HOW TO:處理螢幕旋轉
更新:2007 年 11 月
您可以開發非縱向螢幕方向的 Direct3D 應用程式。不過,裝置驅動程式對於非縱向方向中的呈現,提供不同層級的支援,因此您的應用程式應該在處理螢幕旋轉時,遵循其所建議的作法。
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Managed Direct3D Mobile 應用程式需要適用於 Pocket PC 和 Smartphone 的 Windows Mobile 5.0 版軟體。如需 Windows Mobile 軟體和 SDK 的詳細資訊,請參閱 .NET Compact Framework 的外部資源。 |
下列程式碼範例出自於 Windows Software Development Kit (SDK)。
在您的專案中加入 Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms 元件的參考。
加入偵測程式碼的最為簡單方式,就是將程式碼放置在主表單的 Resize 事件處理常式中。在表單的建構函式中加入事件處理常式的委派。
this.Resize += new System.EventHandler(this.MyForm_Resize);
AddHandler Resize, AddressOf Me.MyForm_Resize
加入布林 orientationChanged 類別成員變數,在方向變更時進行追蹤。使用 ScreenOrientation 屬性的值判斷目前的方向。Angle0 的值表示縱向模式。如果目前的方向不同於這個方向,請設定 orientationChanged 旗標以記下這點。通常,由於應用程式可能位於背景,所以此時不會採取任何動作。由於觸發調整大小事件的方向變更可能尚未完成,請勿以程式設計方式在此變更方向。如果現在嘗試將方向變回就會失敗。
// Add a class member variable to // store that the orientation has changed. bool orientationChanged = false; private void MyForm_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation != ScreenOrientation.Angle0) orientationChanged = true; }
' Add a class member variable to ' store that the orientation has changed. Dim OrientationChanged As Boolean = False Private Sub MyForm_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) If (SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation <> ScreenOrientation.Angle0) Then orientationChanged = True End If End Sub
您可以檢查每個框架 (Frame) 以判斷方向是否已經變更。下列程式碼範例中的 CheckRotation 方法,會藉由設定 ScreenOrientation 屬性,將螢幕方向變回縱向模式。您應該根據您所要的使用者經驗,採取其他動作。例如,您可能不希望讓應用程式自行變更螢幕方向,而是讓應用程式通知使用者將方向變回,否則將不再繼續呈現。如果的確變更螢幕方向,您也應該如下列範例所示,儲存並還原初始的螢幕方向。如果沒有變更螢幕方向,而是採取其他一些動作,呈現就有可能繼續正常進行、無訊息地失敗,或是傳回例外狀況而失敗。
下列的程式碼範例嘗試以縱向模式設定裝置 (如果尚未使用縱向模式)。如果裝置是縱向模式,CheckOrientation 方法會傳回 true。
private bool CheckOrientation() { // orientationChanged is set to true in resize if it is // detected that the orientation of the device has changed. if (orientationChanged) { // Attempt to change the display back to portrait mode. try { SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Angle0; // Now that the orientation is back to portrait mode // Do not attempt to change it again. orientationChanged = false; } catch (Exception) { // Failed to change the display mode. return false; } } return true; } // Use the CheckOrientation() method before rendering occurs. // All rendering for each frame occurs here. private void Render() { // If the device is not oriented properly, // some display drivers may not work. if (!CheckOrientation()) return; // Rendering code omitted here. }
Private Function CheckOrientation() As Boolean ' orientationChanged is set to true in resize if it is ' detected that the orientation of the device has changed. If orientationChanged Then ' Attempt to change the display back to portrait mode. Try SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Angle0 ' Now that the orientation is back to portrait mode ' Do not attempt to change it again. orientationChanged = false Catch As Exception ' Failed to change the display mode. Return false End Try End If Return true End Function ' Use the CheckOrientation() method before rendering occurs. ' All rendering for each frame occurs here. Private Sub Render() ' If the device is not oriented properly, ' some display drivers may not work. If Not CheckOrientation Then Return End If ' Rendering code omitted here. End Sub
ScreenOrientation initialOrientation = SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation;
ScreenOrientation initialOrientation = SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation;
將這個項目加入至 Main 方法的結尾,嘗試在應用程式結束時還原方向。
if (SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation != initialOrientation) { try { SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation = initialOrientation; } catch (Exception) { // Unable to change the orientation back // to the original configuration. MessageBox.Show("This sample was unable to set the " + "orientation back to the original state."); } }
If (SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation <> initialOrientation) Then Try SystemSettings.ScreenOrientation = initialOrientation Catch As Exception ' Unable to change the orientation back ' to the original configuration. MessageBox.Show(("This sample was unable to set the " & _ "orientation back to the original state.")) End Try End If
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