional interface for implementers of IVsToolboxUser. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDeferredDocView |
Defers providing an actual document view until after loading and registering the document data in the Running Document Table (RDT). This allows the package to examine the document and decide what kind of view to provide. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDeferredSaveProject |
Delays permanently saving a project until the user saves it with SaveAll. Creates the effect of keeping the project in memory. The package uses a generated name for the project, and temporary files at a temporary location. Limits the solution to one project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDependency |
Describes a project that is used by another project in build operations or deployment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDependencyProvider |
Provides access to a project configuration's dependencies. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDeployableProjectCfg |
Allows a project to manage deployment operations. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDeployableProjectCfg2 |
Used to support output about deployment during project deployment. Extends and inherits from IVsDeployableProjectCfg. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDeployDependency |
Provides access to an output group dependency. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDeployDependency2 |
Retrieves the dependency property values by name. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDeployStatusCallback |
Enables the environment to receive notifications about the status of a deployment operation. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDesignerInfo |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDesignTimeAssemblyResolution |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDetermineWizardTrust |
Defines events for a wizard as well as methods providing status information. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsDetermineWizardTrust (SID_SVsDetermineWizardTrust) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDiscoveryService |
Creates a discovery session. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDocDataFileChangeControl |
Determines whether changes to document data files made outside of the editor should be ignored. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDocOutlineProvider |
Provides information about a document outline. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDocOutlineProvider2 |
Enables changing the shell's translation of accelerator keys. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsDocumentLockHolder |
Allows a non-editor to add an edit lock to an item registered in the running document table. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEditorFactory |
Creates instances of document view objects and of data objects. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEditorFactory2 |
Creates instances of document view objects and of data objects. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEditorFactoryChooser |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEditorFactoryNotify |
Provides notification methods for saving or renaming a file, or adding an item. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsENCRebuildableProjectCfg |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsENCRebuildableProjectCfg2 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnhancedDataTip |
Enables customization of DataTips in the debugger. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnumCommentTaskTokens |
Enumerates a collection of comment task tokens associated with the task list. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnumCryptoProviderContainers |
Provides an enumerator for all of the key containers in a cryptography provider. A key container is part of a key database containing all of the key pairs for a given user. Returned by the EnumContainers method of the IVsStrongNameKeys interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnumCryptoProviders |
Provides an enumerator to list cryptographic service providers. Returned by the EnumProviders method of the IVsStrongNameKeys interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnumDependencies |
Enumerates a set of dependencies. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnumHierarchyItemsFactory |
Creates instances of IEnumHierarchyItems, an enumerator for items in the project hierarchy. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsEnumHierarchyItemsFactory (SID_SVsEnumHierarchyItemsFactory) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnumLibraries2 |
Enumerates symbol libraries. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnumNavInfoNodes |
Enumerates node items represented by the IVsNavInfo interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnumOutputs |
Inumerates a set of build output items from a project's configuration. Enumerates a set of build output items from a project's configuration. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnumSelectedSymbols |
Enumerator for groups of selected symbols. The enumerator returns an array of IVsSelectedSymbol interfaces. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsEnumTaskItems |
Enumerates the task items associated with task providers. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsErrorItem |
Provides information about an error item. The information includes the hierarchy the error belongs to as well as whether it is an error, a warning, or a message. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsErrorItem2 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsErrorList |
Manipulates the BuildErrorList window. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsErrorList (SID_SVsErrorList) service. The SVsErrorList service also provides IVsTaskList. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsExtensibility3 |
Not intended for use directly from your code. Implements many of the features supporting extensibility, including initiating various events. Combines the older IVsExtensibility and IVsExtensibility2 interfaces that were not usable from managed code into an interface usable from managed code. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsExtensibleObject |
Returns a VSPackage-specific automation object at specific points in the automation model. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsExternalFilesManager |
Implemented by the environment to handle the Miscellaneous Files project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsExternalFilesManager2 |
Implemented by the environment to handle the Miscellaneous Files project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFavoritesProvider |
Used by the environment when adding a URL to the favorites list. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFileChangeEvents |
Notifies clients when selected files have been changed on disk. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFileChangeEx |
Allows changes to be made to a file or directory. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFileUpgrade |
Performs file upgrades as part of a project upgrade. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFileUpgrade2 |
Performs file upgrades for specified versions as part of a project upgrade. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFilterAddProjectItemDlg |
Sets filtering for the Add Item dialog box. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFilterAddProjectItemDlg2 |
Sets filtering for the AddItem dialog box. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFilterKeys |
Controls the binding between keys and commands. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsFilterKeys (SID_SVsFilterKeys) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFilterKeys2 |
Controls the binding between keys and commands. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsFilterKeys (SID_SVsFilterKeys) service. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsFilterKeys. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFilterNewProjectDlg |
Provides filtering for items in the New Project dialog box. Implemented by components wanting to filter. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFindSymbol |
Implements the search done by the FindSymbol menu command. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsObjectSearch (SID_SVsObjectSearch) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFindSymbol2 |
Implements the search done by the FindSymbol menu command, with support for multiple frameworks. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFindSymbolEvents |
Outgoing interface for events, such as changes in search options, related to the Find Symbol command. The client implements the interface and advises the server. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFindSymbolEvents2 |
Outgoing interface for events, such as changes in search options, related to the Find Symbol command, with support for multiple frameworks. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFireSolutionEvents |
Fires the same events (SolutionEvents) a solution normally fires. Enables a project that nests subprojects to fire these events. Implemented by the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFireSolutionEvents2 |
Fires the same events (SolutionEvents) a solution normally fires. Enables a project that nests subprojects to fire these events. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsFireSolutionEvents. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFontAndColorCacheManager |
Controls the caching of font and color settings. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFontAndColorDefaults |
Allows a VSPackage to support the IDE's Fonts and Colors properties page by defining default fonts and colors for a window or UI component. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFontAndColorDefaultsProvider |
Provides an instance of the IVsFontAndColorDefaults or the IVsFontAndColorGroup interface corresponding to a particular Category -- a particular item listed in the Show Settings For: drop down listing of the Fonts and Colors properties page of the Options dialog box. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFontAndColorEvents |
Notifies VSPackages using font and color information about changes in font and color settings. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFontAndColorGroup |
Provides a mechanism by which a VSPackage providing font and color support can specify a Display Item group - a super-category that represents the union of two or more categories. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFontAndColorStorage |
Allows a VSPackage to retrieve or save font and color data to the registry. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFontAndColorStorage2 |
Allows a VSPackage to manage registry font and color entries. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFontAndColorUtilities |
Provides tools for working with the input and output data used by the methods of the Visual Studio Font and Color mechanism. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFrameworkMultiTargeting |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsFrameworkRetargetingDlg |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsGeneratorProgress |
Enables the single file generator to report on its progress and to provide additional warning and/or error information. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsGetCfgProvider |
Implemented by a project system. Retrieves a pointer to IVsCfgProvider. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsGlobals2 |
Loads and saves values global to the solution. Replaces IVsGlobals that cannot be used in managed code. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsGlobalsCallback2 |
Performs the save and load operations for the IVsGlobals2 interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsGradient |
Enables a VSPackage to paint specified UI elements with the proper gradient. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHasRelatedSaveItems |
Enables the saving of additional items. Implemented by clients that want additional items to appear in the Save Changes dialog, or that want particular items saved at the same time as other items. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHelpAttributeList |
Provides a list of all possible values for a Help attribute. The interface does not provide an enumerator but instead uses an integer index to retrieve the values. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHelpProvider |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHelpSystem |
Provides access to the help system. Supplemented by Help2. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHierarchy |
Provides hierarchy management for VSPackages that implement project hierarchies. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHierarchyDeleteHandler |
Manages the deletion or removal of hierarchy items. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHierarchyDeleteHandler2 |
Deletes one or more items in a solution hierarchy. The interface extends, but does not inherit from, IVsHierarchyDeleteHandler. Needed only if you want your package to use its own deletion prompt. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHierarchyDropDataSource |
Provides information about a dragged item in relation to its data source during a drag-and-drop operation within a hierarchy window. You can get an instance of this interface from the IVsHierarchy interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHierarchyDropDataSource2 |
Provides information about a dragged item in relation to its data source during a drag-and-drop operation within a hierarchy window. The interface extends and inherits from the IVsHierarchyDropDataSource interface. You only need to use IVsHierarchyDropDataSource2 if you need the additional methods. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHierarchyDropDataTarget |
Provides information about a dragged item in relation to its drop target during a drag-and-drop operation within a hierarchy window. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHierarchyEvents |
Notifies clients of changes to the hierarchy. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHierarchyRefactorNotify |
Notifies the hierarchy of refactoring operations. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsHTMLConverter |
Enables the debugger to handle some HTML elements in its output. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsHTMLConverter (SID_SVsHTMLConverter) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsImageButton |
Draws an image on a button created by your VSPackage. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
Gives the package access to the Input Method Editor (IME). The Input Method Editor offers candidate items in response to user keystrokes. Frequently used in localization for non-alphabetic languages. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsIME (SID_SVsIME) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsInstalledProduct |
Allows your VSPackage to place information on the splash screen and in the About dialog box on the Help menu. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsIntelliMouseHandler |
Enables a package to make full use of IntelliMouse functionality. Used in shell clients implementing some of their own functionality. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsIntelliMouseHandler (SID_SVsIntelliMouseHandler) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsIntellisenseEngine |
Enables a project hierarchy node to load or unload files as part of support for IntelliSense. Loading and unloading generates events that may change what IntelliSense displays. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsIntellisenseEngine (SID_SVsIntelliSenseEngine) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsIntellisenseProject |
Provides IntelliSense support for a project. Used with IVsIntellisenseProjectHost and intended for use with contained languages. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsIntellisenseProjectEventSink |
Defines the event functions for an Intellisense project. (IVsIntellisenseProject). |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsIntellisenseProjectHost |
Enables a project hierarchy node to provide information about nested IntelliSense projects (projects implementing IVsIntellisenseProject) to display in IntelliSense tooltips. Used with contained languages. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsIntellisenseProjectHost (SID_SVsIntellisenseProjectHost) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsIntellisenseProjectManager |
Enables a project hierarchy node to notify listeners of events that change what appears in IntelliSense tooltips, as well as retrieving particular project information. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsIntellisenseProjectManager (SID_SVsIntellisenseProjectManager) service. Used with contained languages. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsInvisibleEditor |
Obtains the document data for the file "under edit" by the invisible editor object. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsInvisibleEditorManager |
Used to register an invisible editor. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsItemTypeResolutionService |
Makes the connections among referenced projects and assemblies to provide type information to a project node. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsItemTypeResolutionSite |
Provides callback methods for IVsItemTypeResolutionService to track references and assemblies. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLanguageInfoPackage |
Used to provide per-language editor property pages in the Options dialog. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLanguageServiceBuildErrorReporter |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLaunchPad |
Interface to generate command-line tools and batch files. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLaunchPad2 |
Executes a command with output displayed to an output pane in the Visual Studio IDE. Similar to IVsLaunchPad but ExecCommandEx method allows the parsed output string to be in a non-standard format. Executes a command with output displayed to an output pane in the Visual Studio IDE. Similar to IVsLaunchPad, but ExecCommandEx method allows the parsed output string to be in a non-standard format. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLaunchPad3 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLaunchPadEvents |
Notifies the environment to cancel a launch pad event. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLaunchPadFactory |
ICreates an IVsLaunchPad object that can be used to spawn command line tools and batch files |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLaunchPadOutputParser |
Parses tool output lines for task list item or navigation information. Implemented by callers of the ExecCommandEx method of the IVsLaunchPad2 interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLibrary |
This core interface describes the library and is used by the Object Manager to access symbols pertinent to it. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLibrary2 |
Describes the library and is used by the Object Manager to access pertinent symbols. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLibrary2Ex |
Enables libraries to provide different ObjectBrowser information when profiles change, or references are added or removed. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsLibrary2. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLibraryMgr |
This root interface allows the environment's Object Manager to access a package's IVsLibrary. Most implementations will typically provide a single IVsLibrary. This root interface allows the environment's Object Manager to access a package's IVsLibrary. Most implementations will typically provide a single IVsLibrary. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLibraryReferenceManager |
Provides information about reference .NET libraries for the Object Browser. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsComplusLibrary (SID_SVsComplusLibrary) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLiteTree |
Represents a lightweight tree control. Used, for example, in the ObjectBrowser and FindSymbol dialogs. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLiteTreeEvents |
Defines the events of the lightweight tree control. Used as an argument in the AdviseTreeEvents method of the IVsLiteTree interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsLiteTreeList |
Provides information about symbols in a list that is part of an overall organization in the tree view (IVsLiteTree) of the code browsing tools. A list is the basic unit of information with which the libraries communicate with the tools and is displayed as a set of peer nodes of a specific parent in the tree view. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMacroRecorder |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMacros |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVSMDTypeResolutionService |
Makes an instance of ITypeResolutionService available that you can use in native (unmanaged) code. You can get an instance of the interface through the GetItemContext method of the IVsProject interface. You can also obtain the interface through the SVSMDTypeResolutionService (SID_SVSMDTypeResoluionService) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMenuEditor |
Exposes the shared menu editor to form designers. You can get an instance of the interface from the IVsMenuEditorFactory interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMenuEditorFactory |
Provides an instance of an IVsMenuEditor interface for use by form designers that want to use the shared menu editor. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsMenuEditor (SID_SVsMenuEditor) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMenuEditorSite |
Describes the site for an IVsMenuEditor instance. Provided by the environment and used by the IVsMenuEditor instance. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMenuEditorTransactionEvents |
Enables treating a group of menu editor actions as a transaction. Used by the form designer to support undoing actions. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMenuItem |
Enables form designers to use the shared menu editor. Implemented by the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMonitorSelection |
Enables VSPackages to receive notification of selection events and to retrieve information about the current project hierarchy, item, element value, and command UI context. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMonitorSelection2 |
Provides information about an empty context (when nothing is selected) and supports implementation of custom selection identifiers. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsMonitorSelection. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMonitorUserContext |
Creates a new context or subcontext bag. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMSBuildHostObject |
Enables the project system to communicate with MSBuild host objects. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMSBuildTaskFileManager |
Enables MSBuild to use memory instead of disk files for Intellisense builds. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMultiItemSelect |
Provides the environment with access to multiple selections. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsMultiViewDocumentView |
Supports multiple view tabs on the same view, such as the HTML and Design tabs on the HTML editor. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsNavigationTool |
Replaces IVsClassView and IVsObjectBrowser.to manipulate the ClassView and ObjectBrowser. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsNavInfo |
Identifies a symbol in the hierarchical tree of symbols. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsNavInfoNode |
Identifies a node in the path of the symbol. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsNonLocalProject |
Ensures a local copy of a non-local project exists. Projects that use non-local projects can get the interface from the IVsHierarchy interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsNonSolutionProjectFactory |
Indicates the projects created by the factory are not part of a solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjBrowser |
Implemented by the environment. Used by VsPackages that want to manipulate Object Browser. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjectBrowserDescription2 |
Provides descriptive text about an object for the object browser. The environment provides this interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjectBrowserDescription3 |
Provides a means for entering Object Browser description text. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjectList |
Provides information about symbols in a list that is part of an overall organization in the tree view (IVsLiteTree) of the code browsing tools. IVsObjectList is an extension of IVsLiteTreeList and provides additional methods that are pertinent to symbols in the project. Provides information about symbols in a list that is part of an overall organization in the tree view (IVsLiteTree) of the code browsing tools. IVsObjectList is an extension of IVsLiteTreeList and provides additional methods that are pertinent to symbols in the project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjectList2 |
Provides information about symbols in a list that is part of an overall organization in the tree view (IVsLiteTree) of the code browsing tools. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjectListOwner |
Provides information about a list of objects as well as manipulating the list. Used in the Search pane. The environment implements the interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjectManager |
This interface is used by a package to register and un-register its library manager with the object manager. Obtain an IVsObjectManager interface by calling QueryService for the SVsObjectManager service. This interface is used by a package to register and un-register its library manager with the object manager. Obtain an IVsObjectManager interface by calling QueryService for the SVsObjectManager service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjectManager2 |
Used by a VSPackage to register and unregister the symbol libraries with the Visual Studio object manager and create component sets that can be browsed. To obtain a reference to the Visual Studio object manager, call global service provider which is passed to you by the SetSite method. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjectManagerEvents |
Infrastructure. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjectSearch |
Performs a search for a specified object. The environment implements the interface. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsObjectSearch (SID_SVsObjectSearch) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsObjectSearchPane |
Searches for an object in a referenced library or assembly. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOpenProjectOrSolutionDlg |
Opens a Solution or Project using the standard open dialog boxes. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOutput |
Provides information about the outputs of a configuration. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOutput2 |
Provides information about the outputs of a configuration. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOutputGroup |
Allows projects to group outputs according to usage. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOutputGroup2 |
Allows projects to group outputs according to usage. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOutputWindow |
Manages and controls functions specific to the Output tool window that has multiple panes. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOutputWindow2 |
Provides information about the active pane in of the OutputWindow. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsOutputWindow. Implemented by the environment. You can get an instance of the interface by querying IVsOutputWindow. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOutputWindow3 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOutputWindowPane |
Allows a VSPackage to manipulate a particular Output window pane. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOutputWindowPane2 |
Writes a string to the output window, and also creates an entry in the Error List. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsOwnedProjectFactory |
Used by projects that support being aggregated by an Owner to persist the OwnerKey in their project file. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPackage |
Initializes a VSPackage in the environment and makes its services available to the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPackage2 |
Makes properties of a VSPackage available. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPackageDynamicToolOwner |
Enables a package to have its own tool windows dynamically shown or hidden. You can get an instance of the interface from the SIVsPackageDynamicToolOwner (SID_SVsPackageDynamicToolOwner) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPackageDynamicToolOwnerEx |
Enables dynamic control of ToolWindow visibility. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsPackageDynamicToolOwner. This interface can control how many instances are shown. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsParentHierarchy |
Infrastructure. Unsupported interface. Do not use. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsParentProject |
Allows nested projects to be opened and closed in the proper sequence with the build of the solution hierarchy by the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsParentProject2 |
Creates nested projects. You can get an instance of the interface by querying an instance of IVsHierarchy. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsParseCommandLine |
Parses command line arguments for implementers of IOleCommandTarget. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsParseCommandLine (SID_SVsParseCommandLine) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsParseCommandLine2 |
Parses command line arguments for implementers of IOleCommandTarget. Extends but does not inherit from IVsParseCommandLine. Adds a method to support auto completion. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsParseCommandLine (SID_SVsParseCommandLine) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPathVariableResolver |
Encodes or decodes file paths using Visual Studio-specific variables for common path elements. This supports storing file paths in a machine independent format with the vssettings files. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsPathVariableResolver (SID_SVsPathVariableResolver) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPerPropertyBrowsing |
IVsPerPropertyBrowsing is used to perform custom edits for localization on some properties displayed in the Properties window. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPersistDocData |
Enables persistence functionality for document data managed by the text buffer. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPersistDocData2 |
Enables persistence functionality for document data managed by the text buffer. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPersistDocData3 |
Tells the data document (object implementing IVsPersistDocData) whether or not to release its storage for closing or reloading. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsPersistDocData. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPersistHierarchyItem |
Provides persistence to hierarchy items. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPersistHierarchyItem2 |
Provides persistence to hierarchy items. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPersistSolutionOpts |
Provides access to user-specific options in the user options file associated with the solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPersistSolutionProps |
Enables VSPackages to write non-user-specific solution properties into the solution .sln file. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPersistSolutionProps2 |
Supports saving solution properties in a solution (.sln) file by providing a method called when solution loading fails. Implemented by the package. Extends but does not inherit from IVsPersistSolutionProps. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPreviewChangesEngine |
Enables previewing before applying changes made by a given engine. Implemented by the refactoring engine. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPreviewChangesList |
Represents a list of items in the changes tree of the Preview Changes tool window. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPreviewChangesService |
Displays the PreviewChanges dialog box used in refactoring code. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsPreviewChangesService (SID_SVsPreviewChangesService) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPrioritizedSolutionEvents |
Defines high priority event methods for a solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProfferCommands3 |
Adds, finds, renames, and removes commands from the user interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProfferCommands4 |
Adds, finds, renames, and removes commands from the user interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProfileDataManager |
Provides access to the profile manager and to programmatic control of settings. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsProfileDataManager (SID_SVsProfileDataManager) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProfileSettingsFileCollection |
Infrastructure. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProfileSettingsFileInfo |
Infrastructure. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProfileSettingsTree |
Infrastructure. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProfilesManagerUI |
Infrastructure. Internal interface to allow communication between native and managed code. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProject |
Manages items, or documents, within a project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProject2 |
Provides the ability to remove and reopen items in a project, in addition to the methods in the IVsProject interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProject3 |
Provides the ability add or open a project item with a specific editor and to transfer an item to another project, in addition to the methods in the IVsProject2 interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProject4 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectBuildSystem |
Provides access to the MSBuild system objects. Enables putting the build system into batch mode to control commitment of changes. You get an implementation of the interface when you create a VSPackage. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectCfg |
Provides access to project configuration information. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectCfg2 |
Provides support for grouping output based on the configuration, in addition to the methods in the IVsProjectCfg interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectCfgProvider |
Provides access to project configuration information. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectDataConnection |
Provides a data connection for the debugger. Used when stepping through a SQL document. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectDebugTargetProvider |
Gets information about a debug target, a file launched in the debugger. Implemented in projects that want to control launching of the debugger. You must register your implementation using IVsRegisterProjectDebugTargetProvider. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectDeployDependency |
Provides information about project-to-project dependencies. Implemented by a project system that supports producing builds. Inherits from IVsDeployDependency. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectFactory |
Creates projects within the solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectFactory2 |
Provides a method indicating whether the environment can open the project asynchronously. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsProjectFactory. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectFlavorCfg |
The project subtype configuration object implements IVsProjectFlavorCfg to give the project subtype access to various configuration interfaces. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectFlavorCfgOutputGroups |
Gives a project subtype access to the content of the project output group. IVsProjectFlavorCfgOutputGroups interface also allows the project subtype to influence the project's ability to group outputs according to usage. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectFlavorCfgProvider |
Functions as the factory for the project subtype's configuration objects. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectFlavorReferences |
Gives a project subtype (flavor) control over references and of being referenced. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectFlavorReferences2 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectFlavorUpgradeViaFactory |
Upgrades flavored projects using a project factory. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectResources |
Manages resource (.RESX) files for .NET Designers. Most often used to manage localized resources. You can get an instance of the interface by querying IVsHierarchy. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectServerHost |
Enables a project to start or stop its hosted server. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectSpecialFiles |
Enables you to query the project for special files, such as web configuration or license files, and, optionally, to create them. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectSpecificEditorMap |
Implemented by projects to support placing a project-specific editor in the Open With dialog box, or to indicate which editor or language service should be associated with a file type. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectSpecificEditorMap2 |
Implemented by projects to support placing a project-specific editor in the Open With dialog box, or to indicate which editor or language service should be associated with a file type. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectStartupServices |
Enables project extensibility by other developers. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectTextImageProvider |
Opens or close IVsTextImage interfaces for files. Often used to enable Find and Replace on non-local files. Frequently used with Web files. Your implementation should make itself available through querying IVsHierarchy. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectUpgrade |
Implemented by project objects that need to upgrade project file formats between different versions of Visual Studio. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectUpgradeViaFactory |
Upgrade the project using the project factory. Used by the solution before opening the project. This interface must be available through querying the project factory. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectUpgradeViaFactory2 |
Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsProjectUpgradeViaFactory by providing a method to call on cancellation of the project upgrade. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProjectUpgradeViaFactory3 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPropertyBrowser |
Gets and sets the state of the property browser. Implemented by the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPropertyFileIn |
Reads a file containing property names and values. Inherits from IVsPropertyStreamIn. Returned by the OpenExisting method of the IVsStructuredFileIO interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPropertyFileOut |
Writes out a file of property names and values. Extends an inherits from IVsPropertyStreamOut. Returned by the CreateNew method of the IVsStructuredFileIO interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPropertyPage |
Implemented by VSPackages on IPropertyPage objects to show categorized property pages in the property frame. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPropertyPage2 |
Provides for getting and setting property values on the property page. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsPropertyPage. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPropertyPageFrame |
Changes the initial display of the property page in the Properties window. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsPropertyPageFrame (SID_SVsPropertyPageFrame) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPropertyPageNotify |
Tells the environment that a property page wants notification when it is visible. Optional interface for implementers of IVsPropertyPage. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPropertyStreamIn |
Reads a property name, type, and value from a stream. Implemented by the environment and used with the IVsStructuredFileIOHelper interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPropertyStreamOut |
Writes out a property's name and its value. Also provides transaction-like handling for output. Implemented by the environment. Used with the IVsStructuredFileIOHelper interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProvideComponentEnumeration |
Writes an XML document in a string out to a file. A support interface for enumerator interfaces. You can get an instance of this interface from the SCompEnumService (SID_SCompEnumService) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProvideTargetedToolboxItems |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProvideUserContext |
Provides context for an item in a selection container. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProvideUserContext2 |
Enables an object to provide a user context and a priority. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsProvideUserContext. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsProvideUserContextForObject |
Retrieves the user context interface, IVsUserContext for a given object. A user context provides things such as the text for a search or a help keyword. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPublishableProjectCfg |
Enables a project to control its publication. Publication includes such things as moving the project to a file server or a Web site. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsPublishableProjectStatusCallback |
Defines methods for controlling and reporting on publication of a project. Implemented by the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsQueryDebuggableProjectCfg |
Responds to queries about how the project would launch the debugger. An optional interface implemented on the project configuration object by projects that can be start projects. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsQueryEditQuerySave2 |
Indicates to the environment or source control package that a file is about to be changed in memory or saved. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsQueryEditQuerySave3 |
Indicates to the environment or source control package that a file is about to be changed in memory or saved. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRefactorNotify |
Notifies code generators about the occurrence of refactoring operations. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRegisterDataSourceFactories |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRegisterEditors |
Registers and unregisters editors in the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRegisterNewDialogFilters |
Installs custom filters for the AddNewProject or AddNewItem dialogs. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsRegisterNewDialogFilters (SID_SVsRegisterNewDialogFilters) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRegisterPriorityCommandTarget |
Used by a package to register itself as a high priority command handler. This allows the package to see all comands. You can use this to simplify the environment by hiding parts of the command structure. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsRegisterPriorityCommandTarget (SID_SVsRegisterPriorityCommandTarget) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRegisterProjectDebugTargetProvider |
Maintains a linked list of debug target providers (IVsProjectDebugTargetProvider). You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsRegisterDebugTargetProvider (SID_SVsRegisterProjectDebugTargetProvider) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRegisterProjectTypes |
Registers a VSPackage project type in the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRegisterScciProvider |
This interface is used to register the source control package with Visual Studio. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRegisterUIFactories |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRelativePathResolver |
Allows packages to resolve a relative path to an absolute path when IVsUIShellOpenDocument::SearchProjectsForRelativePath is called. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsResourceManager |
Loads managed and unmanaged resources from Satellite DLLs. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsResourceManager2 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsResourceView |
Infrastructure. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRunningDocTableEvents |
Implements methods that fire in response to changes to documents in the Running Document Table (RDT). |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRunningDocTableEvents2 |
Implements methods that fire in response to changes to documents in the Running Document Table (RDT). |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRunningDocTableEvents3 |
Implements methods that fire in response to changes to documents in the Running Document Table (RDT). |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRunningDocTableEvents4 |
Implements methods that fire in response to changes to documents in the Running Document Table (RDT). |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRunningDocumentTable |
Manages the set of currently open documents in the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsRunningDocumentTable2 |
Represents the running document table (RDT) and provides additional functionality beyond the IVsRunningDocumentTable interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSaveOptionsDlg |
Shows a dialog box from which to choose additional save format options from within the Save As dialog box. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccAddWebProjectFromSourceControl |
This interface adds a Web-based project to the current solution from source control. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccControlNewSolution |
Adds a newly created solution automatically to source control. . |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccEnlistmentPathTranslation |
Used by the solution to translate project paths. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccGlyphs |
Allows full customization of source control glyphs. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccManager2 |
Allows projects and hierarchies to register themselves with source control and obtain information on source control status. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccManagerTooltip |
This interface provides access to source control data to construct the ToolTip text in Solution Explorer. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccOpenFromSourceControl |
Adds items to an enlistment directly from source code control. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccProject2 |
Implemented in a project system to provide source control for project files and project items. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccProjectEnlistmentChoice |
Indicates the choices a user will be given by a project when a project is retrieved from source control, otherwise known as enlisting in a project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccProjectEnlistmentFactory |
Provides a browse dialog box in which the user can select where a project under source control is to be saved. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccProjectProviderBinding |
Allows a project type to force the choice of a particular source control package. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccProvider |
Toggles the current activity status of the provider. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccToolsOptions |
Retrieves and updates various options associated with source control. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSccVirtualFolders |
Gets a list of virtual folders within a project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSelectedSymbol |
Provides the name and navigation information (library name, and so on) for a single symbol. An element in an IVsSelectedSymbols collection. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSelectedSymbols |
A collection of IVsSelectedSymbol interfaces that provide name and navigation information about symbols in a selection. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsClassView (SID_SVsClassView) service or SVsObjBrowser (SID_SVsObjBrowser) service for class view or the object browser. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSelectionEvents |
Notifies registered VSPackages of changes to the current selection, element value, or command UI context. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSetTargetFrameworkWorkerCallback |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSettingsErrorInformation |
Infrastructure. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSettingsManager |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSettingsReader |
Provides read access to configuration information stored in the Visual Studio settings file. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSettingsStore |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSettingsWriter |
Infrastructure. Provides VSPackages a mechanism for storing configuration information in the Visual Studio settings file. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsShell |
Provides access to the fundamental environment services, specifically those dealing with VSPackages and the registry. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsShell2 |
Supplies shell services in addition to the IVsShell interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsShell3 |
Supplies shell services in addition to the IVsShell interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsShell4 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsShellPropertyEvents |
Implemented by clients of ShellPropertyChangeEvents. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSimpleBrowseComponentSet |
Populates the component set with browsable components, such as Visual Studio projects, external .NET Framework components and type (.tlb) libraries. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSimpleDocFactory |
Creates a doc data object from a given file and returns the requested interface of the document. The environment supplies a default implementation. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSimpleLibrary2 |
A simplified version of the IVsLibrary2 interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSimpleObjectList2 |
A simplified version of the IVsObjectList2 interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSimplePreviewChangesList |
This is a simplified version of the IVsPreviewChangesList interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSingleFileGenerator |
Transforms a single input file into a single output file that can be compiled or added to a project. Any COM component that implements the IVsSingleFileGenerator is a custom tool. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSingleFileGeneratorFactory |
Manipulates the generator prog ID for a single type of file. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSmartOpenScope |
Opens an existing assembly and maps the assembly's metadata to memory. The interface provides smart opening, automatically choosing between opening the scope with or without locking. You can get an instance of this interface using the SVsSmartOpenScope (SID_SVsSmartOpenScope) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolution |
Provides top-level manipulation or maintenance of the solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolution2 |
Provides top-level manipulation or maintenance of the solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolution3 |
Creates, updates, and saves project files. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolution4 |
Provides methods for managed loading of the projects in a solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionBuildManager |
Allows solutions to manage configuration information. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionBuildManager2 |
Allows solutions to manage configuration information. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionBuildManager3 |
Provides access to IVsUpdateSolutionEvents3 events. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionBuildManager4 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionEvents |
Listening interface that monitors any notifications of changes to the solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionEvents2 |
Listening interface that monitors any notifications of changes to the solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionEvents3 |
Listening interface that monitors any notifications of changes to the solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionEvents4 |
Listening interface that monitors any notifications of changes to the solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionEventsProjectUpgrade |
Provides a method called after the upgrade of a project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionLoadEvents |
Implemented by clients interested in solution events. Subscribe to these events via AdviseSolutionEvents. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionLoadManager |
Controls the loading of projects in a solution. Extenders can use this interface to set the load priority of projects or types of projects. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionLoadManagerSupport |
Provides support for managing the way projects in a solution are loaded. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionLogger |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSolutionPersistence |
Facilitates writing package-specific properties and options into the solution file (.sln), and, conversely, the loading of properties and options from the file. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSpecifyProjectDesignerPages |
Supports editing project properties with an editor (project designer) rather than through the Project Properties dialog. Implemented on the browse object of the project instead of ISpecifyPropertyPages. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSQLCLRReferences |
Manages references to SQL procedures compiled into assemblies. Handles the AddNewReference dialog as well as coordinating the local cache and SQL Server. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsSQLCLRReferences (SID_SVsSQLCLRReferences) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSQLCLRReferencesUpdateCallback |
Defines the callback function for reporting changes in SQL procedures compiled into assemblies. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsStartPageDownload |
Infrastructure. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsStatusbar |
Provides access to the environment's status bar. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsStatusbarUser |
Used to define each user of the status bar. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsStringMap |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsStrongNameKeys |
Provides common strong name key utility methods. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsStrongNameKeys (SID_SVsStrongNameKeys) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsStructuredFileIO |
Provides a common way to perform multi-format saves. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsStructuredFileIO (SID_SVsStructuredFileIO) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsStructuredFileIOHelper |
Enables substitution of localized strings for tokens found in persisted files. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSupportCodeDefView |
Indicates that the implementing doc data object supports the CodeDefinitionView window. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSupportItemHandoff |
Supports transferring an item from one project to another. This interface is implemented by the project that is transferring the item. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSupportItemHandoff2 |
Gives the receiver project a chance to do any necessary processing of the document to be handed off. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSwatchClient |
Enables creation of custom, owner-drawn swatch controls (color pickers) on menus. For advanced clients. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSymbolicNavigationManager |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsSymbolicNavigationNotify |
Facilitates redirection of Goto Definition on a code symbol. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTargetFrameworkAssemblies |
Provides base support for targeting multiple framework versions. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTaskItem |
Provides methods for modifying task behavior. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTaskItem2 |
Provides methods for modifying task behavior. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTaskItem3 |
Adds content to the TaskList window. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTaskList |
Manages lists of task items supplied by task providers. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTaskList2 |
Manipulates items in the TaskList window. Implemented by the environment, although you can write your own implementation to provide custom task items. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTaskListEvents |
Provides an event set for events related to the task list. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTaskProvider |
Supplies tasks to the task list. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTaskProvider2 |
Supplies tasks to the task list. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTaskProvider3 |
Supports adding content to the Task View window. Defines the provider of information along with manipulating the window columns. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTestLog |
Infrastructure. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTextBufferProvider |
Enables a DocData object to delegate text buffer (IVsTextLines) implementation. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTextOut |
Exposes the core editor's unicode text measurement and display methods. Implemented by the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsThreadedWaitDialog |
Shows a dialog used while waiting for an action to end. The dialog is displayed on a separate, background thread to allow the environment to appear responsive even when busy. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsThreadedWaitDialog (SID_SVsThreadedWaitDialog) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsThreadedWaitDialog2 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsThreadedWaitDialogFactory |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsThreadPool |
Manages background operations in the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsThreadSafeCommandWindow |
Posts commands that are handled on the main thread, which then calls the regular handlers. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolbarTrayHost |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolbox |
Used to manage the Toolbox. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolbox2 |
Used to manage the Toolbox. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolbox3 |
Provides persistence and localization support for a Toolbox. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsToolbox2. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsToolbox (SID_SVsToolbox) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolbox4 |
Provides persistence and localization support for a Toolbox. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsToolbox3. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsToolbox (SID_SVsToolbox) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolbox5 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolboxActiveUserHook |
Provides support for intercepting and modifying Toolbox interactions, including drag and drop. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolboxClipboardCycler |
Provides support for the clipboard ring to document windows and tool windows. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolboxDataProvider |
Requests information from data providers regarding the data objects that they support. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolboxDataProvider2 |
Provides support for additional Toolbox features. In particular, IVsToolboxDataProvider2 is used to implement Toolbox persistence through the vssettings feature. Users will save and retrieve such information through the Import/Export Settings command, found on the IDE's Tools menu. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolboxDataProviderRegistry |
Registers a Toolbox data provider. Used to register a Toolbox data provider. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolboxItemProvider |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolboxPageChooser |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolboxUser |
Sends notification about Toolbox items to the owner of these items. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolsOptions |
Manages a Tools Options dialog box. The environment implements this interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolWindowFactory |
Provides VSPackages the ability to create multiple tool windows. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolWindowToolbar |
Returns the border information and sets the border space for a tool window. Implementers do not need to implement or call this interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolWindowToolbarHost |
Provides control over features pertaining to a tool window toolbar. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsToolWindowToolbarHost2 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTrackBatchRetargetingEvents |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTrackProjectDocuments2 |
Used by projects to query the environment for permission to add, remove, or rename a file or directory in a solution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTrackProjectDocuments3 |
This interface allows for batch processing, coordination of locks on files, and an advanced OnQueryAddFiles method. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTrackProjectDocumentsEvents2 |
Notifies clients of changes made to project files or directories. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTrackProjectDocumentsEvents3 |
Receives calls made to the IVsTrackProjectDocuments3 interface. It provides support for batch-processing queries and for coordination of file access. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTrackProjectRetargeting |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTrackProjectRetargetingEvents |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTrackSelectionEx |
Notifies the environment of a change in the current selection and provides access to hierarchy and item information relating to the new selection. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTypeLibraryWrapper |
Infrastructure. This interface is implemented by all wrapping tools. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTypeLibraryWrapperBatchSupport |
Wraps types in batch mode and processes them for a specific application domain. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsTypeLibraryWrapperCallback |
Infrastructure. Allows the wrapper tools to communicate back to the project system and retrieve already existing wrappers for a given type library. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIAccelerator |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUICollection |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUICollectionChangeEvents |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIDataConverter |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIDataConverterManager |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIDataSource |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIDataSourcePropertyChangeEvents |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIDispatch |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIDynamicCollection |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIElement |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIElementPane |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIEnumDataSourceProperties |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIEnumDataSourceVerbs |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIEventSink |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIFactory |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIHierarchy |
Redirects commands you invoke to the appropriate hierarchy window instead of the standard command handler. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIHierarchyWindow |
Implemented by the environment to display the hierarchies that VSPackages write. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIHierarchyWindow2 |
Implemented by the environment to display the hierarchies that VSPackages write. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper |
Coordinates clipboard operations between hierarchies in a UI hierarchy window. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIHierWinClipboardHelperEvents |
Provides clipboard notifications to the source hierarchy in a cut or copy operation. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIObject |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIShell |
This interface provides access to basic windowing functionality, including access to and creation of tool windows and document windows. Provides access to basic windowing functionality, including access to and creation of tool windows and document windows, provided by the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIShell2 |
Extends the functionality of the IVsUIShell interface by providing access to additional window functionalities. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIShell3 |
Extends the functionality of the IVsUIShell interface by providing access to additional window functionalities. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIShell4 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIShellDocumentWindowMgr |
Saves and retrieves from a stream, window position, editor type, and view for all active windows. Implemented by the environment. Rarely used. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIShellOpenDocument |
Controls the state of open documents within the environment. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIShellOpenDocument2 |
Provides the list of default document previewers. Implemented by the Environment. Extends, but does not inherit from IVsUIShellOpenDocument. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUISimpleDataSource |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIWin32Bitmap |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIWin32Element |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIWin32Icon |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIWin32ImageList |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIWpfElement |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUIWpfLoader |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUpdateSolutionEvents |
Implemented by VSPackages to sink build events for solution and project builds. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUpdateSolutionEvents2 |
Implemented by VSPackages to sink build events for solution and project builds. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUpdateSolutionEvents3 |
Defines events for changes in the solution configuration. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsUpdateSolutionEvents2 and IVsUpdateSolutionEvents. To monitor these events, implement the interface and use it as an argument of the AdviseUpdateSolutionEvents3 method of IVsSolutionBuildManager3. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUpgradeBuildPropertyStorage |
Upgrades build-related information in a project file. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUpgradeLogger |
Reports errors and informational messages. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUserContext |
Manages attributes and keywords (context and subcontext) in the context or subcontext bag. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUserContextCustomize |
Provides information about the extent of the context for keyword searches. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUserContextItem |
Describes the F1Help context of an item. Member of a IVsUserContextItemCollection. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUserContextItemCollection |
Maintains an indexed collection of context items (IVsUserContextItem) for use in context-sensitive help. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUserContextItemEvents |
Defines the method called when there are context-sensitive Help items available. Implement this interface and pass it to the AdviseContextItemEvents of the IVsMonitorUserContext interface to receive event notification. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUserContextItemProvider |
Defines a provider of context-sensitive Help items. Implement your provider and register it with the RegisterItemProvider method of the IVsMonitorUserContext interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUserContextUpdate |
Allows you to update the context bag when an update notification is received from the Dynamic Help window. Allows you to update the context bag when an update notification is received from the Dynamic Help window. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUserSettings |
Interface implemented by VSPackages needing their state information persisted by the Visual Studio settings mechanism. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUserSettingsMigration |
Migrates user settings. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsUserSettingsQuery |
Allows a VSPackage to indicate if its settings need to be saved or not. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsVba |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebAppMigration |
Provides methods to migrate web projects. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebBrowser |
Manipulates a Web browser. Returned by the CreateWebBrowser method of the IVsWebBrowsingService interface. You can get an instance of the IVsWebBrowsingService interface from the SVsWebBrowsingService (SID_SVsWebBrowsingService) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebBrowserUser |
Provides a way for clients of IVsWebBrowsingService to control the hosted Web browser control. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebBrowserUser2 |
Enables a client of IVsWebBrowsingService to proffer services to the hosted browser control. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsWebBrowserUser. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebBrowsingService |
Enables a package to create and control a Web browsing session. You can get an instance of this interface from the SVsWebBrowsingService (SID_SVsWebBrowsingService) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebFavorites |
Enables a package to add to a user's Favorites list. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsWebFavorites (SID_SVsWebFavorites) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebMigration |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebMigrationService |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebPreview |
Enables a package to show a preview of a Web page, typically in a child window. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsWebPreview (SID_SVsWebPreview) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebPreviewAction |
Defines methods to be called in response to Web preview events. Implement the interface and use it with the Web preview methods PreviewURL and PreviewURLEx of the IVsWebPreview interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebProject |
Implemented by web project objects that want to use the IVsAddNewWebProjectItemDlg interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebProxy |
Web proxy service interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebService |
Represents a single Web service proffered by a project. Managed as part of a collection of Web services held by IVsWebServiceProvider. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebService3 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebServiceEndpoint |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebServiceEvents |
Defines events called when a Web service is removed, renamed, or changed. Used as an argument to the AdviseWebServiceEvents method of the IVsWebService interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebServiceProvider |
Maintains a collection of Web services (IVsWebService) and calls appropriate methods on events. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebServiceProviderDebug |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWebServiceProviderEvents |
Defines methods called when Web services are added or removed from the Web service provider collection. Used as an argument in the AdviseWebServiceProviderEvents method of the IVsWebServiceProvider interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
Enables a package to add a URL to the most recently used (MRU) list of URLs and to get a list of all of the URLs in the MRU list. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsWebURLMRU (SID_SVsWebURLMRU) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowFrame |
Provides access to behaviors and properties of environment window frames, for both tool and document windows. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowFrame2 |
Enables a window frame to send notifications to anyone who wants to be notified of IVsWindowFrameNotify events |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowFrame3 |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowFrameNotify |
Notifies a package of changes to one of its window frames. Superceded by IVsWindowFrameNotify3. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowFrameNotify2 |
Notifies clients when a window frame is closed. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowFrameNotify3 |
Notifies a VSPackage when changes are made to one of its window frames. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowFrameSwitcher |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowPane |
Provides basic window pane functionality. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowPaneCommit |
Allows a window to commit pending edits in a control with focus before another command is invoked. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowPaneCommitFilter |
Enables interception of a command that would commit changes before committing the changes. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWindowView |
Controls part of the client area in a window. One of several interfaces you can implement on the the DocView or ViewHelper object to override other interfaces. Rarely used. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsWritableSettingsStore |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsXMLMemberData |
Extracts information about a member from an XML representation. Returned by the GetMemberDataFromXML method of the IVsXMLMemberIndexService interface. You can get an instance of that interface from the SVsXMLMemberIndexService (SID_SVsXMLMemberIndexService) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsXMLMemberData3 |
Extracts information about a member from an XML representation. Extends, but does not inherit from, IVsXMLMemberData. Query an object returning IVsXMLMemberData to see if it supports IVsXMLMemberData3. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsXMLMemberDataCallBack |
Provides the display name for a member in XML documentation representing metadata. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsXMLMemberDataRegisterCallBack |
Registers an IVsXMLMemberDataCallBack interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsXMLMemberIndex |
Creates an index of members in XML documents corresponding to metadata files. Implemented by the environment. Returned by the CreateXMLMemberIndex method of the IVsXMLMemberIndexService interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IVsXMLMemberIndexService |
Enables access to XML documentation corresponding to given metadata files. You can get an instance of the interface from the SVsXMLMemberIndexService (SID_SVsXMLMemberIndexService) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IWebApplicationCtxSvc |
Sets up the IntelliSense infrastructure for a file by returning an IServiceProvider interface you can use with the file. You can get an instance of the interface from the SWebApplicationCtxSvc (SID_SWebApplicationCtxSvc) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IWebClassLibProject |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IWebClassLibProjectEvents |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IWebClassLibProjectSvc |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
IWebFileCtxService |
Prepares the IntelliSense infrastructure for a given assembly file. You can get an instance of the interface from the SWebFileCtxService (SID_SWebFileCtxService) service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SApplicationObject |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the DTE object. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SBuilderWizardManager |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SCodeNavigate |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to ICodeNavigate. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SCompEnumService |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to an IVsProvideComponentEnumeration interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SDirList |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IDirList interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SExtendedTypeLib |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IExtendedTypeLib. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SExtensionManager |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SIVsPackageDynamicToolOwner |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsPackageDynamicToolOwner. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SLicensedClassManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to ILicensedClassManager. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SLocalRegistry |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the ILocalRegistry and ILocalRegistry2 interfaces. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SOleComponentUIManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to an IOleComponentUIManager or IOleInPlaceComponentUIManager interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SOleInPlaceComponent |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IOleInPlaceComponent. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SOleInPlaceComponentSite |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IOleInPlaceComponentSite. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SProfferService |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IProfferService. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SProfferTypeLib |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IProfferTypeLib. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
STrackSelection |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to ITrackSelection. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SUIHostCommandDispatcher |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IOleCommandTarget. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SUIHostLocale |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IUIHostLocale. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsActivityLog |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsActivityLog interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsAddProjectItemDlg |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsAddProjectItemDlg. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsAddWebReferenceDlg |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsAddWebReferenceDlg. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsAppCommandLine |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsAppCommandLine. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsAssemblyNameUnification |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsBuildManagerAccessor |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsCallBrowser |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsCallBrowser interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsClassView |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsClassView. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsCmdNameMapping |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsCmdNameMapping. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsCodeDefView |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsCodeDefView interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsCodeShareHandler |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsCodeShareHandler. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsCommandWindow |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsCommandWindow or IVsCommandWindow2. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsCommandWindowsCollection |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsCommandWindowsCollection interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsCommonMessagePumpFactory |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsComplusLibrary |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsLibraryReferenceManager. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsComponentModelHost |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsComponentSelectorDlg |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsComponentSelectorDlg. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsComponentSelectorDlg2 |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsComponentSelectorDlg2 interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsConfigurationManagerDlg |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsConfigurationManagerDlg interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsCreateAggregateProject |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsCreateAggregateProject interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsDataObjectStringMapManager |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsDataSourceFactory |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsDebuggableProtocol |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsDebuggableProtocol. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsDebugLaunch |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsDebugLaunch. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsDesignTimeAssemblyResolution |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsDetermineWizardTrust |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsDiscoveryService |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsDiscoveryService. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsEnumHierarchyItemsFactory |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsEnumHierarchyItemsFactory. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsErrorList |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsErrorList. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsExternalFilesManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsExternalFilesManager. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsFileChange |
Infrastructure. Passed to GetService to return a reference to the internal interface IVsFileChange. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsFileChangeEx |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsFileChangeEx. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsFilterAddProjectItemDlg |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsFilterAddProjectItemDlg. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsFilterKeys |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsFilterKeys. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsFontAndColorCacheManager |
Object providing access to the Visual Studio SDK implementation of the Font and Color cache manager service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsFontAndColorStorage |
Object providing access to the Visual Studio SDK implementation of the Font and Color storage service. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsFrameworkMultiTargeting |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsFrameworkRetargetingDlg |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsGeneralOutputWindowPane |
Pseudoservice that returns an IID_IVsOutputWindowPane interface for the General output pane in the VS environment. Querying for this service will cause the General output pane to be created if it hasn't yet been created. The General output pane is an appropriate place to display general status messages to the user, such as messages relating to operations such as opening a project. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsHelpService |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsHelpSystem. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsHTMLConverter |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsHTMLConverter. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsIME. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsIntegratedHelp |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the SVsHelp interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsIntelliMouseHandler |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsIntelliMouseHandler. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsIntellisenseEngine |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsIntellisenseEngine interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsIntellisenseProjectHost |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsIntellisenseProjectHost interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsIntellisenseProjectManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsIntellisenseProjectManager interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsInvisibleEditorManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsInvisibleEditorManager. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsLaunchPad |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsLaunchPad. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsLaunchPadFactory |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsLaunchPadFactory. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsMacroRecorder |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsMacros |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsMainWindowDropTarget |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVSMDCodeDomProvider |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IVSMDCodeDomProvider interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVSMDDesignerService |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IVSMDCodeDomCreator and IVSMDDesignerService interfaces. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVSMDPropertyBrowser |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IVSMDPropertyBrowser interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVSMDTypeResolutionService |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IVSMDTypeResolutionService interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsMenuEditor |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsMenuEditor. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsMonitorUserContext |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsMonitorUserContext. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsObjBrowser |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsObjBrowser. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsObjectManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsObjectManager. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsObjectSearch |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsObjectSearch. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsOpenProjectOrSolutionDlg |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsOpenProjectOrSolutionDlg interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsOutputWindow |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsOutputWindow. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsParseCommandLine |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsParseCommandLine. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsPathVariableResolver |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsPathVariableResolver interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsPreviewChangesService |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsPreviewChangesService interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsProfferCommands |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsProfileDataManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsProfileDataManager interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsProfilesManagerUI |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsProfilesManagerUI interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsPropertyPageFrame |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsPropertyPageFrame. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsQueryEditQuerySave |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsQueryEditQuerySave2. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsRegisterDebugTargetProvider |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsRegisterProjectDebugTargetProvider interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsRegisterEditors |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsRegisterEditors. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsRegisterNewDialogFilters |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsRegisterPriorityCommandTarget |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsRegisterPriorityCommandTarget. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsRegisterProjectTypes |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsRegisterProjectTypes. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsResourceManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsResourceManager interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsResourceView |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsResourceView. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsRunningDocumentTable |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsRunningDocumentTable. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSccManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsSccManager2. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSccToolsOptions |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsSccToolsOptions interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSettingsManager |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSettingsReader |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsSettingsReader interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsShell |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsShell. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsShellDebugger |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsDebugger. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsShellMonitorSelection |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsMonitorSelection. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSmartOpenScope |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IVsSmartOpenScope interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSolution |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsSolution. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSolutionBuildManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsSolutionBuildManager. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSolutionObject |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to an IVsSolution interface. Use the SVsSolution service instead. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSolutionPersistence |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsSolutionPersistence. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSourceControl |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSQLCLRReferences |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IVsSQLCLRReferences interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsStartPageDownload |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IVsStartPageDownload interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsStatusbar |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsStatusbar. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsStrongNameKeys |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IVsStrongNameKeys interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsStructuredFileIO |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsStructuredFileIO. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsSymbolicNavigationManager |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsTargetFrameworkAssemblies |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsTargetFrameworkAssemblies. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsTaskList |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsTaskList. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsTextOut |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsTextOut. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsThreadedWaitDialog |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsThreadedWaitDialog interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsThreadedWaitDialogFactory |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsThreadPool |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsThreadPool interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsToolbox |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsToolbox. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsToolboxActiveXDataProvider |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to an IVsToolboxDataProvider interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsToolboxDataProviderRegistry |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsToolboxDataProviderRegistry interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsToolsOptions |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsToolsOptions interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsTrackProjectDocuments |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsTrackProjectDocuments2 and IVsTrackProjectDocuments3 interfaces. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsTrackProjectRetargeting |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsTrackSelectionEx |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsTrackSelectionEx. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsUIDataConverters |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsUIFactory |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsUIShell |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsUIShell. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsUIShellDocumentWindowMgr |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsUIShellDocumentWindowMgr. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsUIShellOpenDocument |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsUIShellOpenDocument. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsUpgradeLogger |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsUpgradeLogger interface. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsVba |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsWebBrowsingService |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsWebBrowsingService. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsWebFavorites |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsWebFavorites. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsWebPreview |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsWebPreview. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsWebProxy |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsWebProxy. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsWebURLMRU. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsWindowFrame |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsWindowFrame. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SVsXMLMemberIndexService |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsXMLMemberIndexService. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SWebApplicationCtxSvc |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
SWebFileCtxService |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
VsMSBuildTaskFileManager |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
VSPIAImporter |
Infrastructure. Implemented by all wrapping tools. |
![Public interface Public interface](images/ms233746.pubinterface(zh-tw,vs.100).gif) |
VsSymbolicNavigationManager |