
Welcome to the Project 2010 Developer Reference

The Microsoft Project 2010 Developer Reference contains Help for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) that includes conceptual overviews, sample code, and references to help you develop solutions based on Project 2010. Many of the topics from VBA Help in Office Project 2007 are revised. Project 2010 adds seven new classes, 244 new members, and 17 new enumerations with 240 constants.

Publication date of this reference: August 2010 (version 2010)


F1 Help When you highlight a class or member in the Visual Basic Object Browser or a code window and press F1, Help displays the class or member topic. To find a topic, you can also use the Search field or the Table of Contents in the Project Help window. Enumerations and constants are not accessible with F1 Help.

The Project Developer Reference (VBA Help) is accessible from the following locations:

  • From the product (offline access). To view the developer reference within your Project installation, do the following:

    1. Click the Help icon in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) of the Project application.

    2. In the Connection Status drop-down menu (lower-right corner of the Project Help window), click Show content only from this computer. The Connection Status bar then shows Offline.

    3. In the Search drop-down menu (below the toolbar in the upper left), click Developer Reference in the Content from this computer section.

  • From the Office.com web site. This reference will be published to the Office.com web site for online access to updated topics from within the Project application. Publication to Office.com will be with the product release. To see updated content, set Connection Status to Show content from Office.com.

  • In the MSDN Library. The Project 2010 Developer Reference will include the VBA Help topics for online use.

  • From the Microsoft Download Center. Updates to this reference are periodically published to the Microsoft Download Center, to install for local VBA Help in Project 2010. To download the latest version, see the Project 2010 SDK Download in the Microsoft Download Center.

The Project 2010 developer reference contains the following sections:

  • What's New for Developers Includes the New Objects, Collections, and Enumerations topic. For a list of all new members and constants in the Project VBA object model, arranged by functional area, see Tables of VBA Object Model Changes in the Project 2010 SDK. The article includes the following tables:

    • Comparison of types

    • Scheduling

    • Grouping, sorting, filtering

    • Styles

    • Views

    • Editing

    • Comparing projects

    • Data I/O

    • Miscellaneous settings

    • Enumerations

  • Object Model Maps The Project Object Model topic links to four pages of object model diagrams.

  • Project Object Model Reference Provides a page for each object, collection, property, method, event, and enumeration in the Project object model.

Running Macros and VBA Code in the Ribbon

Microsoft Project Professional 2010 and Project Standard 2010 can run macros or VBA code from custom groups in the Fluent user interface (the ribbon). You can also add commands to run COM add-ins to the ribbon, if you have signed the macros or made security settings to allow running macros. In the Backstage view, click the Options command to open the Project Options dialog box. To set security options for macros and add-ins, click Trust Center in the left pane of the Project Options dialog box, and then click Trust Center Settings.

To manually add macros to the ribbon, click Customize Ribbon in the left pane of the Project Options dialog box, and then do the following:

  1. In the right Customize the Ribbon list, create a custom group on the tab that you want. Click the new group to select it.

  2. In the Choose commands from drop-down list on the left, click Macros.

  3. Add the macro you want to the custom ribbon group. Commands can be added only to custom groups.

To programmatically add items to the ribbon, see the SetCustomUI method. For an example that runs a macro, see How to: Use VBA to Add a Custom Command to the Ribbon in the Project 2010 SDK.

See Also


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