
Configuring a Network to Exclusively Use a Specified Path to the Internet

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You can configure a network to exclusively use a specified path to the Internet metanetwork. When this path is established, any application making a request to connect to the Internet metanetwork will use this path by default. The default connection path to the Internet can be overriden using the ConnMgrMapConRef API.

The configuration procedure uses a null proxy to establish the exclusive connection path. This proxy server appears in the user interface (UI), and users can configure the proxy using the UI once it has been established. A complete configuration example appears in Adding a Null Proxy Connection Example.

To create a dedicated network and PPP connection that connect to the Internet by default

  1. Using the CM_Networks Configuration Service Provider, create a new network. In the Adding a Null Proxy Connection Example, this new network is named ISP: MSN.
  2. Using the CM_ProxyEntries Configuration Service Provider,, delete the default null proxy with the proxy name "HTTP-{ADB0B001-10B5-3F39-27C6-9742E785FCD4}".
  3. Using the CM_PPPEntries Configuration Service Provider, create a new PPP connection. In the Adding a Null Proxy Connection Example, this new connection is named InternetPPP.
  4. Using the CM_ProxyEntries Configuration Service Provider,, create a new null proxy from the network configured in step 1 to the PPP connection configured in step 3. In the Adding a Null Proxy Connection Example, this new connection is named NullProxy1.

See Also

Connection Manager Configuration | Adding a Null Proxy Connection Example | ConnMgrMapConRef

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