

Displays either the Account Settings or Add New Account dialog box.

Quick Info

See IOlkAccountManager.

HRESULT IOlkAccountManager::DisplayAccountList ( 
    HWND hwnd,
    DWORD dwFlags,
    LPCWSTR wszTitle,
    DWORD cCategories,
    const CLSID * rgclsidCategories,
    const CLSID * pclsidType


  • hwnd
    [in] The handle to the window to which the displayed dialog box is modal. May be zero.
  • dwFlags
    [in] Flags to modify the behavior of the display.

    • ACCTUI_NO_WARNING—Do not display the warning that changes will not take effect until Outlook is restarted. Applies only if the application is running in-process with Outlook.exe.

    • ACCTUI_SHOW_DATA_TAB—Show the Account Settings dialog box with the Data tab selected. Valid only if ACCTUI_SHOW_ACCTWIZARD is not set.

    • ACCTUI_SHOW_ACCTWIZARD—Display the Add New Account dialog box.

  • wszTitle
    [in] This parameter is not used and should be NULL.
  • cCategories
    [in] This parameter is not used and must be NULL.
  • rgclsidCategories
    [in] This parameter is not used and must be NULL.
  • pclsidType
    [in] This parameter is not used and must be NULL.

Return Values

HRESULT Description


The call was successful.


The dialog box could not be created.


The account manager has not been initialized for use.


The Add New Account dialog box returned an error.


The cCategories, rgclsidCategories, or pclsidType parameter is non-NULL.


The Account Settings dialog box returned an error.


The cCategories, rgclsidCategories, and pclsidType parameters are not used at this time and must be NULL. wszTitle is not used and should also be NULL.