Workflows roadmap
In this article:
Before you begin
Configure the workflows included with Office SharePoint Server 2007
Design custom workflows in Office SharePoint Designer 2007
Design custom workflow forms in Office InfoPath 2007
Develop custom workflows in Visual Studio 2005
Use partner workflow tools
Businesses depend on business processes, and the most important business processes often depend on people. By using software to automate interactions among the people who participate in a business process, you can improve how a workflow functions, increase its efficiency, and reduce its error rate.
Workflows in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 can reduce the cost and time required to coordinate common business processes — for example, project approval or document review — by managing and tracking the human tasks involved with these processes. You can attach workflows to items in lists and libraries. A workflow enables you to control almost any aspect of an item, up to its entire life cycle.
This roadmap page provides links to Web articles, white papers, training, blog entries, and tools to help guide you in implementing workflows in Office SharePoint Server 2007.
Before you begin
Before you implement workflows in your SharePoint site, review the following overview topics, which describe the workflow design and customization options available to information workers, site designers, and developers:
Introduction to workflows in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
Introduction to workflows in Office SharePoint Designer 2007
Developer Introduction to Workflows for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007 (developer)
Introduction to Workflows in Windows SharePoint Services (developer)
Workflow Development Tools Comparison (developer)
Configure the workflows included with Office SharePoint Server 2007
Workflows help people to collaborate on documents and to manage project tasks by implementing business processes on documents and other items in a Office SharePoint Server 2007 site. Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes several workflows that address common business scenarios, such as collecting feedback, getting approval, and digitally signing a document. Additionally, the workflow functionality in Office SharePoint Server 2007 is tightly integrated with the 2007 Microsoft Office 系統.
For information about configuring and using the workflow features included in Office SharePoint Server 2007, see the following resources:
Activate or deactivate the Three-state workflow as a site collection feature
Add or change a workflow for a list, library, or content type
Use a Three-state workflow (Office SharePoint Server 2007)
Use a Three-state workflow (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0)
Use a workflow to manage content approval for a library (Office SharePoint Server 2007)
Use a workflow to manage content approval for a library (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0)
Design custom workflows in Office SharePoint Designer 2007
By using Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007, you can design workflows that add application logic to your site or application without having to write custom code. By using the Workflow Designer, you create rules that associate conditions and actions with items in lists and libraries. In this way, changes to items in lists or libraries trigger actions in the workflow.
For information about designing custom workflows in Office SharePoint Designer 2007, see the following resources:
Adding activities to SharePoint Designer (SharePoint Designer team blog)
Screencast: Creating Custom Workflows with SharePoint Designer 2007
Workflow Development in Office SharePoint Designer (developer)
Building Custom Activities for Use in SharePoint Designer 2007 (developer)
Design custom workflow forms in Office InfoPath 2007
Office SharePoint Server 2007 employs the workflow functionality in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and extends that functionality through integration with InfoPath forms. Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 gives you the ability to create symmetrical forms — that is, forms that look and operate exactly the same whether they are displayed in the Office SharePoint Server 2007 browser interface or within a Microsoft Office client application such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. This provides a richer experience in which the user can interact with the workflow directly in the client application.
For information about designing custom workflow forms in Office InfoPath 2007, see the following resources:
Workflow Forms Overview for Windows SharePoint Services (developer)
InfoPath Forms for Workflows (developer)
Workflow Association and Initialization Forms (developer)
Workflow Modification Forms (developer)
Workflow Task Forms (developer)
Specifying InfoPath 2007 Forms for Workflows (developer)
Design InfoPath Workflow Forms (developer)
Access Association and Initiation Form Data in a Workflow (developer)
Access Workflow Task Form Data in a Workflow (developer)
Design a Workflow Form to Use Association and Initiation Data (developer)
Design a Workflow Task Form to Use Task Data (developer)
Add the Contact Selector to InfoPath 2007 (developer)
Configure a Contact Selector Control on Your InfoPath Workflow Form (developer)
Access Contact Data in Workflow Initiation and Modification Forms (developer)
Access Contact Data in Workflow Edit Task Forms (developer)
Define a Workflow Task as Bulk Editable (developer)
Display a Custom Bulk Edit Task Form View (developer)
Building Simple Custom Approval Workflows with InfoPath 2007 Forms (developer)
Design an InfoPath Form for a Workflow in Office SharePoint Server 2007 (developer)
Video: Integrating InfoPath Forms into Workflow Solutions and Business Processes
Lab: Using SharePoint Server Workflows with InfoPath 2007 (developer)
Develop custom workflows in Visual Studio 2005
Developers can use Visual Studio 2005 Designer for Windows Workflow Foundation to create custom workflows, workflow templates, and custom workflow activities. You can include custom code in your workflow, and you can design forms — for example, ASP.NET forms — to be used by the workflow to communicate with the workflow users during association and run time. You can even create custom activities to be used in other workflows.
For information about developing custom workflows by using the Visual Studio 2005 Designer for Windows Workflow Foundation, see the following resources:
Blog series: “So You Want to Develop Custom Workflows in Visual Studio..." (developer):
How to: Debug Your Windows SharePoint Services Workflow (developer)
Deploy a Workflow Template (developer)
Limiting Document Access During Workflows (developer)
Manually Configure a Workflow Project (developer)
MSDN Webcast: Developing SharePoint Workflows Using Visual Studio 2005 (Level 200) (developer)
MSDN Webcast: SharePoint Workflow Development and Modifications (Level 200) (developer)
SharePoint Server 2007 SDK: Software Development Kit and Enterprise Content Management Starter Kit (developer)
Video: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: Developing and Extending Custom Workflows and Activities (developer)
Visual Studio 2005 Designer for Windows Workflow Foundation Overview (developer)
Visual Studio 2005 extensions for .NET Framework 3.0 (Windows Workflow Foundation) (developer)
Walkthrough: Creating Office SharePoint Server 2007 Workflows in Visual Studio 2005 (developer)
Workflow Activities for Windows SharePoint Services Overview (developer)
Workflow Development in Visual Studio 2005 (developer)
Workflow Object Model in Windows SharePoint Services Overview (developer)
Use partner workflow tools
The following list gives examples of a few of the many Microsoft Certified Partners who offer workflow-related tools and products.
For a complete list of Microsoft Certified Partners and Microsoft Gold Certified Partners, see Microsoft Certified Partner Program.
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Download this book
This topic is included in the following downloadable book for easier reading and printing:
See the full list of available books at Downloadable books for Office SharePoint Server 2007.