
What's New in This Edition (Outlook 2010 Auxiliary Reference)

This topic describes what is new in the current edition of the Microsoft Outlook 2010 Auxiliary Reference.


Most MAPI-related content that existed in the Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Auxiliary Reference is now incorporated in the Outlook 2010 MAPI Reference. The Outlook 2010 MAPI Reference is now the centralized location for Outlook MAPI documentation.

Outlook Configuration

Outlook now provides a way for developers of message service providers to specify new message service domains to be configured by corresponding providers during Outlook automatic configuration. New domains must be registered in the Windows registry by using the following key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\AutoConfigDomains\<domain name>\

In the key, <domain name> is the domain for automatic configuration. For more information, see About Registering a New Domain for Automatic Configuration.

Account Management API

Outlook allows users to specify settings to help protect an account from spam. Programmatically, you can use the PROP_ACCT_PREFERENCES_UID property to obtain the unique ID (UID) for the section in the profile that stores the user’s preferences for this account, including the anti-spam settings. For more details, see About Anti-Spam Settings.

The following table lists the additions to the Account Management API.

Feature area


Related topics

Account manager initialization

Can prevent an account from synchronizing with an associated store.


Account management

Displays either the Account Settings or Add New Account dialog box.


Account preferences

Retrieves the user ID for the profile section that stores the account preferences.


Account email address

Specifies the email address for the account.


Address Book entry ID

Gets the Address Book entry ID for the account.


Outlook Exported API

The following table lists the additions to the Outlook Exported API.

Feature area


Related topics

Contact pictures

Use the dispidShowSenderPhoto dispatch ID to invoke the corresponding method on an explorer or inspector to specify whether to display a contact’s picture.

How to: Specify Whether to Display a Contact's Picture in Outlook (Outlook 2010 Auxiliary Reference)

Outlook items

Use the dispidFDirty dispatch ID to invoke the corresponding property on an Outlook item to see whether the item has been modified and has not been saved.

How to: Determine Whether an Outlook Item Has Been Modified but Not Saved (Outlook 2010 Auxiliary Reference)

Mail items

Performs post-send categorization on a mail item based on its PidTagConversationId property.


Time zone support

TZDEFINITION no longer supports time zones identified by GUID.


Enhancements to Existing APIs

Miscellaneous syntax issues have been fixed in existing APIs.