Connection Manager Configuration
Connection Manager simplifies connectivity by abstracting all of the connection information from applications. The primary purpose of the Connection Manager is to centralize and automate the establishment and management of various kinds of network connections. Thus, an application only requires information about which network to access rather than all of the connection settings.
With Connection Manager, an application is configured to specify a connection name and network name. The Connection Manager performs all of the tasks associated with establishing the connection.
You can configure Connection Manager for a Windows Mobile-based device using XML. You can also configure Connection Manager using OMA DM-based connectivity objects.
The following list provides best practices for configuring Connection Manager:
- Plan your network topology carefully at the early stage.
- When configuring Connection Manager do not override autodetect in Internet Explorer Mobile.
- Merge networks whenever possible.
- Place any user configurable settings (such as GPRS settings) in a cold boot provisioning file or use OMA DM to provision these settings. See Provisioning Using a ROM Configuration XML File for details.
In This Section
- Connection Manager Configuration Service Providers
Provides information about the configuration service providers that can be used by Connection Manager. - Configuring a Windows Mobile-based Device Using XML
Describes how third-party applications can use XML to create and manage connection settings and perform connectivity tasks. - Configuring a Windows Mobile-based Device Using OMA DM-based Connectivity Objects
Describes how third-party applications can use OMA DM-based connectivity objects to create and manage connection settings and perform connectivity tasks. - Configuring a Network to Exclusively Use a Specified Path to the Internet
Describes the procedure of provisioning a device to use a specified network access point (such as a specific PPP or GPRS connection) whenever a request is made to use "The Internet" metanetwork by an application.
Related Sections
- Connection Manager
Manages network connections for devices that use CellCore services. - Managing Devices
Describes device configuration.
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